A Luna Lost

Luna Kali's POV:

"Hello dear, how was your day" Kavik seductively said as he circled me while pushing my hair to the side and kissing my neck. "Hmmm, it was good. I decided to release the boy to Freya so she can ensure all the accommodations for him are dealt with. He will stay in the house but with the servants" I breathed out. "Very good my Luna, I must admit I was worried you'd want to keep the child close and I'm not ready to offer an emotional connection to just any child. I only want it to be ours" he whispered as he trailed his lips down my collarbone to my shoulder. He spun me around in his arms and placed his hands on my face "You're beautiful Kali, inside and out. The moon goddess has outdone herself by making you mine" he said as I could feel his hot breath on my lips. Before I could say anything, he pulled me to him and kissed me as if I was his only life force. I responded with my own desperation to be near him, the mate bond could be cruel at times. I knew how badly I wanted to leave; I knew that it wasn't me he loved nor him that I loved. It was this bond pushing us together and even though I believe the moon goddess has a reason for all she does, I curse her for making me live a life I never wanted. Kavik lifted me up and instinctively I wrapped my legs around him as he walked us to the bed while he nibbled on my ear. Just as he was about to lay me down, he stilled and perked his ears up. "What's wrong," I asked looking confused because I didn't hear anything. "I can hear some pack members outside talking, they're saying that the King and Queen lost their child at birth. The kingdom is in a state of mourning and the surrounding territories are heading there to show support" Just as I was about to speak someone knocked on the door. Kavik growled, letting them know it wasn't a good time as he started to kiss me again. I pushed him back and giggled as the knock came again. "Alpha Kavik, Luna Kali, I apologize but I have a letter for you sent straight from the Kingdom of the Midnight Shadow Pack that was addressed as highly important. I didn't think you'd want to wait to read it, sorry if I ruined your lustful moment" Beta Atticus snorted as he slid the envelope under the door. "Thank you, Atticus. Are you jealous we didn't' invite you" I half-shouted as Kavik threw me to the bed and growled. I could hear Atticus in the hallway laughing while shouting back as he ran towards the stairs "I'm available right now to rock your world, all you have to do is ask, my beautiful Luna" Kavik clenched his fists and stormed towards the door ready to put an end to his Beta but the beautiful sound of me laughing calmed him enough to not rip the door off the hinges. Instead, he picked up the envelope, turned, and came to sit beside me on the bed. "This must be the news of their loss" he sadly sighed "All of our trying to have a pup, I could never imagine the pain of losing them". Hearing his sound this defeated was heartbreaking. It was my fault, my fault he wouldn't father a pup, my fault he would continue to be harsh and stubborn. It was my fault that at some point when I leave, he will go to war with anyone that gets in his way while trying to find me. It's going to be my fault that this pack will be treated poorly by a broken and angry man. Could I do that? It's all I ever thought about, could I leave knowing that it will destroy him and turn him into something many will fear. I couldn't do that right now but I'll know when the time is right and I won't hesitate. "Kali, did you hear me," Kavik asked with a furrowed brow, snapping me out of my daydream. "I'm sorry, I was just taken back by the news and got lost in my thoughts, what were you saying?" He softly caressed my cheek and said "The letter states that the Kingdom has suffered a significant loss of the next heir, the King and Queen have lost their child, stillborn. All the territory leaders are on their way to show support; thus, we should pack and get things planned to head out as well." As I stood up and walked towards the closet, I nodded to him agreeing, pulled out our suitcases, and started picking through clothes to pack knowing we would leave very soon. Kavik walked towards the door, looked at me, and smiled "I'll go update the others on pack duties for the next couple of days and ensure that we have a pack meeting this afternoon to spread the news". He quickly walked out of the room and I was left in my thoughts again. This trip was brought on by such terrible news but I was overly excited to get out of the packhouse and travel again. Maybe this trip would calm the part of me eager to get away for a while longer.

It was a brisk early morning for the Alpha, Luna, Beta, and some of their soldiers as they loaded up their trucks ready to head to the Kingdom. The sun was just starting to rise and the sky was a mesmerizing rainbow of pinks and yellows. Alpha Kavik was dressed down a bit wearing only some frayed jeans, a white tee, and green plaid flannel. As he looked at his Luna in her tight jeans and black tee, wanting nothing more than to throw her over his shoulder and head right back to their room, he caught her shiver from the cold. He walked to her while taking his flannel off and placed it around her shoulders. She looked up at him graciously and mouthed "thank you" before throwing her bag into the back seat. Freya, while holding Malik in the carrier she found in storage, ran out to the group holding a basket that held their breakfast. "For the road my Luna, it's so early that none of you had a proper meal so please, you mustn't go hungry". Luna Kali thanked Freya and took the basket from her while glancing at the child. He was quiet and snug up against Freya, she did the right thing by putting him in her protection. "I see the laceration has healed some more, it's a shame there's still a nasty scar and his eye was damaged." Luna Kali said as she peered at the child nestled in the carrier. Freya pulled the cloth back some more to better see his face, "I hope one day we can find out what happened to him." Luna Kali nodded her head and turned to put the basket in the truck. The soldiers were just putting the last of the luggage in the truck bed when Beta Atticus came around from the other side and stood next to Luna Kali. "After you, my Luna," he said as he dramatically bowed while holding the truck door open. As he stood there, he realized she hadn't gotten in yet so he raised his head to see her standing in front of him with her arms crossed, shaking her head, and laughing. "Your poor mate is out there with zero idea of how much you clown around," Luna Kali said as she got into the truck. Beta Atticus winked at his Luna and chuckled as he turned to shut the door running right into his Alpha. Atticus looked up to figure out who blocked his way before realizing it was Kavik. "You've been my longest friend Atticus and I know you're a tool, mister I'll take your girl or whatever. I'm well aware it's all a joke and you would never even think about it, but until you find your mate you have no idea the rage I feel at your slutty banter with MY mate." Kavik said with a low growl only he could hear. It took Atticus a moment to compose himself without laughing at how possessive Kavik is with his mate. All he could do was pat Kavik on the shoulder and say "Kavik, brother, you need to let loose some, she laughed. You're so uptight and possessive of her it's nauseating." Kavik brushed his Beta's hand off his shoulder, scoffed and turned to walk around the truck and jump in the back seat. He knew he was possessive but she was his and only his.

The trip to the Kingdom was long and exhausting, Kali dreaded being in a vehicle for so long. She'd much rather be running in the open woods listening to the sounds of nature and breathing in the fresh air. As she thought about what her life could be like again, she drifted off to sleep, laying her head against the window. Kavik sat next to her on his laptop trying to organize his files so his Gamma could understand what needed to be done while he was away. There was a rogue problem that was being carefully watched but it still worried him. The rogues were seen on the far side of the Blue Oasis Pack territory which is on the other side of the human faction so they were plenty far away for now, but for how long. He knew keeping this a secret from everyone but his Beta, Gamma, and pack warriors would probably not end well for him but for now, he felt it necessary to protect his pack. His warrior defense wasn't in the best shape; hence, all training sessions have been harder on the warriors. He would make sure that they were ready when the time came. Kavik turned and looked at Kali resting against the window, a streak of sunlight falling on her face made it look as if she was glowing. As he ran his eyes down her body thinking of what he wanted to do to her he caught movement from the corner of his eye. His head snapped up and out the window just in time to see a large pack storming towards the road. "Atticus" he loudly growled. Atticus looked over and out the window, "shit, where did they come from. How many are there? Fuck, hold on" and he slammed on the gas. Kali suddenly jumped as she woke from the shouting, still groggy she tried to focus her eyes on what was outside. Kavik grabbed Kali tightly "shit, hold on and be ready to fight" he spit as he mind-linked the others in the car behind them. Before Kali could react, the truck was slammed from the side and flipped over, crashing into the ditch. The sound of each rogue jumping on the truck was deafening as they were pulling it apart. Kavik had shot out the door shifting in mid-air letting out ground shaking howl. The car behind them had been thrown as well and the warriors were rushing to get out and fight. Kali had hit her head but slowly started to gain consciousness again, opening her eyes to see her pack surrounded by at least a hundred rogue wolves. She couldn't breathe, her chest hurt and she was terrified of what would happen. As she started to undo her seatbelt one of the larger rogues knelt down and cocked his head at Kali. "It's Luna I presume" he spat at her with a vengeful look.

Kali's POV:

My head was spinning and my whole body hurt. I couldn't believe that Kavik would just leave me like that. I thought he'd at least stop and turn to me, maybe help me out as well. Maybe he thought I was already dead since I lay unconscious. A loud stomp made me gasp and focus on the large rogue that stood in front of me. "It's Luna I presume," he said. He sounded like a slimeball; this was a game to him. I wouldn't allow myself to be weak, I was a Luna so I straightened myself up and looked right into his eyes, "You presumed correct, and who do I have the displeasure of talking to?" The menacing laugh that vibrated from him was enough to hitch my breath while my mind raced at finding a way out of this. "I see you're not the best at warm welcomes," he said as he went to grab my arm and probably tear me limb from limb. "Wait, wait please" I hurriedly said. He stopped and stared at me. "Hold on, please," I said trying to look around him to find the others. "I don't want to be here. I don't want to be his Luna. I want out. Take me, take me away from here, away from him" It came out as more of a pleading whisper but this may just be my chance at change and I was willing to take it even if it meant being a rogue prisoner. "Am I to believe that little miss Luna here wants to be taken by rogues willingly? What's in it for us? Although we are not worried about your meaningless packs, it is sure to start a war. A war that they will not win. We are not just rogues; we are rogue searchers and we've been hired to find something very important. Meaning we don't care what happens in our wake, we only care about finding what we seek." I gazed at him for what felt like hours, contemplating my fate. I could hear the pack struggling to fight off the large group. "Yes," I quickly replied. "Just please don't kill them. Grab me and take me away but please let them live." He nodded and held out his paw to me which I reached for instantly, "Dimitri, Alpha to the western rogues" he calmly said. "Thank you, Alpha Dimitri, I'm Kali. Soon to free from the desolate life the moon goddess cursed me wi- Whoa" Before I could finish, he had pulled me out of the vehicle and held me close to his chest. "Hold on, I'm much faster than what you're used to with your pathetic Alpha" before I could wrap my arms around him, his head leaned down and he licked my neck, he licked over my mark. "Ugh, what are you doing," I said trying to push his head away. "It's the only way to cover your scent, see I'm not just an average Alpha little princess, I'm much more powerful. I can cover your scent and numb your mark and they will never find you" he smiled, almost in a seductive manner and he sprinted off into the field towards the unknown. I held back my tears but I was on the edge of feeling immense guilt for what I've done but being so excited that I was free. I looked around to see more wolves join us so I knew they left right after we did, I hope Kavik can find it in himself to forgive me.

Alpha Kavik' s POV:

When the truck crashed into the ditch all I saw was red. I knew I had to get out of there and stop whoever did this. Without warning, Alaric surfaced as I sprung out the door rolling across the field, we were going to end them all. As I stood up, I was immediately surrounded by far more rogues than I could take on, and I knew it. I glanced at the other car to see that they were all fighting to get out as well, I was relieved that no one was hurt in the accident.

The rogues attacked and the fight began, growling and yelping with each hit. Where were they all coming from, I don't understand this. We've been watching the rogues and they were nowhere near us. Unless... Unless there's more than one pack you idiot. How could I be so blind as to think there was only one rogue pack near us. They must have all been in hiding for years, I haven't heard of any rogue attacks until recently. I kept slashing one rogue after another but was being met by even harder blows from them. All I could think about was my pack and my Luna. Holy shit Kali, where's Kali. "Atticus" I loudly growled, "Where's Kali?" I tried getting around to see the truck but every time I moved, five of them moved with me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Atticus break from the circle and run towards the truck but he stopped and just stared. "Don't stop, fucking get her" I yelled. I was starting to heal much slower and the wounds were becoming debilitating. I began to sense that they were starting to pull back and leave when I saw one of the rogues come up from behind me. I tried to rush to stand and fight but all I felt was pain as I slipped into the darkness.

My mind was clouded and my body sore, I could hear the most annoying beeping next to me. As I shuffled around a bit, trying to grab at what was connected to my hand, someone grabbed it and said, "Don't touch that, it's helping to heal you quicker." As I started to open my eyes and they adjusted to the light, I could see that it was our pack nurse fixing the IV I had in my hand, while Atticus stood on the other side of me. "Alpha," he said softly, "You've been out for a couple days now, try to take it easy and not hurt yourself more. Do you remember anything?" I had so many different images racing through my head trying to remember the details of what happened. I could see the rogue pack; I remember the truck being flipped and fighting more of them than I could handle. "Kali" I shot up and shouted, "Where's Kali, is she ok? WHERE IS SHE?" I was starting to get out of bed when Atticus placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed enough for me to stop and hiss. I must be really banged up if his puny hand can hurt me. I looked at him and growled, "Where is she, get her here now". "Kavik stop, I mean it. You're hurt and you can't do anything about the situation until you're fully recovered." Even though he was a Beta, he still had powerful command, enough to at least make me listen to him. "We've been searching day and night since the attack; we couldn't even catch her scent. It's like she just vanished. It's why I stopped during the fight when I got to the truck. She wasn't there, she wasn't anywhere and none of us saw any of the rogues take her." I couldn't do anything but stare blankly at the wall. I don't think I've ever felt so much crushing pain in my chest before as I do now. I couldn't breathe, I was suffocating, and inside I was falling apart. My Luna, what happened to her. I swear to the moon goddess herself that if anything happened to her, I would burn down everything in my path to get to her. I will destroy everyone until she is home. "Kavik" Atticus shook me out of my trance. "We will find her but for right now, you need to rest. You are no good to us injured, you need to be fully recovered and ready to fight. We can't look for her if we need to take care of you so don't do anything dumb. I spoke with Alpha Blue and he said he would have his warriors keep a lookout for our Luna. They've tracked the group of rogues on their territory and are watching them until they either leave or make a move. The way he spoke, I don't think he's going to be playing nice if the rogues decide to attack, they're ready and willing to spare no lives" I looked at Atticus as I felt the rage inside me boil to the top. My wolf Alaric was pacing at the front of my mind and I was suddenly willing to let him have full control, no matter the consequences. "I'll call Alpha Blue in a bit," I said as my body shook and breathed deeply. "And then, then we will kill every fucking wolf out there until we find her. Gather every single member of this pack to meet in the pavilion in one hour. Everyone who doesn't have a job right now will begin training, I don't care if they are children, they will fight to be in this pack." Atticus looked at me with wide eyes "You've lost your damn mind. CHILDREN. Fight me, banish me, kill me, I don't care, but I will NOT let you involve any child of this pack to fight your battle. I will gather all the men to begin training but I will not let you destroy what we've built here. How would you feel if Kali was out there fighting, you'd spend every second during an attack making sure she was ok and you'd lose because it would weaken you. Now imagine a father watching his young son being torn apart by rogues and there was nothing he could do. If you think for one second that I'll side with you on this, well, then I'll walk. Say the word Kavik and I'll leave. Settle your fucking revenge plans and let us make a strategy that will help us. Anger will rush you into battle, but you will lose in the end." I could feel Alaric scratching to get out, he was just as heated as I was and then Atticus goes and spits his disrespect at me, his Alpha. I watched him stomp to the door and fling it open, the doorknob banging into the wall "I don't regret my words Kavik, Alpha or not, I won't let you lead our entire pack into destruction" and he walked out again slamming the door behind him. Once Alaric calmed down, I was able to think more clearly about what my Beta's words meant. He's been by my side since I can remember, and I trust him. I need to get my shit together and do this right or I could jeopardize my entire pack. I could feel Alaric agreeing with me on this, we knew it was time to be serious and do this together with my warriors. Just then the nurse walked in, looked at me, and bowed her head "Alpha, I'm so glad you have recovered. Are you feeling ok right now? If you need anything just let me know otherwise, I can take out this IV and you can be on your way." I nodded to her and gave her my hand. She slowly removed the tape and then the IV making sure to clean the area before re-bandaging it. "You're all set Alpha, but please remember to take it slow for a while. Don't ruin the progress you've made so far in your recovery. You had a lot of broken bones and internal damage, let's not reopen anything that bleeds." I stood up and nodded my head to thank her and rushed out the door. Alaric was going to take over, I could feel him almost overpowering me and I wasn't going to fight it any longer. I would heed my Beta's words and do this right but I would do it on my own terms, I was letting the beast within lead this battle.