Me and My Snake Waifu

After everything was said and done Ms. Smith left us soon after leaving me alone with Miia.

It was a bit awkward at first, I mean what am I to say? This is Miia! I'm actually seeing her in the flesh and she is just as beautiful as she was in the anime.

Now some people might be turned off by the lower half of her body being a snakes, but I found it rather beautiful to look at for me at least.

"Here, let me take your stuff and put it in the guest room, you can use that room in the mean time." I say as I take her things as I go to the guest room, though I kind of realize that the guest room is kind of small for her size since her tail is very long after all.

"Hmm, looks like I'll have to remodel the place to make it easier for her to live here." I say to myself as I grab her things and also a blanket before going back to her.

When I got back I could see she was looking a bit cold, so I put her things down and placed a large blanket on her tail to help warm her up as I turn down the AC to let the place heat up and not be so cold.

When she saw me do that, she began to blush a bit before she shyly turned away, "T-Thank you…."

(Relationship menu unlocked)

(Miia- 54pts)

0-10pts Strangers

11- 25pts Acquaintances

26-50pts Interested in

51-75pts Likes you

76-100pts Loves You

100+pts SoulMate

The system gave a explanation of what points meant for the women in the relationship menu.

(New Quest)

1st Soulmate- Make Miia have over 100pts of affection towards you.

Rewards- 1000xp/sp , Birth Control Skill

I only pause momentarily as I see all those notifications before I just smiled as I looked at her which made her blush more.


I would have done this even if the system didn't give me a quest anyway, she is one of the many Waifu's that I'm interested in after all.

I then pulled out that paper that Ms. Smith gave me and decided to contact her, and after a short conversation she was gonna have my bathroom and guest room be remodeled to fit larger creatures more easily, actually she was gonna do that even if I didn't ask, I also asked if the government would reimburse me for all my expenses that I'll have for taking care of Miia and Smith was surprised since she completely forgot to mention that.

"…. Your not being terribly reliable Ms. Smith." I said as I shaked my head at the thought of it all.

"Sorry, my job is pretty…. Hectic, so somethings fall between the cracks Cross-Kun, but don't worry the Japanese Government and your employer will cover the costs of looking after her." She says in a rather jokingly tone.

While talking I looked at her status to me.

(Ms. Smith- 12pts)

We're barely considered acquaintances, then again we just met today, but I think Miia likes me because I'm being considerate of her and her needs.

"Well Ms. Smith says she will have guys come over tomorrow and work on the house to make it fit better to your size, but you can sleep in my bedroom tonight since it's big enough for you compared to the guest room." I explain to her but I notice she has a light blush on her cheeks.

"T-Together?" She stutters as her blush deepens before she looks down at the table as she hides her face from me.


*System turn off notifications related to increase in affection, it's getting distracting* I don't need to be reminded of her increasing affection towards me constantly.


"Well…. I know snakes like to be around warm things in there sleep, I mean if you want that is…. But I could just sleep on the-"

"No it's fine! I-I mean *ehem* I don't want to be rude to my host and take away your room and all that…." She says as the blush creeps up her face.

I smile a little at that which just makes her blush even more, but then she looks at me with a rather sad look, "You don't find me ugly? I'm half snake after all…. All my previous caretakers were always afraid of me just because my tail…. They thought I would eat them or something…." She says explaining a bit of her past with a sad look.

"Pfft, please, you may not know but I'm a professional Surgeon, I have to deal with looking at peoples insides, although the doctor in me wants me to look at your body in depth to know your biology I won't do so since that would invade your privacy, plus I find it one of your beautiful traits, plus I always loved snakes growing up." Okay that last part maybe a lie, but when it's a Sexy Lamia it's a different story.

"Y-Y-You find my tail…. Beautiful?!" She said rather surprised since everyone she has met found it scary or disgusting to look at, it may have been over 10 years since Monster Girls/ Demihumans were brought to light to the world, but the more animalistic you are the more inherently scary you are to most humans, but I'm not most humans now am I?

"Yes it is, I wouldn't mind being wrapped in it as I slept, but where are my manners I should go prepare some tea and snacks for you since you just came today." Luckily now that this has happened I only need to go to the hospital for emergencies so I'm still getting paid my monthly salary even if I'm not working there.

Suddenly I see a heart appear behind her that has an arrow going through it, soon after her eyes become much gentler and have a more…. Enamored look while she stared at me.

(1st Soul Mate Quest complete! Distributing rewards)

(1000xp/Sp, Birth Control Skill)

(You've leveled up! You are now level 5, at every 5th level you may increase 1 trait to the next teir)

*Well that was easy, then again for Lamias it's not hard for them to fall in love after all, and to find there own soulmate, system boost Endurance, I'll need it if I'm gonna deal with multiple monster girls that can accidentally crush me with there strength.* I think to myself.

END- Average-> Above Average

Though while I was deep in thought Mika's heart was beating a mile a second as she looked at me.

'Mama I think I found the one to call my own….* she thinks to herself as she covers her face with a heavy blush, but her tail has other plans as it slithered out and slowly wrapped around me.

"? MiiaAHH!" I suddenly get interrupted as her tail tightens around my legs and makes me fall over.

"Ahh! Are you okay?!" She shouts as she comes over and checks to see if I'm alright as she leans over me, but doing so she makes both of our faces close to each other.

When I open my eyes while rubbing my head, I see her face is only an inch away from mine, and I'm mesmerized as I look into those beautiful red snake eyes of hers.

"Beautiful…." Is all I say at the sight of her face, but that made her face just as red as her hair and scales as steam came off her head.

But I gently move my arm and place my hand on her face, this makes her flinch as she looks at me with very misty eyes as she does the same with me as we hold each other's faces as we look at each other.



"I think I've fallen for you…. What should I do?"

"!!! I-I-I" Miia.exe is beginning to crash from this sudden confession of mine as her heart is beating faster and faster, but seeing him so close to her just made her lips pucker a bit as she got closer to him.

I just smiled before I pulled her in close and kissed her on the lips, not some deep French kiss, but one that was filled with love as I have always loved her character in Monster Musume, all of the girls and even some of those that the protagonist wasn't living with in the story, those from MON specifically.

We just held ourselves close together as we shared a long but loving kiss with each other before we pulled away, and with a big happy smile Miia laid her head on my chest as her tail wrapped around us both holding us together.

"I think…. I feel the same way…. Darling." She says embarrassingly as she snuggles her head up against my chest with a smile on her face.

I just smile back before I plant a kiss on her forehead as we enjoyed each other's embrace, I'm definitely gonna enjoy my time in this world.