Let me Love You

Making their way through the ballroom Raven caught her mother's eye and saw the look of nervous confusion. She smiled gently and nodded as if to reassure her that she was okay. As they headed outside Raven felt lost. Lost at not knowing what this feeling was, lost at her behavior and gravitational pull towards him, but overall, she was fighting with herself wondering if he'd even want her. The storm that was brewing deep within Malik was threatening to break free, to let loose and ravish her. His mate. His mate was far more beautiful than he'd ever thought he deserved, and she asked him to sit with her. She came to him while history always claimed it was the male that sought out and initiated their mates. Did the moon goddess know he had no confidence in himself, that she had to match him with a stronger female. He loved how confident she was but also felt shame in himself that he wasn't able to be a strong partner for her. Raven could sense the internal struggle he was fighting as she looked at him. The green in his eye was darkening, almost threating to change color completely and she gave him a worried look. Malik had stopped and stared at the ground, releasing her hand from his. The emotional wave he was feeling had him on the verge of drowning. Was he scaring her, is she disgusted now that she saw him in the light or was she regretting her decision to defend him in front of everyone at her party. Another wave hit him instantly and all he could think about was holding her and protecting her from everything bad in this world. He would worship and love her until his dying day. Did the mood goddess have a plan for him so she blessed him with such an amazing mate to ease the pain of the life he had lived. This woman in front of him was now the reason he would live his life to the fullest and never take another moment for granted. This woman was now the reason he would shed his past and be the man she deserves, but can he really do it. Malik reached his hand for hers again and straightened his back. Knowing he was still in the presence of royalty, mate or not, he gathered his strength and forced it out so his aura would surround him. People around them that were walking the same path and standing in the garden subtly flinched at the change in atmosphere, much like they did as Raven walked across the ballroom floor. Raven glanced at some of the faces around them wondering why they looked as if they were going to submit to whatever he asked of them. She peered back at Malik with a smirk on her face and questioned "did you do something." Malik then looked around and sighed "I don't know, sometimes I see people stop like that but I'm sure in some way it's just so they can stare at the monster in front of them." Raven tightened her grip on his hand and continued walking through the garden until they came upon a gorgeous Koi Pond surrounded by a sea of multi-colored flowered and shrubs. She walked to a bench that sat under an enormous willow tree and gestured for him to sit by her. The branches that hung from the willow tree swayed in the warm breeze and the sounds of the birds calmed Malik. They both sat quietly at first, a nervousness flowed around them until he spoke first, "Your Highness, I'm so very sorry the troub-"she turned sharply to look at him and placed her hand on his. "I'm sure in the wolf world these roles are completely reversed, at least that's what my friends, who are wolves said, and you would be the aggressor towards me." Raven laughed softly as she traced circles on the top of his hand with her fingers. "I've read a lot about mates and just got a quick mates 101 lesson before I almost fought a grown ass man in these heels. I think I understand the bond that is shared and although it's not as common for a human to share it the same way, I know exactly how I feel and what I want. I'm questioning whether you feel the same way because from what my friends said, I was under the impression you'd be the one to attack me! Are you okay that I came to you?" she asked as she looked at him. She could tell he that he lived a tortured life and has probably shied himself away in the shadows but there he was, sitting next to her. The bright glow of the sun illuminating his face allowing her to see him, to plead with him for a chance at understanding their bond. The pain radiating from Malik was enough to make Raven's heart break. She could see the sporadic rise and fall of his chest and she watched as the bright green in his eye sparkled in the sun. He was perfect in every way no matter what happened to him in the past. Malik carefully tried to hide the left side of his face but Raven wanted to see all of him and hoped he would realize that he will never have to hide from her.

As if Malik knew what Raven was thinking at that moment, he slowly turned to fully face her reaching out and taking her hands in his. She could see the perspiration on his brow and the quiver in his lips as he tried to put his thoughts together coherently. His right eye shimmered like a brilliant emerald gem while the left eye had a greyish hue, as if it represented the fog in a barren valley. The long, thick scar that ran down his entire face looked like it was made by being forcefully torn apart. Raven waited patiently, allowing him the chance to gather his thoughts and not forcing him to respond. "I can feel it too" he sighed, "although I never thought I deserved a mate, here you are. Truth be told I have no idea what I'm doing or saying right now. I don't even fully know who I really am but I'm trying really hard not to say inappropriate things to you. I'm not sure how to put it into words the urge I have to hold you and never let you go but you are royalty. You are a beautiful bright light that has shown into the darkness that is my life. Much like the sun does to the moon and I am not worthy of perfection like you." Malik tried to let go of her hands but Raven held them tightly. Malik clenched his jaw tightly and grit his teeth while forcing himself to speak, "I will fully understand and harbor no ill feelings towards you if you choose to reject me."

Raven's POV:

I sat there silently listening to his melodic voice say such sad words as my chest started to tighten and my lungs squeezed suffocating me. I may not know the full extent of the mate bond or why it brought us together but what I did know is that it happened and I wasn't going to let it go. He could try to push me away every single day and I would still come back. It almost felt as if he were half of me and without him, I wouldn't know how to live. My emotions were all over the place and before I knew it I was flinging myself into his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck letting myself drown in his scent. The smell of the forest after a storm, it was intoxicating. I could feel him immediately tense his entire body but I wasn't going to let go unless he specifically asked me to and he better not even try. I let out a sigh I didn't realize I was holding in and whispered into his neck, "I will never give up on you. If you are the darkness that surrounds the moon, then I as your sun, will make it my promise to illuminate your life every day. Please say you'll give us a chance. We can start this journey and learn together." I continued to run my fingers through his hair pleading with him not to run from me. I could feel the intense hesitation coming from him and I knew that just like me, the feelings that were stirred up were something not in his control as mine weren't in my control either. It felt like minutes passed by before he finally tightened his grip around me, pulling me as close to him as I could get. He was a large man and I felt like a he could crush me like a bug, but his embrace was nothing but warm and protective. How I could feel this safe with basically what I would call a stranger, a very large intimidating stranger, who also happened to be a wolf, was a feeling unknown to me. I grew up with bodyguards whose job it was to protect me yet I still felt as if I was wide open for anyone to get through them and to me. Not now though, I felt this overwhelming sense of safety with him. I tensed up remembering that I still didn't even know his name. "Forgive my manners, it's actually kind of funny, but we never did introduce ourselves" I said laughing into his neck. I don't think he had any plans of letting me go. "My name is Raven. Raven Steele"

Malik's POV:

"My name is Raven. Raven Steele" slid from her lips so seductively I don't even think she knew what she was doing. Between the way her voice called to me, her fingers thumbing through my hair and her soft body on my lap I quickly stirred to re-adjust myself. She held tighter like she knew why I tried to move but didn't want me to. My chest instantly vibrated and I let out a low, possessive growl lowered my face to her hair so I could inhale her alluring scent. Of all the scents my mate could have, of course it would be that of my favorite fruit. The deeper I inhaled, the more that strawberry-vanilla smell relaxed my entire body. I was fighting an internal war between myself giving in to this bond and not being worthy of it. I rested my head against hers and looked to the sky trying to hold back the tears I felt coming to the surface. "Thank you, moon goddess, for the blessing you've entrusted me with. I will live my days out ensuring that my mate is safe, happy, and worshipped like the Queen that she is. I will live my days loving her with my entire being, protecting her from all the evil in this world and helping to make all her dreams come true" I said breathlessly. Raven had pushed back and I let my grip on her loosen enough so she could look at me comfortably. She looked both shocked and excited at my words and something about her smile made me smile, genuinely smile. She clung to me again and laid her head on my shoulder. There were people around us and the noise from the ballroom could be clearly heard where we were, but she encapsulated me in our own world, alone. I rubbed her back and tilted my head to her, "I suppose we should go back. I'm sure your parents are worried about you. I'm surprised my mother hasn't barged out the back door looking for me yet." She nodded her head but didn't let go and really, I didn't care. This right here was one of the best feelings I've ever felt in my entire life, I was happy. "Five more minutes" she spoke. I'd give her five more millennia if she asked for it.

Maddox and Reed stepped outside and headed towards the garden. They knew Raven's scent and could find her anywhere. They headed down the trail towards the pond throwing insults at each other to see who was more sensitive. Malik could sense them coming and went to move Raven off of his lap in fear that it was inappropriate but Maddox spoke first "Please don't worry about us. You don't need to feel like you can't be with your mate if anyone is around. We haven't found ours yet but if this is what we have to look forward to" Maddox looked at Reed and smirked "than I think we need to take a trip and not come back until we've found them!" Raven laughed and rolled her eyes, "Malik, this is Maddox, next in line Alpha to the Blue Oasis Pack to the East of us and this is Reed, his Beta in training." The scoff that came from Reed didn't go unnoticed and Raven giggled. "Maddox, Reed, this is Malik, my mate" she said proudly and Malik beamed inside. He never thought words could feel so good. Malik held his hand out to Maddox first and then to Reed shaking it while saying "It's nice to meet you both." Malik looked down and away but Raven caught his face and turned him to her. "There is nothing you ever need to be ashamed about my moon. No one will judge you here nor belittle you. Especially these two clowns" she said as she nodded towards Maddox and Reed. "HEY" Reed exclaimed pointing at Maddox, "Him maybe, but I'm no clown. Malik, you have nothing to worry about except the amount of times you'll see Maddox cry when you beat him at something. He's becoming more dramatic as he ages." Malik let out a laugh that made Raven swoon. "Malik" Maddox said sharply, "any interest in becoming the Beta of the Blue Oasis Pack? There happens to be an opening and you seem like a great fit." Reed turned to Maddox and wrestled him to the ground. As they established their dominance across the garden, Raven kept her eyes on Malik. "What" he asked. "Nothing, I just wanted to enjoy the fact that you are a literal Greek God and you're mine. Things like this just don't happen to human girls like me" Raven said. Malik let out a short laugh and saw that Maddox and Reed were walking back towards them. "We should probably go deal with our parents now and it's your birthday party. You should be in there" Malik said as he softly kissed her forehead, "Happy Birthday." Malik immediately stiffened his body like he had just realized what he did but Raven was quick to hold his face and lean into his ear "Never worry. One day I'll do more than that to you." She could hear his breath caught in his lungs as she slowly got up from his lap wondering where this side of her came from, and how much more of a tease was she going to be.