
I planned to create a institutionalized sociological non linear story telling where each character's choices and development are influenced by the societal structures and institutions around them, and do not revolve around the Main character. The story should be connected to to both past and present in a non linear way, where psychology, sociology, economics, politics, geo politics, religion, globalism and darker aspects of humanity all come into play. The story's synopsis alone took around more than 30 pages. And that's just the synopsis , in which each phase have to be expanded. 

Not only that I had to create an unique background of each character, I had to create a unique background and personality for each character, as the world is not black and white and in the shades of grey, so the characters should also reflect that. This task prove more challenging that I can imagine.

Because of all these , it's taking an unprecedented amount of time. The purpose of writing the story was to extend my vocabulary and translate my bookish knowledge on human's behaviour , emotions and psychology into practice, so that I can without err use them in real life to get my way. But due to an upcoming important exam, I am unable to dedicate any time to it. Most probably I will start working on the story from Feb, hoping I am free by that time.