Gianna Luna

I USED TO BELIEVE MY FAMILY WAS PERFECT WHEN I WAS A CHILD. My father is attractive, dependable, and our breadwinner. And then there's my mother, the lovely and wonderful stay-at-home mom.

Things were going smoothly. We are happy. My loved ones adore me.

Mom and Dad had me at the age of twenty. My parents were too young, and their lives were just beginning, but my father was a man of his word. So, when my mother announced that she was pregnant with me, Dad did not flee but instead assumed responsibility for my mother and me.

He was a wonderful, devoted father. Dad and mom's family helped them raise me, so it wasn't difficult for them. I admit that I was showered for almost everything growing up. My parents come from wealthy families. Nonetheless, my parents instilled in me the importance of not being spoiled.

I consider myself one of the fortunate children because my parents were exceptional. They were flawless, in my opinion.

Back then, I was a joyful kid. We always travel to new places, both domestic and foreign. Especially after my father became a pilot. My mother also completed her culinary degree, but she chose to be a full-time housewife because she wanted to oversee my father and me.

I was ecstatic. I couldn't have wished for anything better.

I have lovely classmates back at school. I used to be quite popular in elementary school. Nobody ever bullied me, and everyone adored me. My life was turned upside down when my mother died in middle school.


"GET OUT OF THE WAY, mad girl," someone said, jolting me out of my reverie.

She shoved me with her shoulder before I could react and move out of her way. She pushed me on purpose. I would have fallen backward on the floor if it hadn't been for someone supporting my back.

"Watch where you're going, Scarlett; you don't own the hallway," Aria cautioned.

She is the one who catches me, and Scarlett is the one who slams me. I took a deep breath and came to a halt in front of Aria. I don't want her to get into any trouble because of me.

"The mad girl was in my way, and now you're telling me to watch where I was going? Are you blind?!" Scarlett yelled at us, as scandalous as she is.

"Watch your tongue, bitch; I'll rip it off," Paisley, her minion, said as she approached Aria and gave her a warning look.

"Try me," Aria, who isn't afraid of these bullies, says to the more petite girl.

Paisley is a feisty fighter, even though her opponents are taller. Paisley has a reputation for being extremely volatile. That is, she is the one who is always doing the grunt work for the group.

"B-Bon, stop. Let's just go. We're going to be late." I drew Aria's attention, but she was still staring at Paisley.

Scarlett was smirking, and my stepsister, who was standing next to her, was just staring at us. As is customary. Every time her so-called friends bully me, she'll just be the audience. But I can't say I blame her. I can see where she's coming from.

We're attracting some attention from the students, and it'll be bad for us if a teacher notices us. It's the first day of junior year, and I don't want to make a wrong first impression.

"Pais, Miss Amelia is coming this way; let's go," one of the bully's friends, Claire, pulled the more petite girl. Paisley was still refusing to budge, as was Aria. I believe that there will be a commotion with just a slight push on both of them.

What should I do?

"Let's go, Pais. They're not worth it. Let's adjust because we're the good girls," Scarlett said as she marched in the opposite direction.

Paisley signed her two fingers pointing from her eyes to Aria before leaving. She's telling Aria that she's keeping an eye on her.

Aria simply smirked and gave a despicable expression. We're out of trouble now, thanks to them backing down. The other students watching us earlier pretended and returned to what they were doing before the alleged "fight."

When they passed by Miss Amelia, the bullies greeted her as an angel. The pretentious angels. I almost rolled my eyes, but I held back, especially when Isabella returned my gaze. I can see her trying to suppress her feelings about what happened, but I know deep down that she is deeply concerned about what Scarlett did to me. Scarlett's hit was brutal, and it hurts my shoulder a little, but it's nothing compared to what she's done to me in the past.

I had been her sworn enemy since middle school.

"Are you alright?" Aria inquired.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, checking on her. "How about you?"

She replied, "I'm fine." Miss Amelia came in just as she was about to say something.

The teacher inquired, "Is everything all right here?"

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, a smile on my face.

"Are you certain, Gianna?" she inquired again.

"Definitely okay, ma'am. You have nothing to worry about, right, Aria?" I nodded to my best friend. Miss Amelia turned to face Aria.

"That's right, ma'am. It's the first day of school, so we just greeted each other; we're all close friends who missed each other over the break, right?"

Argh. Aria.

"Y-yes," was an awkward response from the students in the hallway.

"All right," the teacher said, even though she appeared unconvinced. "Please prepare for the first period, which will begin soon. It will be in room 3B. See you all there," Miss Amelia said as she walked away.

With the pressure, I nearly passed out. But no, that would be humiliating. It's the first day, and if I pass out, Scarlett and the other students will have even more reasons to bully me. As a result, I must refuse to give them what they desire.


WE ARE JUNIORS NOW, and it seems like we were on summer vacation only yesterday. I had a great time doing things last summer. I was able to catch up with Aria. But we mostly hung out at her house because I was guarding Isabella's reputation. Her sister graduated, and I even went to their family dinner. That's how close we've gotten.

Back to Isabella, no one at school is aware of our actual relationship, and I understand why she chose to conceal it. It was challenging to be bullied, and I adore my stepsister. I want her to live a normal life.

Since Mom Elizabeth and Isabella came into our lives, I've seen how my father has returned to life and is genuinely happy. So when he said he wanted to remarry his first love, I immediately supported him.

It was time for us to move on as well. So I didn't stop Dad from pursuing the happiness he deserves. Life has been blissful since then.

It didn't bother me that Isabella hid our real relationship from everyone at school. Aside from knowing the valid reason for it, I don't want her to have difficulty being the prey of the bullies.

Isabella is now becoming quite successful and well-known in school. Last year, she was promoted to cheer captain, and this year, they were trying to persuade her to run for President of the Student Council (SC). I'm thrilled for her.

Aria was one of my best friends in elementary school, and she was sent to South Korea to study and live with her grandparents before middle school started. But she did return last year, which was a blessing.

I began to be bullied after Aria left. It was immediately following my mother's death.

Returning to the present, we arrived at the room mentioned by Miss Amelia before the first period started. Other students were conversing and inquiring about their summer vacations. Aria was fiddling with her phone. The Bewitcher bullies were just bragging about their Instagram posts and vacations.

Me? I had my gaze fixed on the outside of the window. I'm not looking at anyone in particular. I listened to Sza's song I Hate U while reminiscing about what I did last summer with my AirPods. Because the first-period teacher has not yet arrived, there is still time to procrastinate.

Apart from that, I'm trying to catch up with Aria. My family traveled extensively outside of the country. That's one of the advantages of being the child of a pilot and a flight attendant.

Apart from that, we went to see my grandparents in Canada before the summer ended. We traveled to General Santos City to visit Mom Elizabeth's parents. It was Isabella's second encounter with her grandparents. I first met them at the wedding of Dad and Mom Elizabeth. We got along fine because the oldies were as lovely as Mom Elizabeth.

We had a great time island hopping and visiting the famous Glan Saranggani. Outside of the country, the beaches were fantastic, but I can also say that the beaches in Glan Saranggani were amazing. Then I became acquainted with Isabella's relatives and cousins. It was a lot of fun.

I was zoning out then I felt Aria's soft nudge on my arms. Then I noticed Miss Amelia speaking in front of the class, and everyone was already paying attention to her. I removed my AirPods from my ear and turned them off smoothly. I slid it into the side pocket of my uniform.

"New classmate..." Miss Amelia said after I turned off my AirPods. We appear to have gained a new classmate. A lovely blond girl approached the teacher and introduced herself. Just like Aria, the transferee appears to be a Korean, but when she spoke, her accent was... Wow!

"Hello, everyone. My name is Madison Ellie Kim, and I hope we get along. Please take care of me," she said in an Australian accent. I'm not sure, but it sounded like an Australian accent.

Nice. Sexy. What exactly did I just say?

"Don't worry, Madison; I'll take care of you," Justin, a Playboy classmate, interrupted. That's typical of him.

Madison just smiled as my classmates teased them. I must say, she's a lovely young lady.

"You're drooling," Aria said quietly.

"What? No," I said flatly. I was just admiring a lovely lady.

"Yeah, right," she teased but quickly stopped.

Madison was asked to sit near the front of our row by the teacher. Then I'm not sure if I saw it correctly because Madison gave a quick smirk in the direction of the bully's seat. My gaze was drawn to Isabella, who is now looking down and appears to be in distress.

Isabella and I have only known each other for three years, but we live together, and I know everything there is to know about her. She acts cool and mighty in front of everyone at school but he's just easy to read.

But why does she seem not at ease with Madison? Is it possible that they've met before?

Madison resumed her friendly smiling face after that quick smirk. Oh no, she appears to be a bother. Another duplicitous individual.

I know I shouldn't make snap judgments, but I've seen her kind before, and I'm hoping my assumptions are incorrect.

The first class went as smoothly as it always does. Miss Amelia was fantastic as usual. This year, she is our Science teacher. Miss Amelia is an excellent teacher, and I totally agree that she is an excellent and intelligent teacher. You could say that I excel academically, catch up quickly, and unexpectedly learn a lot from the teacher.

I was so focused on the lecture that I forgot about my surroundings. I enjoy both studying and learning. I may not be good at extracurricular activities, but you can count on me when it comes to academics.

Math was the next subject after the class. We sat in the same chair because we were in the same room. I was scribbling in my notebook when I noticed someone staring at me. When I looked in their direction, I noticed Isabella staring at me. I resisted the urge to smile and wave at her, especially since she wasn't looking at me. She was staring at the person who was conversing with Aria in front of me.

Isabella was staring at Madison intently. It's more like… glaring. I noticed her fists balling as well. What's the matter with her?

Isabella's behavior diverted my attention for a while, but before the next class began, my stepsister resumed her two-faced persona. Back to Isabella who is calm, high, and mighty.

I know she's weird already, but she was cutely strange to me. How about right now? It was far from cute. Isabella was a frightening version of herself, which I rarely see.

I'll check with her later at home about why she's acting this way. Something fishy is definitely afoot.