The Family Grows 1/2

A few days had past since then and a few things have happened in the mean time.

Opala, Zhara, Brigid and the rest of her daughters had moved out of there tower after releasing Hakon back to the Plains to find his family while I had to deal my ever increasing one as Opala and Zhara began living in my room that was getting cramped with these two rather large women along with all my goblin wives who were getting irritated that my attention was being taken from them as they took up most of the still rather massive bed.

But luckily the construction golems had finished my underground palace where it was furnished completely, with plenty of room to spare for all of them as Aria would be sleeping along with us from now on.

Initially I thought I would have issues between my goblin, harpy and Kitsune wife/wives but after getting to know one another they quickly became girlfriend level friends as they got along well, having things they share in common, excluding me, got these girls on good terms rather quickly after all.

Though by now Tamani was absolutely pregnant with how huge her belly was as I had to have nice and gentle Sex with her as I held her belly and rubbed it feeling my various daughters kick about inside her.

"Mmmmm I can feel it babe, I'm gonna give birth today, and when I do after there all out I want you to fill me up again so I can give you even more girls, I want them to watch as mommy and daddy make more babies as I feed them." Tamani said as she grinded her pussy deep on my cock as it pressed up against her extremely tightened cervix, not giving me a chance to push through or she would be giving birth while we fucked slowly.

Though while she was absolutely ready to give birth, her sisters looked like tomorrow would be when there ready to pop along with the goblin chieftains and soon enough all the other goblins will be giving birth after that, luckily they haven't complained about me giving them lack of attention since they follow the hierarchy of our goblin kingdom, there just happy that I'll fuck them again to get them and our daughters pregnant as well and every subsequent generation afterward.

I grin, "I'd love that, I think it's about time they got out of there then." I say as I pull out of her with a pop to her dismay, but soon enough she began to feel her daughters kicking more wanting to be let out so she begins to go into labor.

Now fun fact for a normal goblin that's not a brood mother goblin they give birth to 10 babies at a time, you wanna know how many Tamani gave birth too as I helped her with giving birth, since childbirth isn't as hard on goblins like other species is.

If you guessed just 10 then your dead wrong, by the time she was done we had a small swarm of 21 baby goblin girls that were all hungry for mommy's milk, luckily her sisters and the other chieftains were with us during that time so there were enough breasts to feed them without having to ask Opala and her daughters to help feed my now ever growing family.

The first two that she gave birth too were the ones that got there mothers breasts and would be the eldest sisters of the crowd of my baby girls with one with a small tuft of red hair and the other with black hair, my two Eldest Princesses Tiki and Lala.

Then the rest in order of birth after those two are, Freckle, Olga, Izzy, Kara, Amelia, Paulina, Sakura, Kait, Skanty, Mable, Boudicca, Valorie, Jackie, Hilda, Nelly, Violet, Wendy, Lynn, Bridget.

(A/N I'll be posting there pictures in a Auxiliary chapter, Tiki and Lala are two that actually wear crowns when there older who take pride in being my daughters and lovers a bit more than the rest of there younger siblings, if you guys can't see specific ones tell me on that Auxiliary chapter)

"Hahaha, Well Tamani looks like you have what it takes to be a true brood mother with such a stud of a husband here." Her mother, Gilda laughs as she breast feeds Freckle and Olga.

"Haaaa, I'm so tired from that…." She says with a sigh but she does enjoy being in my lap as I rub her sore belly, if fuck her like she asked but that really took the energy out of her so I just held her close while I looked down on my baby girls.

Baby Goblins are actually able to stand and walk a bit from birth thanks to there corruption and like they have told me it only takes a week for them to become adults, though as the next generation of daughters move along it might take longer as the corruption gets purified out of there bodies making them less sex crazed like the girls here but will still be mine nonetheless even if they have no corruption in them as it's gonna be ingrained into there very beings to be mine alone.

Though I did notice something as her ass and hips had gotten a bit larger along with her breasts, but even being tired, she grinned while grinding her hips on me, "Mmmm baby, even if I just gave birth my pussy feels so empty now, care to fill me up, even if there babies now they can learn how we goblins make more." She said with a smirk while she kept feeding our daughters.

Hearing the thought of doing such an immoral act of fucking right in front of our daughters really turned me on as I put my pants away again as my erect cock slapped against her wet pussy before I gifted her up and hilting her like she wanted.

"Ahh yes! Right where it belongs, now let's show these girls how they were made." She says as I lift her up and down my length while our little girls are looking up to there mommy and daddy make love with each other.

I then turned her head and took my lips in mine as she bounced up and down while feeding our two eldest daughters with the head going in and out of her womb.

Soon they got there full and were let go as they sat in front of us as they watched us have sex as they saw my huge member going in and out of there mommy, even at a such a young age because of there corruption they knew all about it but they were still to young to both enjoy it themselves or get wet, but in two days they would be roughly teenagers so if they want they can start to have fun with their daddy but now all they can do is watch.

"Watch girls, watch as a real stud of a man like your father gives you even more sisters!" She said as she moves her hands down to grip at my heft balls as I clench and begin to bloat her up full of cum as she lets her tongue hand out in sheer ecstasy.

Our little girls look on in amazement as there mommy's belly bloats from the sheer amount that there daddy was pumping out before she looked just as pregnant as before she gave birth being full of cum once more as I rubbed her belly.

"Mmm, I'm gonna be the best Brood mother ever, and so are you cuties." She says before picking up Tiki and Lala as she kissed there foreheads before feeding them again.

I just smile happy about this family that I have come to create, one obviously not allowed in my world or even MonMusu or Rosario+Vampire, but here this is one where it's completely fine.

And soon enough it will be time for some father, daughters and mothers bonding for the next few days or so, more women for me that I will get to enjoy in my embrace but Tamani's daughters will have a more special place in my heart along with her sisters and the cheiftains daughters as well, but hers would be the top of the list for me, and I can't wait to have even more.