Into the Human World

Raven's POV:

I woke suddenly to a loud song blasting from my radio. I wasn't ready to get up yet, shoving my head under my pillow I sighed as I heard my door open. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET BABY GIRL" my mom shouted."Ughh, Mom, it's still early. I shouldn't have to get up on my birthday." I begged her to just let me sleep. "What is it they used to say dear?" My dad asked my mom "Its my party and I'll cry if I want to? Is that what you're trying to say princess?" As both of my parents laughed like they were funny I just sighed and rubbed my eyes. How is this my life, who are these people I thought. "Ha, Ha, Dad, you are just so comical" I said sarcastically as he reached down and kissed my head. "I know I am princess, Happy Birthday! I hope you're ready for an amazing ball just for you" he said excitedly. My mom was already opening up every single curtain in my large bedroom. The floor to ceiling windows let in all of the sun's rays blinding me. Trying to retreat under my blankets my mother said "Nah-uh, no you don't" as she ripped the comforter off my bed, "you can't be late to your own party. Your guests will be arriving in a couple hours and you need to get ready. The catering company is already downstairs setting up and I must say, it looks magnificent. I was skeptical about hiring a pack company but I may have underestimated them. You will love it!" she said like a giddy schoolgirl as her and my father walked out of my room closing the heavy door behind them. I had only been to the Blue Oasis territory when my father had meetings with their Alpha. The territory was beautiful and everyone was very welcoming. I was hesitant to talk to the other kids but father pushed me to the group and just left me. His only daughter, he left me with wolves. I remember standing there frozen not knowing what to say when one of the boys broke the ice "you know" he said, "were also just as afraid of you, as you are of us." All I could do was laugh, "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh out loud but who would ever be afraid of a scrawny little human girl when you can literally turn into a wolf. A full bred, predatory animal. Also, I'm not scared of you. I assume you can hear my heartbeat and it's steady. I'm not scared, maybe I'm kind of jealous. You're so lucky." The other kids stared at me; mouths open like they couldn't believe what I just said. The Alphas son stepped forward smiling at me, "You are somewhat crazy you know that right? You're right, we could rip you apart right now if we wanted to, but I can feel you're no threat to us, actually, I can feel a strength in you. Like if you became one of us, you'd make a strong Luna" he said while his friend laughed at him "Maddox, you're a dog always trying to get the bone. Leave her alone, she won't be your Luna you dirt bag, but since I'll be your Beta, maybe she'll be mine" Reed said as he winked at me. As the group burst out laughing, I stood there feeling content and excited that I made some new friends. I've always been interested in the life of a werewolf and I hoped that making friends would help me learn everything about them. I'm forever grateful for that day because I had become close friends with both Maddox and Reed. Thinking about seeing them at the ball today excited me and was the perfect motivation to get me out of bed. Just as I swung my feet out of bed to put my fuzzy slippers on there was a knock on the door followed by Miss Dupree peaking in. "Is it safe to come in princess" she asked as she stepped in my room anyways. "Let's get you up and ready, you are going to be the most beautiful girl in this entire mansion today." I laughed and turned my head to look at her, "Miss Dupree, am I not already the most beautiful girl here" I said but couldn't contain my giggle. "My apologies dear child, I wasn't aware that bed head and drool-stained chins were in fashion these days" she said with a smirk on her face as she sat beside me. "And why are you calling me Miss Dupree, you know I'd much rather be called by my name." Miss Dupree, or Jane as she wants me to address her, has been my nanny since birth. She's now in her mid-50's but doesn't look a day over 40. She is tall and slender with thick dark brown hair that she often kept in a bun. She's let me brush and braid her hair many times, I wish she would wear it down more often. Jane was always there to help me as my parents were often quite busy. I loved her like she was my grandmother, but we had more of a sister like relationship. My parents were the ones who raised me, Jane was just there to help me along and I will forever be grateful for everything she's taught me.

I quickly wiped my chin and pushed Jane's shoulder as I stood up, "Rude. Maybe this is my beauty routine to keep my skin glowing" I said as I stuck my tongue out and walked to look out the window. She just shook her head and laughed as she headed to my closet. "What color are you going for today dear, I'm thinking emerald-green to offset that beautiful black hair of yours and those vibrant green eyes." I loved how Jane always complimented me but I never felt deserving of it. I'm just a normal girl, well, I wish I were normal. The older I get the more I realize that I don't want this life. I don't want to be in line to rule our faction, I just want to go out and live my life as an adventure, hopefully find someone to share it with at some point. I know telling my parents that I don't want to be their successor will not go over well, nor do I even know if I'm able to even turn it down. I've tried to do everything they've asked of me my whole life; I strive to make them proud so I hope one day they can give me their blessing to move on. If I could rule this faction while traveling and seeing the world then I would, but that's not possible. I let out a long sigh and turned my head towards the closet "Jane, what do you think my parents will say if I tell them I don't wish to succeed my father. I don't wish to rule this faction. I want to travel the world and hopefully enjoy life with someone. I'm not meant to sit behind a desk doing paperwork and sitting in meetings all day. That's just not what I feel my destiny is." I could hear Jane gasp in the closet, she quickly stepped out holding an emerald-green dress and looked at me in shock. "What did you say? You, you don't want to be the Presidential Queen of the human faction once your father steps down? What has you feeling this way dear?" She set the dress on the bed and walked over to me, placing one hand on my shoulder and the other on my chin, lifting my face to hers she smiled "Raven, you know I will do anything for you, if you desire it, I will fight for you. You only have one life and you need not waste it being unhappy. But this is a huge life decision you're talking about and you need to be completely sure it's what you want." I nodded to her and hugged her. I knew that I've been plagued with these thoughts for years now, it's all I've been able to think about so I knew that my decision was made. "Thank you, Jane, for everything. I know this is what I want, the problem now is figuring out if it's something I can even do. No one in our family has ever stepped down like this in hundreds of years. I'm not sure of the laws surrounding the presidential position but I guess I should speak with my parents sooner than later about it." I said muffled as my face was nestled in the crook of her neck. She continued to rub my back until I broke from the embrace and stepped aside. "Now, let's figure out this dress situation, shall we?" I said walking towards the bed. "There's actually another green dress I'd love to wear Jane. It was just brought over yesterday by the boutique so it's in the laundry being steamed. Let's go down there and see if it's ready." Jane rubbed her hands back and forth with a sly smile on her face and exclaimed "Yes! Let's go right now" and she grabbed my hand and we headed out of my room.

Malik's POV:

The ride into the human faction was long, but the scenery was beautiful. The sunrise across the horizon left a pinkish glow to the landscape. Along the way Freya tried to tell me some history of the land and the human faction. I found it interesting that the same family has ruled over this land for hundreds of years and each year, as Freya put it, they grew in every way. "Do you see the river over there" Freya pointed out the window, "they say that river is where this land started, and everything you see growing here was blessed by those waters. That is where our life changed many years ago. Where the current President fought to form treaties that was beneficial to all of us. He put forth the pact we all abide by to help each territory out, whether it be trading for supplies or just selling them. Without the Blue Oasis pack, we wouldn't know what some types of fish were. Without the human faction, we wouldn't have half of the food and clothes we wear today. Without our pack, the other territories wouldn't have the lumber needed to build." Everything here was so different than our territory, we had far more lush greenery and wooded areas throughout and driving along, we haven't passed many trees. I see why our pack supplies the wood. There were plenty of fields in full bloom with tall grass and wildflowers. It was mesmerizing looking at the sea of colors blowing in the wind. I so badly wanted to jump out of this car and lay there for hours, but all I could do now was envision the wind in my hair, the sun on my face and the fragrance the blooms gave off. We started to come upon some smaller houses and buildings and I could see the city in the distance. The closer we got to the capital gates, the more nervous I felt but I didn't know why. I had a feeling that I couldn't describe, it was just there. As I stared out the window at the shops that lined the road, I wondered how crowded it would be during the day. It was still early so there weren't many people out yet. As we turned the corner, I could see the lamp posts lined with gorgeous flowers and bright lights all the way to the front of the capital gate. The car came to a stop and I could see the workers get out of the truck in front of us, walk around to the back and open it up. The look of confusion on my face must have been noticeable, Freya placed her hand on mine and softly said "They are just checking our supplies, for safety reasons. They won't let just anybody and anything past this gate to be in the presence of their leader." I wonder if our pack is like that with visitors too. I never get to see the routines or jobs of our army; I was only let in the training room for sessions.

The slam of the door snapped me back to reality and the cars started moving forward. Outside the gates the town was just starting to wake up but inside the gates there were groups of people everywhere running around trying to set up for the event. The road was long and winding around large sculptures and flower beds with fountains. You could smell the fresh cut grass and hear the chirping of the birds. Even with the chaos around, it was still peaceful. The mansion finally came into full site and sheer size of it was overwhelming. It went on as far as my eyes could see, and it was magnificent, nothing how I pictured it to be. I was sure it would be a large box like house, all white with large white columns that lined the front entrance. This was far more extravagant and looked more of an older style Victorian home with large castle tower looking corners. The different colors on the house, shutters and roof complemented each other. This was a castle; I'm calling it a castle from now on. I've seen mansions in the magazines I'd read at Freya's and this is more of a modern castle. As we drove along the side I could a large area of tall windows showing this was one big room and not the 3 levels the house was. Looking through the windows as we passed, I could see large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and off to the side was a grand staircase that lead to the ballroom floor. I bet everyone who's someone struts down those stairs soaking in the attention from each guest. We finally made our way to the back of the castle because it's a castle and drove into a tunnel that took us underground. I had never seen anything like this before, being underground in a car was crazy. Minutes later we pulled up to a large dock area and everyone started getting out of the vehicles. Inside I was more than excited for this day, I couldn't wait to see what this event had in store. I ran my hands through my hair and down my face to bring my focus back to my work, but as I touched the deep scar, I quickly tried to turn my head and hide that side. Freya had just walked up to me and held my face in her hands, "You are one of the most handsome men I know Malik. Embrace yourself and show the world what you can do. Remember, no one knows your story so no one can truly judge you." She winked at me letting go of my face "Kill them with kindness if you must, never quit being you" she said as she hurried to unload the truck. I shook my head knowing that I needed to trust her words as I walked to the other van and started unloading supplies.

As they all started setting up the food station in the corner of the ballroom, Malik couldn't help but to become distracted by everything he saw. The intricate details and carvings on the walls and doors were stunning. The soft melody from the piano echoed through the ballroom and seemed to calm the environment. Freya walked up to Malik holding some utensils "Can you please be a dear and set these up at the buffet station. That's the last of what we have, if we run out, we'll need to quickly wash some but I think we'll be fine. The place settings look amazing, as always. You have a real knack for extravagant settings. There's so much potential in you it's just pushing to spill out." With a smile on his face, he turned and headed to the buffet station while looking over every detail on each table he passed. He wanted to give everything back to Freya for giving him his life but this was all he could do. Every event he helped with he put in his all and made sure everything was as perfect as it could be, if not more, so she would be proud. As he tidied up the buffet station, he looked at the clock, noting they had about an hour left before guests would arrive. That meant that they had about thirty minutes before they needed to be set and stationed to help. Malik went back towards the kitchen and stopped in his tracks as he walked through the door. His eyes scanned the couple that Freya was speaking with, they must be the President and his wife he thought. Freya heard the sound of the door and looked back at Malik, "My son, come" she said waving her hand gesturing him towards them. She placed a hand on Maliks back and introduced them "President and first-lady Steele, this is my son Malik. He will be here helping today." Malik reached out his hand and President Steele grabbed it with a strong hold and replied "Malik my boy, welcome to our Kingdom. Please call me Talon and this is my better half, Sarafina. We don't care much for titles around here so please, if you need something, don't hesitate to ask us." Talon said stoically. Sarafina reached her hand out to Maliks cheek and brushed her thumb over his scar, slowly moving his head down as he stood much taller than her. Malik wanted to shy away but he could see the pure and genuine look of concern in her eyes, so he stood silently and allowed her to look. "Oh Malik, we've known your mother for some time now and we do feel as if she's family. She's been wonderful to us at every event we've put on, we knew she had two son's whom she adored but she never said anything happened to you." Malik looked over to Freya who continued to stand tall smiling "Forgive me Sarafina but I don't want him to think this should hinder his life. This is nothing but a look, inside he is a man of compassion, heartache, love, loyalty, humanity, and pain. He has had a life you'd not wish on your enemy yet here he stands tall, still open to this world. There is nothing this man will not do in life and I feel he is destined for something much bigger than we know." Freya said confidently. Sarafina gasped and withdrew her hands "No, no. Please, Freya, Malik, forgive me for the blatant lack of respect for something that is not my place to say. I did not mean anything by my words. I maybe thought that had you said something, we might have had the medical means to help. Although I didn't even stop to think of what you had probably endured to get this. I'm sorry my boy and I agree with your mother. You are incredibly handsome and if you're as she says you are, you will go far in your life. Never dull your light. I'm so pleased to have met you and I hope to see you many times again." She said with glassy eyes. Talon at her side just shook his head and laughed as he looked at Malik, "Women, zero filters when they speak." Malik laughed and said "No harm done, none at all. I appreciate the sentiment and willingness to have helped if needed. It's been a long time coming but I've put my past behind me and I won't allow myself to go back there. I'm not that person anymore, I'm stronger and although I do wish I didn't brand this scar, there's nothing I can do about it except embrace it and be myself." Looking at Freya knowing he used her words, he trusted her words and knew he had to push himself past the wall he built, she beamed with pride. A loud bang brought them out of their conversation and they all jumped and looked to where the sound came from. Two pack members were frantically trying to clean up the saucepan that was dropped and spilled everywhere when a guard had opened the door slamming right into them. The staff accepted the apology and shooed the guard away so they could finish cleaning the mess. Talon pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head "Really Tobias, you need to pay attention. Especially walking into a bustling room like this." The guard was younger and somewhat slender, Malik was surprised to see someone less built to be a fighter. "President Sir" he bowed "I wasn't paying attention, I apologize. I was told to rush quickly and find you for our guests have started to arrive. General Lang is awaiting your arrival in the front." Talon turned towards Malik and Freya and bid his farewell hoping to catch up with them later in the evening. Sarafina stayed back for a moment just to ensure that Malik knew she meant no disrespect with her words and insisted after the ball that they all sit down for tea and desert before they leave. Freya nodded and thanked her for her generosity and Sarafina took her leave. "Now son" Freya turned to Malik adjusting his tie, "Let's get out there and make this a great day for everyone". Malik took a deep breath, grabbed a kitchen towel off the counter and headed out the door into the ballroom. He would try to make sure his first big event like this would be perfect.

The music was playing softly as the guests were ushered into the ballroom. Malik was overwhelmed by the expensive fabrics used on each of these beautiful gowns. Everyone here looked so properly posed while conversing with one another. Malik stood behind the buffet station ready to re-fill the food or supplies that were low. He cursed himself inside at how out of place he felt. The anxiety of feeling that everyone was staring at him and whispering about their disgust was flooding his mind. He could feel the sweat start to bead at his brow and his hands slightly shaking behind his back. He could feel the panic starting to rise and he focused hard on jumping over this hurdle. Malik started to calm his thoughts and focused on steady breaths. The noise around him was still muffled but it was beginning to sound more clearly as he slowly came out of the attack. He took a long, deep breath and slowly exhaled as he heard someone close to him speaking in harsh tones. He opened his eyes to see a man standing in front of the buffet table pointing his finger towards Malik "Boy, are you ignoring me. Who are you to ignore me you low life servant. I've been standing here for what seems like hours waiting for a clean fork." He spit. As Malik listened to the hate spewing from the man's mouth, he tried his hardest to subdue his anger before something bad happened. Malik stepped forward and bowed his head as he knelt down to unwrap some new utensils to set out. By now he imagined everyone in the room looking at him being scolded by this bald-headed rat and they would all see his face. Malik contemplated just turning and running out of the room but something stopped him instantly. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, letting the scent overwhelm his senses. He looked down the table questioning to himself and completely ignoring the man before him, "Do we have strawberries here".