A Year Later- The Transition

The year had come and gone for Malik and so many things had changed. Ash had graduated college and was now a pack doctor. He found his mate Annabelle during a trip to the Blue Oasis Pack. He came home as a surprise with Annabelle and when Freya saw her, she was overjoyed. Ash had turned into such a handsome man. Standing around 6"2 with broad shoulders and a naturally toned body, he had blonde curly hair that bounced just above his ears and piercing blue eyes. He was as smart as he was attractive and it was no wonder that he was blessed with a mate just as beautiful. Annabelle stood just under 6 feet tall with long wavy red hair and the most beautiful freckles lining her cheeks. She had hazel eyes that sparkled in the sun and radiated with softness. She was quiet and humble whereas Ash was loud and obnoxious so it was wonderful to see how she could tame his crazy. Within the month, Ash and Anna found the perfect building to purchase within the territory. It was the old pack storage facility that was no longer used but was perfect for them. They had decided that because Anna was a chef, they would open a small diner geared towards being a fun afterschool hangout for kids while the upstairs would be renovated into their home. Freya was over the moon to have her son back and gaining a wonderful daughter-in-law was a bonus. Especially one who cooked just as she did. Malik was also excited; he didn't show it much but he was hoping that they could regain the relationship they used to have. Malik had started to open up more being around Ash, he enjoyed his company and truly loved all the things Ash would bring him. He took it very hard when Ash left for school thinking it was his fault that he wanted to leave. Now that he was back, Malik just needed to make sure he wouldn't get his soul crushed again. He was grateful that Freya had kept him quite busy over the last year putting him in charge of supply preparations for catering events. She felt that would be a step towards having to be around people and actually converse instead of standing in a corner like he always tried to do. He still struggled with feeling that he wasn't ready to face the stares and whispers yet even though he hasn't had anyone look at him differently. He was struggling with himself and had a lifetime of unanswered questions. Alpha Atticus was still in charge, Kavik still in the dungeon where he belonged with no release in sight. The pack had voted Atticus to take the title of Alpha, and it was set that Kavik would spend the rest of his life locked up. Atticus had tried to help Malik with training properly, and even tried looking into how to find his parents but came up unsuccessful. Life went on as usual; Freya was thrilled that Malik would soon be turning 18 and she was so curious as to what was going to happen. He was broken but he was strong, his wolf would pull him from the darkness and make him stronger. Those around him could already see subtle changes starting to happen. He had grown rather quickly, standing at 6"5 in his now snug clothes. His muscles were defined and could be seen perfectly outlined through his shirt.

His voice was much lower and had more of a commanding sound. Malik spent so much time apologizing to those who stopped and flinched as he spoke. He was no Alpha nor did he have Alpha blood in him so no one should feel compelled to listen to him. It was an odd feeling and he didn't like it. The deep scar on his face seemed to heal more and the middle ring around his green eye was getting darker, almost as if it would change colors completely. His other eye was still foggy but looked to be shifting more white than grey. His hair appeared to shine a brighter black than before as it hung below his ears right at his chiseled jawline. Freya always knew he would be a beautiful man when he grew up. There was only one thing she couldn't place about him, and that was his eye. The ring around the inside changed color, it was said that only happens in royal bloodlines. But if he were royalty then surely someone would have sent word of him being missing at some point in these 18 years. She pushed the thought out of her mind and thought of how silly she sounded.

Ophelia's POV:

For almost 18 years now I've kept an eye on that bastard child I banished. Living as a servant suits him, I just wish his parents could see him. Royalty being beaten by a low-life Alpha, and living in solitude while doing dishes. HA! Serves them right, I just wish I had done worse back then. I should have just rid the world of him in front of that good-for-nothing king and queen. I knew he sent rogues out looking for him. Funny that they just happened to steer in a different direction each time they got near. Except for the one minor fact, that worthless Luna being taken by that Rogue leader. I didn't need her spewing any secrets about the boy and where he was hiding so I paid them a visit one night and while she slept, I erased her mind of him completely. I made sure she kept every other memory though; I wouldn't want the heart-broken Alpha Greene to forget he lost his Luna and go soft on his pack. Oh no, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the suffering that was happening so I couldn't break that mate bond.

I've found solitude in a sister coven laid high in the mountains surrounding the Blue Oasis Pack, the King would never find me no matter who he paid. That fool even tried to pay off another coven to conjure a location spell, and when that didn't work, he tried using his power of authority, as if us witches would ever bow to a dog. They should have turned him into the cockroach he is and kicked him off a cliff. How could I have ever loved such a pathetic excuse for a king, makes me sick.

I must admit though, over the years I've felt my strength diminishing, my powers were fading and we couldn't understand why. I wasn't near old enough to be losing my magic, in fact, I should be getting stronger during this time. My sisters had sparked an ancient ritual to call upon our master, to seek answers to why I was weakening. All I got out of that was in my haste of revenge, I veered off track and made a dark mistake. His words plagued me every night forward. I've not made mistakes since I was much younger. My power is well controlled and I'm very comfortable with my spells. I've done so many out of spite towards those I despise that I wouldn't even know where he thought I went wrong. All I knew is that over the last week or so, I've seen a significant lack of the energy needed to summon my magic. I could feel it, almost as if being pulled from me, drained from me and I couldn't stop it. The darkness around me grew and my sisters pleaded that I do not take this path of destruction. The vengeance I now held for whoever is causing this was controlling my every move, and I wouldn't stop until I found my answers. I just had to wait another day, I had to see what would happen to the boy on his day of birth. My spell was made to halt his shifting, to paralyze his wolf, and leave him to suffer as the abomination that he was. One day I will send word to that malevolent Alpha King about all of the sufferings his golden child has endured throughout his life. It will be detailed in writing so he can read it over and over again. Only then will I determine if he should know the boy's whereabouts or not, though, I'll most likely stick with not.

Malik's POV:

As I laid down for the night my mind wouldn't shut down. Tomorrow was the day my mother found me and the day she labeled my birthday since that's when my life started. I get utterly confused thinking about what happened to me especially since I haven't shifted yet. It means that tomorrow really could be my birthday meaning she found me soon after I was born. What happened that my parents would toss me aside like that? Did they really not want me or were they forced to leave me? If it were any other scenario, I'd like to assume that at some point the pack would have heard about a missing child, unless Kavik had something to do with it. No, that's a stupid idea, he hated me. I chose to stay in the same room even though Alpha Atticus gave me the freedom to go where I wanted to. It's crazy to say but I just felt safer here, it's what I've known all my life. Lying on my back, looking at the soft glow of the moon shining through the small window above I prayed. "Moon Goddess if you can hear me, please help me to find clues about what happened to me. It's all I'll ever ask for. Well, except maybe for help to get me through my birthday. Shifting scares me." Fatigue washed over me and I must have drifted to sleep.

Malik. Malik. Malik wake up, can you hear me....

My eyes shot open and I jumped up scanning the room for the voice I just heard. There was no one in the room but I heard that voice loud and clear.

Malik, it's just me. Your wolf....

I stiffened and tried to control my breathing. I knew that once you become one with your wolf that you could connect and talk to each other but I never understood how.

"How are you talking to me already, I haven't even shifted yet. Who are you?" I replied

My name is Ares and for certain people, we can communicate before the change. To help guide you through it, let you know what to expect. It won't be easy and I won't go easy on you. You will adapt as it happens and control yourself or we will have problems....

"What kind of problems? I don't want to do this; how do I not do this." I was getting nervous now but I didn't know why. I've endured significant pain both mental and physical my entire existence. This should be no different, yet it was. I could feel how different it was going to be and that's what scared me.

There are things I cannot tell you right now, things you will need to figure out on the way but what I can tell you is that I'm very strong. Stronger than you may even understand and it will not be easy for us to join together. You are at a disadvantage being where you are and how you've lived but I can tell you're just strong enough to handle what will happen. You need to let it happen. Harness your pain and let me take over. Do not be scared, you must trust me, Malik. I will do what needs to be done as quickly as I can. Do not fight it or me, when the time comes, just let go. I will say goodbye for now but the time is coming soon, I advise you to get into the woods where the moon is brightest...

"What, when? Right now? What will the moon do, I don't understand. Should I go alone, I don't want to be alone. Aghhh what are you doing?" I said through clenched teeth. It felt like my body was on fire and I wanted to peel my skin off. Now I was pacing my room trying to figure out what to do or who to get or where to go. At the moment I needed to think clearly but I was in a panic. I don't remember anyone else saying they felt like this before their shift. They said it was just painful as their body was readjusting for the first time. What is wrong with me. Another wave of shooting pain ripped through my chest and I fell to my knees ripping at my shirt, I felt like I was suffocating.


That was all I heard before that same shooting pain rang through my head. My vision was blurred and I couldn't hear anything but a high-pitched ringing. I thought I was on the floor holding my knees but when I opened my eyes again, I was walking out of the packhouse towards the edge of the forest. I didn't do that, how did I get here, what was happening.


"Anger YOU, me anger you. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME" I yelled as I grabbed my head trying to hold it tight and relieve the pressure that continued to build. I endured walking into the forest, bumping into each tree as I stumbled side to side. My vision was fuzzy but I could make out shapes and shadows. My hearing that had faded was starting to slowly come back but everything was heightened. The sound of the wind through the trees was enough for me to scream. I could hear branches breaking in the distance, gradually getting closer but I didn't care. Without warning, It felt like my back broke in half, the sudden jolt throwing me to the ground. I was thrashing left and right on the ground, trying not to focus on the pain that was jolting through my body. I thought I could hear my name in the wind but nature was just playing a cruel joke on me. I couldn't handle it anymore; this was too much and I wanted it to stop. I begged for it to stop. Laying on the ground with my back arched up I could feel the bones re-aligning all the way down my neck and back into my legs. I clenched my fists and could feel the sharp incision from my nails, I could immediately smell the blood that fell to the ground. I tried to roll over but something had grabbed me holding me down. "Malik, Malik is that you. I'm here, hey it's Ash. Malik, just try to breathe." Is all I heard before a bolt of pain spread throughout my entire body causing me to snap my eyes open and let out a gut-wrenching howl. The pain only slightly subsided for a minute before the same thing happened again, this time more aggressively. "What the hell is going on Malik, this isn't a norm-" was all I heard before I clawed at Ash to let me go. He threw me off of him and backed away against a tree almost immediately. I got on my hands and knees and begged the moon goddess to make it stop. Trying to control myself I started to breathe less erratic and tried to focus on Ash in front of me. I had cut him straight across his chest and from the amount of blood running down his body I'd say it was pretty deep. The thought of what I did to him was enough to snap me out of the pain I felt and take back control of my body. I started to crawl toward Ash even though I could tell he was hesitant, he still kneeled forward and held me until I could finally talk. With the little energy I had, I whispered "I'm so sorry Ash, it wasn't me, I don't know what is happening, I don't know what I should do before I shift. The voice wouldn't stop, he just told me to come to the woods in the moonlight." Ash was quiet for a while but I wasn't upset, I needed time to rest anyways while Ash had his hand on my head as I lay against his knee. "Thank god I was on patrol tonight, Malik, I can't imagine what would have happened if no one was out here. I, I- I'm going to be honest here, I don't know what the fuck just happened, I have never seen a shift like that. If that's what it even was, but, I do know one thing. Your eyes, Malik your eyes were red. Both of them, blood red. The aura around you was so strong I could barely get to you. I don't think this was normal but I don't think you're just a werewolf, there's just no way. Let's go inside and get you cleaned up; you need rest. Don't tell anyone what happened tonight okay? No one, not even mom. Let's figure out what happened first before people start the rumor mill." Ash said as he went to help me get up. I nodded at him understanding that if this got out, it was probable that people would be even more scared of me. Right now, I was scared of myself and I was even more terrified that this was going to happen again.

The door swung open and Freya hurried in ready to shower Malik with his favorite fruit and a birthday song only she found that he was still asleep. His hair was disheveled and full of leaves and twigs. She sat on the edge of his bed and gently rubbed his back while she started to sing "Happy Birthday to you my son". Malik stirred a bit, rolling over to his side so he could look at Freya. Her hand now laid on his shoulder and she gave him a small squeeze "Good morning and happy birthday Malik. I can't believe you're still in bed. Come, let us get you ready for the day. This day after all is very special and I have some great news for you!" Malik rubbed his eyes until he could clearly focus on her, remembering what happened last night in the back of his mind. He kept a calm face and replied "Thank you mother, I just didn't sleep well, maybe the excitement of today kept me up. What's your good news?" As Malik sat up, Freya handed him a small plate of fresh strawberries and her homemade cream. His face lit up; this was his favorite snack. He smiled and started shoving them in his mouth, he was famished. Freya just shook her head and laughed "Child if you choke, you're on your own. Take a breath! Alpha Atticus just sent me the itinerary for the President's daughter's 18th birthday ball and we were asked to cater it!" she exclaimed. Freya loved going to the human faction, it was so different than the land she was used to. It was a vast area but it had everything there. Forests, rivers, mountains, and blooming flower fields as far as the eye could see. It also had small towns at the base of the mountains and in the heart of the territory lay the capital city Solaris. Freya enjoyed walking through the large market in the city, the shops were far more advanced than those in the pack territory. "Malik, this is such an amazing opportunity. The city is so beautiful, there are so many things to see. I've never been to the presidential mansion but the grandeur of it from the outside is amazing. I can only imagine how beautiful it is inside and it's a ball. A real ball Malik, that doesn't happen often around here." He set his empty plate on the desk beside his bed and looked at Freya, "When is this ball, how long do I have to prepare the settings for it? There's going to be a lot aren't there?" Freya smiled and nodded her head quickly as she stood up. She clapped her hands together and said "it's in five days and there were 300 guests invited" as she ran out the door without looking back at his reaction.