Side Quest, Going to Kyoto & Future Plans

After that duel between Cerea's Mother and herself her mother completely approved of our relationship, and that she was waiting for her grandkids to be born which just made her even more embarrassed as a result.

But with that was the end of meeting with the mothers, well at least for now that is since soon enough will be seeing Maria and the rest of the Lamia tribe once more.



A few days later at the Highschool, I was currently at the pool as I was currently using my breathing to keep myself on top of the water.

Nagasumi was also doing his breathing technique himself and he seems to get the handle of it as he is also producing sparks across his body as well.

"Good Nagasumi, you have truly begun to grasp Hamon for yourself, and I can tell you have become much, much stronger since you began your training." I nodded at him as I walked across the water back to him as he sat cross legged on the ground.

He then opened his eyes and stood up while looking at me, he was much taller as if he had gotten a growth spurt and more well defined muscles but not overly so, "Thank you Teacher for all you have taught me." He said with genuine thanks as he bowed his head at me.

I just nodded, "You haven't mastered Hamon yet, but with more training you will master it, so all I can say is keep up your training and you will be strong enough to protect the girl you love." I say as I pat his shoulder.

"But I have nothing left to teach you, all you need to focus on your training and you will be a Hamon master in no time." I say as the side mission itself has told me it's now completed and it was time for me to be done working here as well, in the few months being here they had finally found a better person to work here and also that I was about to set out for a new world soon enough.

He then bowed his head toward me and said his thanks once more, I just patted his shoulder before leaving and heading to the Principal to officially quit working here.

(Side Quest: Make a Man out of You! Completed!)

(Rewards: All forms of Haki unlocked to the Host!)

"Good, now then, I think we should all go on a nice vacation." I say with a grin after putting in my resignation to the principal and on my way home.



"We finally made it, welcome girls to Kyoto!" I said excitedly when we finally all had arrived in the Kyoto area, specifically around the mountains of Kyoto where the hot spring hotels are at that are also meant for demihumans to live at.

Although Miia, Mero and Ember were shivering, "It's only Early Autumn! Why is there snow!" Miia shouted out but we soon got our answer as a woman walked out with ice surrounding her.

"Hello, I am Yukio a Yuki-onna, and the proprietor of this Onsen Hotel." She said greeting herself before pulling back her frost powers so it's not freezing anymore.

"I hope you all enjoy your stay at my Hotel, and enjoy your time in Kyoto as a whole." She said before taking her leave after handing us the keys to our rooms.

(A/N no Yukio and him aren't getting together)

With a grin everyone went inside and decided to relax and enjoy our time together in the onsen.

Though the next day I decided to go off and have a hike in the mountains while the rest of the girls stayed back in the inn since they really enjoyed the hot spring, Cerea wanted to come along, but she needed to relax as well so I convinced her to stay behind, and I can protect myself if need be.

I then headed out after asking Yukio to look after the girls, which she said she would, and with that I rented a mountain bike as I headed towards the mountains around Kyoto and the famous Mt. Ooe.

It's a very beautiful sight with plenty of trees, and it felt I was once with nature again, when I was younger I loved to explore and see nature as a whole, it's also one of the reasons I want to go to One Piece next since it's a world full of adventure, but if I go to Rosario+Vampire I feel I can get even more stronger before heading off to One Piece.

"Though do I need to be a pirate? I mean I don't need to, but then again I fucking hate the World Government and the Marines as a whole so I might as well, though I would only attack Marines and that's it." I think to myself out loud as I begin to bike up the mountainside.

"And who would I get to be with me? And more importantly, what should I change?" Because there's no way I'm keep the story the same since I would lose out on two of the best women that I love without even meeting them yet, Nami and Nico Robin.

"Definitely making it so Big Ma is still young again, and maybe fix her mind, well after she meets with me or something like that, plus Amande, Smoothie, Cinnamon, Pudding, Custard, Broye, Melise, Gallete, Poire, Myukuru, the Meg sisters and maybe Mozart and Marnier, plus Big Ma that would be 16-18 from her entire family." I keep thinking aloud as I head up the mountain, though I do come across a flower field with cherry blossom trees which makes me stop.

"How pretty." I say looking at it before locking up the bike against a tree before going into to ponder some more.

"Wait…. What if I did what that one fanfic does and turned most of the people in One Piece into women? No, no, I feel like I would be stepping on someone's toes if I did that, plus I like that FanFic so I shouldn't do that even if I read it myself." I say while walking through the flower fields.

As I'm thinking aloud I see there's those sacred trees that you see around in Japan, two of them standing side by side with each other.

"Hmmm…. Those trees look like those sealing trees from Inuyasha or something like that." Well these were covered in seals and everything, but I wasn't perturbed at the sights, although the flowers surrounding the trees were red spider lilies, which in Japan, represent death, but they didn't scare me as I sat nearby the trees and relaxed.

I actually brought some sake with me to just chill out and relax, I haven't had any time to myself in awhile so having this time by myself is nice.

"Though thinking about Big Ma's family and that fanfic, I wonder what Kanakuri (Fem Katakuri) would look like?" I say as I think those thoughts.


I take a deep breath and grab my head, "Dammit, why does that look hot?" But I push that aside as I start to drink my sake.

(A/N That may or may not happen in one piece as having her as a lover would in all honesty be a strong asset for him)

I start to think about things and the like and keep drinking at this tree, luckily it was early day when I got here, though it was well past afternoon now and I was very drunk from drinking several bottles of rather strong sake making me wobbly.

And I got up and tried to catch myself I put my hand out on one of the sealed trees, but somehow a part of the tree, something thorny cut into my left hand, which shocked me since I have such a high defense that shouldn't happen as blood covered the tree and while shocked I dropped my sake nearby the root of the other one and maybe getting blood in the alcohol from the spilled sake which sank into the roots.

Though after pulling myself together as the winds began to howl around me, and something felt off, wrong even to me.

"What the hell?" I say as I begin to sober up with the use of my Hamon to clear up my system as things were acting up until suddenly-


The trees began to crack and break and then-

"Fuhuhuhu, my my sister, what a tasty treat we have here, not only did he offer up his rather delicious divine blood, but also some tasty drink as well." A woman in a rather revealing outfit with short black hair and Oni horns on her head.


"Yes sister, his blood is quite delectable." A blonde haired girl with red marks all over her body with sharpe clawed hands and feet with what looked like a third eye on her forehead, she was wearing a loose yellow kimono.


"Ibaraki and Shuten-Douji?" I asked surprised at the sight of them both.

"My my? Someone in this day and age still recognizes who we are at a first glance? That just makes all the more-" she says before kicking her lips and giving me a once over before giving me a devilish grin.
