The girl next door

Parker sighed as he opened the door and placed the two large bags of groceries on the kitchen side.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door he slouched as he trundled towards the door.

As he opened the door he smiled as he saw the short blonde that had always lived next door she had moved away to university temporality last year. He smiled as he admired her gorgeous features, Her hair had been loosely tied to one side and it bounced as she rolled her heels smiling up at him as he opened the door. She lept at him giving him a hug, She wore a tank top and some incredibly short shorts and she pressed her breasts up against him. He could feel himself becoming aroused, She into the room and he couldn't help but admire the short shorts in front of him.

She Definitely had an amazing ass. Sure enough, his mind started to wander thinking about what sort of panties she had on underneath the short denim. She looked over her shoulder. "Come on Parker, I'm hungry," she said as she kept walking at the same pace deliberately bouncing. Watching that beautiful ass he completely missed the stack of books on the ground and tripped. As He lurched forward, He hit into her, he angled his body, So that he just brushed her shoulder as I regained my balance.

Parker turned to her, " Aimme I'm so sorry." he apologized profusely.

"Don't worry about it," she said as she giggled,

This girl is the real deal. He could tell by the way she smiled that she knew I tripped because I was watching her ass jiggle and bounce. What he couldn't tell was whether she was flattered or not.

She bounced over to the side peering into the big brown bag on the side.

"No groceries?" she asked puzzled.

Parker shrugged,

"All I bought was a steak and some cocktails."

She smiled and said " how about this, I'll bring over some pastries and you make some cocktails. "

Parker nodded, He loved aimme's cooking growing up she was only a couple of years younger than him, but boy could she cook.

She hurried off out the door, As parker got out the blender, crushed some ice and made them a shaker full of martinis.

Aimme came hurriedly rushing into the room with a tray full of pastries and with full force knocked straight into parker pushing him to the floor. Parker felt his head hit the floor and aimme's weight on him,

"Fuck." he said opening his eyes slowly, Aimme's top had slid down just enough for him to see her gorgeous breasts, Her nipples played peek a boo at the top of her shirt barely hidden but the fabric laid beautifully over the hard nipples. He felt his member growing under her and she moaned grinding into him. It was the sexist noise he'd ever heard.

She raised her hand to stop another moan coming out as her hips moved on their own accord. They locked eyes and were both very aware of the sexual tension that was building between them.

Parker lifted his hand to her feeling her soft skin, " Don't hide it, Let me listen." He could feel himself go rock solid at this gorgeous woman and her sexy little noises. He lifted himself up so He was sitting upright on the wooden floor with aimme on his lap. He saw the look in her eye. Hungry. Wanting and eager, He was sure it was the same one that he had. He slid a hand behind her back and one up to her chin pulling her into him.

He bent over and gently kissed her on the lips, Testing the waters but immediately she started to kiss back and our tongues started exploring one another intertwining as she let out small little moans of pleasure. Parker kissed down her exposed neck being careful not to leave marks on her delicately pale skin, He then nibbled at her ear lobes, Before slowly working his way down to her breasts sliding the top down and freeing her magnificent breasts, firm and round, just a little bit of a drop, were adorned with fascinating pink nipples that were now standing begging for his attention.

He hovered his mouth over her left nipple teasing her with his hot breath before taking the whole nipple into his mouth teasing and tugging gently at it. Her breath quickened and she began grinding her hips against him unable to be satisfied.

"Parker, please don't stop there," She said breathily. God, he loved it when she begged.

With one hand on her right nipple parker massaged toying with the nipple. Before gently guiding her onto the cold floor so she would lay flat. He shimmed off her top, Leaving her in shorts. He lowered his head and kissed her stomach and continued his way down lower, with his other hand He unbuttoned her shorts and shimmied them down only to discover that she was wearing silk panties.

Gently parker rubbed his fingernail back and forth outside her panties I used the silk to accelerate the build-up of feeling inside her. He could smell the sweet smell of arousal and could feel the heat and the dampness that was building.

He pulled her panties to the side and slowly, Gently inserted his finger in just far enough to get it wet and ran his finger up the length of her bringing lubrication up to her clit.

Parker groaned she loved how wet she was and that breathing in short gasps.

He knew that she was right at the edge and abruptly he stopped.

Causing her to whine.

"Not yet" he whispered with a wicked smile before he sunk his head between her legs. Her hand-pulled into his hair as he as flicked his tongue across her clit repeating the path that was working so well with his finger and she started to shake. He knew she was about to cum. So he sucked her clitoris into his mouth gently nibbling and eating her. She begged and moaned as she pinned him in place with her legs.

"Oh my god, oh my god". All of a sudden she was moaning, shaking, babbling about nothing and as she climaxed.

He peered over at her, God he loved his sexy girl next door.