In The Dead Of Night, The King Was Reborn

The castle was silent throughout the night as everyone slept peacefully in their beds, while the dungeon held in the screams that fell from the witch's lips. Zion and Niylah had retreated to their chambers for the night while discussing what was to become of Ophelia. Rage spilled from Zion as he talked about his plans for punishment while Niylah stayed calm and collected. She tried to soothe Zion's anger all the while she battled with her own internal rage. Niylah was by default a compassionate and merciful Queen who always tried to show Zion the humane way to deal out punishment but not this time. This time her anger fueled the animalistic violence she's kept suppressed for so long. She never blamed Zion for what that witch did, but a small part of her heart resented the fact that he was with her, he chose her, the person who almost killed her pup. He had willingly chosen to have her by his side at one point and it suffocated her to think about it.

As Zion laid asleep, Niylah quietly crept out of bed, put on her robe and left the room. She nodded to the guard outside their chamber and began to envision how she was going to repay the witch for all she's done. With each step down to the dungeon she became more enraged at the thought of what she missed out on with her son. The fact that he lived a sheltered and tortured life boiled her blood enough that Zena, her wolf itched to surface.

"She took our pup away from us Niylah. She disfigured him and left him for dead shortly after his birth. She ruined his life and ours and she doesn't deserve to live. She deserves a slow and painful death. I want to hear every last whimper out of her disgusting mouth as she fades away. I will destroy everything in our way to making that happen. Don't fight me on this, you will not win." Zena snarled in Niylah's head.

Niylah continued to walk, focused on her mission and responded to Zena, "I am in full agreement with you on this Zena. You know I don't condone your ways sometimes but this situation, this is different. She harmed our pup and will not live another day to think about it. I will cut off each one of her fingers and then each hand. We'll see how well a witches magic works when you're limbless. I want to drown her just until she passes out and then I want to do it over and over and over again until she begs for her death."

"Niylah, we will avenge our child for all the pain she's caused him. I'm proud of you and how you are handling this situation. When she is out of the way, we will ensure that the alpha who tortured Malik is also dealt with. Then we can start a new life with our family again. We can watch our son become the King he's destined to be." Zena said.

"My Queen," one of the guards said bowing his head, "it's late, is everything alright?" Niylah composed herself and nodded to the guard, "yes, I know it may not be customary for the Queen to be in the dungeon, but" she said as she looked directly at the guard, "there are things that I must tend to without the King being notified. Do we have an understanding?" Her gaze didn't falter as the guard looked at her questionably. "My Queen, I will not question your intentions as I believe I understand what they are, but may I help you in anyway? I've pledged my life and loyalty to this Kingdom, and I couldn't bear to see you get your hands dirty while I'm here." Niylah softly laughed and placed her hand on the guard's arm, "I'm forever grateful for what you stand for and your service here and I have no doubt that you would fight for me no questions asked. I also understand your worry of what this may do to my conscience, to have blood on my hands, but trust me. Trust that I'm aware of the ramifications of my actions, but this is something I must do and in the coming days, you will understand fully why. All I need from you is the key to the cell the witch is in." Niylah knew the guard was more worried with the weight she would carry knowing that she took the life of someone, but this was not just someone. This was a pathetic waste of air who threatened and hurt her family and she wouldn't stand for it. The guard moved aside bowing his head allowing the Queen to pass by as he held the key out to her. She grabbed the key and started moving forward and he quietly said, "I'm right here if you need anything at all my Queen, do not hesitate to ask." Niylah smiled and continued on her way down the long, dark and cold corridor to the cell Ophelia hung in. Stepping up to the bars she could see the witch hanging against the back wall, arms restrained by the chains hanging from the ceiling. The sight of her pathetic and weak body strung up there fueled a fire within her. Ophelia slowly raised her head, squinting her eyes into the darkness to see who was there. With a dry and raspy voice she said, "hello, who's there? I need water." Niylah began to sinisterly laugh as she placed her hands around the bars, her hatred spilled out as her aura surrounded the witch. Ophelia gasped and began to try and break free from the chains as she could feel the powerful rage begin to consume her. "You disgust me," Niylah spit, "such a powerful sorceress you claim to be yet here you are, scared as mouse. You should be though because I have 18 years of loneliness to make up for. Alas, it's not me you should be worried about, it's my wolf. You see, my way of suppressing my anger for you and being able to live my life meant pushing Zena aside. She is not as merciful as I and I fear you've pushed her too far. You've harmed her pup and she want's nothing more than to filet you slowly. She will have her chance though once I'm finished with you" The more Niylah stared at the witch, the more her body burned, and Zena howled to be let loose.

Malik's POV:

"I will killllll youuuuuu" was all I heard as I woke up in a panic glistening with sweat. Turning to my side I could see Raven curled up next to me sound asleep. I heard those words clearly, but who said them. I slowly scanned the room not seeing anything out of place when it came again, "you will suffer the same death you planned for my son." Now I could tell that the voice was in my head, I could feel the pull to follow it and find out what's going on. I could feel my body tense up while waves of anger, hatred and sadness washed over me again and again. The power I felt was intense and I needed to find it.

Quietly stepping out of bed I hurried to get dressed and slipped out of the room, leaving Raven to her dreams. My body seemed to become more fixated on the radiating aura and without even realizing, I was headed downstairs into what I could only assume were the dungeons. I knew I was getting closer the more my body burned with malicious thoughts and violent intentions. I could feel that something bad was going to happen and at the same time I had an overwhelming urge to protect whoever was calling to me. I continued to hear the voice in my head spit threats but couldn't put a face to the voice.

I made my way down the long and cold stairway but couldn't proceed any further as there was a guard blocking the corridor. Standing tall he said sternly, "state your name and business here, are you lost?" I looked around trying to get a glimpse of anything that I could say led me here, but the corridor was dark and quiet. A shrill scream pierced the walls causing me to jump. The scream had distracted the guard enough for me to run past him towards the screams. I could hear him behind me, but I didn't look back nor did I stop. Not until I began to see a light ahead that cast a silhouette on the wall of a woman. The closer I got the more my body vibrated with power, I could feel it coursing through my veins. I stopped in front of the woman as she turned to me and gasped, "Malik, what are you doing down here? How did you get here? You shouldn't be here my son; you need rest and I'm sure Raven will be worried sick about you if she awakes alone." I was frozen, unable to comprehend why I ended up here, in the dungeon with my mother in front of the cell that held the witch. I tried to calm my racing heart but the aura my mother spilled was so powerful it hitched my breath, or maybe it was the piercing tip of the guard's sword in my back. He threw me against the wall, sword still at my back and looked at the Queen, "my Queen, are you hurt? I'm sorry, I don't know how he got passed me, but he won't be so lucky this time." I could feel the blade digging deeper into my skin, Ares was stirring as the pain began to shoot up my spine.

"Stand down at once," the Queen said to the guard, "NOW." The guard quickly released me as I knelt on the ground catching my breath. "I'm sorry my Queen, my only focus was to protect you," he said as he hung his head. "I know and I'm not mad because you do not know who this is. I mentioned you'd know why I was here when everything came out so I might as well tell you now. This is my son, Malik, the heir to the throne and your future King. The guard immediately dropped to his knees and bowed his head, "I apologize my King, I didn't know. Please understand I only meant to protect my Queen." I stood up, stretching my back as Niylah rushed to me, spinning me around so she could assess the wound. "Mother, I'm okay. No harm done" I said as I held out my hand to help the guard up. "What is your name?" I asked. "Reed my King, my name is Reed," he said as he continued to bow his head. "Well Reed, thank you for ensuring that the Queen was protected. I apologize for not telling you who I was and just running past you, but I can't explain it, I just needed to be here" I said with confusion in my voice. Turing to Niylah I saw that she was standing still, staring at me with a genuine smile. I relieved the guard and looked over at Niylah with a furrowed brow. "My son," she whispered, "you called me mother. I've longed to hear that from you. I've missed 18 years of everything you've done, and my heart just melted at that one word." She began to cry and all I could do was pull her close and hug her tightly. I could feel her chest vibrate as she sobbed and ignited feelings I've never felt. I was furious that the woman who birthed me spent 18 years living in hell without knowing where her child was. I was furious that the cause of all her pain hung in the cell in front of us, she lived her life laughing at the pain she inflicted on us. I was furious that she was breaking down and I couldn't do anything to help her.

"Malik," Niylah said as she jumped back, "your body is on fire, are you ok my son? What is happening?" Every fiber of my being at this moment came together as one, I could feel the jolt of power within me. I stood against the wall; my body hummed with such force that I could feel myself shaking. I snapped my eyes shut as I focused on honing this energy and pulling myself back together. I could hear muffled sounds from Niylah, she was yelling for the guard, yelling for me and then in a flash she was at the cell door, slamming the key in and throwing the door open. My hearing slowly became clearer, and I could make out the threats she was throwing at Ophelia. As my eyesight came into focus, I could see my mother in Ophelia's face yelling and hitting her and she hung. Ophelia tilted her head and sneered at my mother while she spit out the blood that pooled in her mouth. "You've always been too weak to lead this Kingdom. You're a homewrecker, you didn't deserve to have Zion's pup. You were and always will be a nobody." Without hesitation, as if someone else controlled my body, I let out a low, deafening and gut-wrenching growl. As I stalked toward both of them, I could see the look of complete shock on my mother's face as she bowed her head, Ophelia hung her head in submission as she should. Stopping right in front of Ophelia, I could feel her ragged breaths on face. I growled again, my hands squeezed tightly into fists, I let out every bit of anger I held within until the ceiling began to crumble.

Wide eyed and unable to breath, Ophelia mumbled, "no, how did you break the curse? It's impossible." Ophelia began to sob loudly, apologizing for the wrong she's done, and she begged for her life. Malik sneered the corner of his lip up and scoffed, "l like it when you're scared witch," I said sniffing the air. "I can smell your fear and yet I have zero sympathy for your life." Niylah stood up behind Malik causing him to turn to her and she threw her hand over her mouth, "Malik, are you ok? Your eyes, they, they're red. Both of them and the one is no longer foggy. I can see them clearly. You did it, you must have beat the curse, Malik. My son, you're back." Niylah jumped at Malik and hugged him tightly, "you must have awakened your true powers. You and your wolf are now one, you are the King." Malik returned the embrace and sighed into her hair, "I can feel the surge of energy flow through me. I feel different, I feel strong and," Malik said as he let go of his mother and turned to the witch, "I will NOT let this Kingdom's Queen stoop to the level you reside at witch. You are mine to destroy and I will bear the weight of this kill as my transition into power. You will NEVER harm another; your reign ends now." Malik grabbed Ophelia by the throat as his claws elongated into her skin. As she gasped for air, crying in pain, begging for mercy, Malik slowly tightened his grip until he heard the sound of her neck breaking. He continued to hold her in the air, her body limp, until he slammed her to the ground ripping the chains right from the ceiling. Malik stood tall in the middle of the cell calming his breaths when he could feel Raven pushing her way into the cell. People had come to the dungeon after the growl that shook the castle. "Move please, excuse me, MOVE," Raven yelled as she pushed people left and right. Smashing her way into the cell she stopped and looked at the body laying on the ground, "Malik, are you ok?" she cried as she ran to him. He turned around and everyone gasped, falling to their knees. Raven stood frozen as her eyes roamed the entirety of Malik's body. His body had completely changed, he was taller, broader shoulders, more defined muscles. His hair was a bit longer and his jawline more defined but once she locked onto his clear, blazing red eyes, she squealed jumping into his arms. "My love, you've done it, you beat the curse, and you are so sexy." she giggled as she held him tightly. "Not going to lie my moon, but for a moment I was like woa. You are quite intimidating big boy but I'm here for it," she said as she pulled back, "you hear that Ares?" she whispered as she leaned closer to his face. Her lips close enough to his that he could feel her breathing, "you are a God and I want to worship you until you fall apart moaning my name." Malik's desire for Raven hardened his body and he smashed his lips against hers not caring that they weren't alone.

Moments later the Queen cleared her throat, catching the attention of both Raven and Malik. He let Raven down and looked at her seductively, "were not done little bird, remember that." Raven nodded her head playfully, "yes sir," she said eliciting a possessive growl from him. Just as the Queen was about to speak Zion came rushing through the crowd. Stopping in front of Malik he beamed with pride, "I don't care what even happened here because it was clearly a test from the moon goddess to prove whether you were ready or not." Moving to his side, Zion patted Malik on the shoulder and whispered to him, "I'm so proud of you son. We prayed for a miracle, and we got one. Everyone, my boy is home, the King is back where he belongs."