The Salon

"WHERE IS MADISON?" I inquire discreetly. We were in our first-period class of the day, and her seat was still vacant.

"She might be late," she said quietly.

"All right," I replied.

The teacher was calling names, but Madison was still not present. She was marked absent because she did not arrive until the end of the first period.

Aria replied, "I'll call her."

I was just staring at her, waiting for Madison to pick up the phone. Madison isn't a slacker, so we're concerned. She may be a little rambunctious and upbeat, but she has never missed a single class since she transferred. This is the first time she has done anything like this.

Fortunately, our science teacher is running late, so we still have time to reach Madison.

"Where are you?" Aria inquired. Madison took the phone call. That's good to know. At least we know she's alive. I was relieved. "Emergency? Are you okay? Hmm... Hmm... We'll visit you after school then. Huh? Why not?" Aria asked, her brow furrowed. I was curious about what Madison was answering, so I leaned in close to Aria's phone. Because my classmates were getting louder, I could only hear Madison's mumble words.

"No, we'll be there later. Send me your address right away, and don't even think about sending me the wrong one, because I can find your place even if you don't give me an address." Aria is frightening. She was, after all, telling the truth. Because of her connections, she can do it at all. Remember that her father is the mayor. I'm glad she still bought my act, and I really hope she doesn't dig deeper into my accurate information this time. "All right, see you later," she said as she hung up the phone.

"What did she say?" I inquired.

"She said she was sick, but didn't sound sick; she sounded like she was acting," she replied.

Aria's hunch is often correct. She is, as I previously stated, terrifying. I should be more cautious. Isabella will be upset if someone at school finds out we are related.

It's not that I don't trust Aria. I promised Belle not to tell anyone. I'm simply keeping my end of the bargain. Am I now a bad best friend?

Isabella did, in fact, cast a glance our way earlier. It was only for a moment, but I noticed her one eyebrow arched as I leaned in to hear Madison's voice. Scarlett was staring as well. What the hell is her issue again?

Thank goodness Paisley was busy flirting with one of my boy classmates, and Claire entertained our classmates with her fortune-telling. I've heard she's been into that sort of thing lately.

My thoughts were again interrupted when the science teacher arrived, and as a top student, I listened to her and tried to learn from her. To be honest, I was ahead of schedule in reading and studying my books. I'm a bit of a nerd slash bookworm. I adore reading. I enjoy learning new things.

The day had ended, and I was packing my belongings when I noticed my seatmate was still motionless.

"Con, prepare your belongings; we're going to Madison's house, right?" I asked, tapping her shoulder. At the front of the room, she was staring at nothing in particular.

I went over to see what she was looking at, but there was no one or anything special in there.


"My head is aching. The class was too much. Information overload," she finally said, but she looked tired as soon as she dropped her head. "I think I'll need some pain relievers later; my head is throbbing."

She was clearly exaggerating. I know I said Aria wasn't that bad in school, but she's not great either. Her term for this is that her brain's 500 MB storage space is full.

"Please get me some chocolate milk," she added. "I need to recharge, Gianna," she says.

This is what she's always done to me. What a scammer.

"Nah, you just want free chocolate milk again; do you really think I'm that gullible?" I said as I began to walk out of the room.

Other students were still left behind; perhaps they needed to attend club meetings.

"Wait a minute!" she exclaimed.

I was approaching the door of the room. I saw the charming bullies still sitting in their seats, and it seemed like they were talking about something serious. I am not sure what they were talking about, but I am not interested. Their seats are actually near the door. So I will pass on them before freely getting out of the room. They really like to own things, even if it's school property.

I made sure to not make eye contact with any of them and silently passed them. But sadly, there will not be a day that they will let me leave in peace.

Scarlett's other foot extended to the door. And since I was walking too fast because I thought they were busy talking, she was actually waiting for me so that she could trip me.

She almost succeeded, but luckily, I was not clumsy enough, and I immediately held on to the door frame.

I heard Aria call my name. I breathed out. I was so proud of myself that I did not stumble. I mentally congratulate myself.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked when she was near me. She was holding my arms now.

"I'm fine. Let's go." I take Aria's hand in mine before she kicks that bully in the shins for what he's done to me.

"As usual, clumsy," Paisley said. I didn't bother looking at them. I'm doing everything I can to keep my feelings under control.


"Let's go, Con." I pulled Aria because I had a feeling she wasn't in the mood today and, like a ticking bomb, would explode with the slightest provocation from the bullies. Luckily, the bullies did not come after us.

On our way to Madison's house, we were already in Aria's car, but she was still ranting about what had happened earlier.

"That dreadful mother eff bee! What's the deal with them? Why are they being so obnoxious?" She's enraged.

"Hey, take it easy. That was all right. Nothing happened." I consoled her.

"Are we going to wait until something bad happens to you, Gia? Are we going to let them do this until we graduate from Justice High?"

"Ma'am, is someone hurting you at school?" Carter, her driver and personal bodyguard, inquired. Since Aria returned to Justice, he has served as her personal bodyguard and driver. He was one of "The Lee's" most devoted and trusted bodyguards.

"There are some girls who are making fun of Gianna. Should I let them do that to her, Carter?" Aria inquired.

"No way, ma'am. Do you want me to teach them a lesson? I'll make certain that no one knows." According to Carter.

"Are you certain you can do it discreetly?"

"Yes, ma'am. Just give me your permission."

They appear to be taking it seriously. Hearing Aria and Carter say those words sends chills up my spine. Not a good chill, more of a cringe.

"Heyyy... W-what... Stop. Bon-bon. Revenge is never a viable option. Allow karma to do it for us." That's what I told them.

Aria and Carter exchanged glances before bursting out laughing. I was left with a question mark on my face. Did I say something funny that they were laughing at what I said?

"Gianna, you're such a wuss. Don't worry, we were only joking. Carter was riding along," Aria stated after she had finished laughing. I looked at Carter and noticed that the driver was also smiling.

I was relieved.

"Please accept my apologies, ma'am." According to Carter.

"It's fine." I smiled as I reassured him.

"But, Gianna, as long as I am here, I will never let anyone hurt you again. I guarantee it," Aria stated solemnly and sincerely now.

I can see the warmth in her eyes. Oh, this girl.

"Thank you very much, Bon-bon. I am extremely grateful. I swear I'll do the same for you."

"Aww... You're so adorable," she said while pinching my cheeks. Carter gave us a friendly smile.

Madison's house was a little far from school, so we just turned on the stereo and listened to Blackpink songs. Aria, Madison, and I were huge fans. Isabella, too, and the entire student body at Justice High.

Who wouldn't root for them? They are incredible, and I have a massive crush on them. Carter was a fan as well. We were having a good time singing their songs in the car until we got to Madison's house.

I believe Madison's house was the same size as our new home. I've heard she has a younger sister in elementary school and that her mother is a simple housewife. Her father owns the town's well-known Korean restaurant.

After Carter had parked the car, Aria and I went outside and rang Madison's doorbell. Her amiable mother greeted us. She told us about Madison's room and let us go upstairs.

When we asked her mother why Madison was missing, she told us to ask Madison.

"Mom, please leave me alone! I warned you not to enter my room. It was contaminated!" Madison was wearing a shower cap over her hair. Her room smells as if she just sanitized it. She was sitting on her bed, holding her guitar. Paper was scattered across the floor in front of her. She appeared to be working on a song. "I said to do—-what are you doing here, Mom?" When she saw us, she looked surprised.

"Hey." Aria and I approached her and greeted her.

We were approaching her when she abruptly stopped us, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Stay there! Don't come near me. I've been infected!"

"What exactly do you mean? You appear to be in good health. What are you infected with?" Aria enquired. I was staring at her. According to Aria, Madison did not appear to be ill.

Madison jumped onto her bed. She jumped like a kangaroo and quickly got close to us. Madison is the same height as me, so we have long arms and legs.

"Just get out before you regret it." She pushed us out of her room and locked the door.

Aria and I exchanged puzzled looks. What the hell is wrong with her?

"I see you were kicked out." Madison's mother appeared. She was smiling as if she expected Madison to throw us out of her room. "Let's go down to the living room. I will prepare food for you," she said, and walked. We just followed.

Madison's home was simple but elegant. My phone rang as we were sitting on the couch. Madison called and asked to talk on the phone. I first looked at Aria, who nodded. Madison's phone call was answered by me.

"Hello there, ladies. I apologize profusely for being impolite. It's just that saying it is extremely embarrassing," according to Madison.

"Tell us. Don't worry, we won't pass judgment," I said. Aria only nodded.

"It's just... you know, I have a little sister, right?" Madison sighed.


"Since she's still in elementary school, she's very active and always plays around no matter where she is."

"All right," I replied.

"Then we were fooling around as well. You know how much my sister adores me?" Madison continued.

"Do you mean fighting and terrorizing your sister?" Aria enquired.

"What? No! I am a caring sister." Madison was defensive. I let out a soft laugh. "Anyway, this cute sister of mine did not say she has these tiny insects on her head that feed on blood from her not-so-beautiful scalp." Madison almost burst into tears when she said that.

I burst out laughing.

"What? What does she mean?" Aria enquired.

"You are a moron. Don't laugh at me!" Madison was blushing. I can't stop laughing.

So this was her emergency?

"Gianna? What's going on?" As I told you, Aria isn't exceptionally bright, but she's a great friend. So that's what's most important.

"She claimed she got lice from her sister," I answered, quoting Madison.

"What? Ew!" She exclaimed.

"I told you it was embarrassing!" Madison was now rolling around in her bed, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh no. Sorry, that's not what I meant. Ahm." Aria was genuinely culpable.

I couldn't stop laughing. Madison is so adorable. She was so preoccupied with the lice. Well, if I were in her shoes, I would feel the same way.

"Get up. Prepare yourself. Let's go to the salon. I believe the chemicals they're using can kill lice. We will also bring your sister," Aria stated.

"Really?" Madison had stopped crying.

"Yeah? Yes, I believe so." Aria, too, was unsure. I held back my laughter.

"It is possible, but we can ask the hairdresser to use other lice treatments. I'm sure they can do something about it," I said.

"Aha!" Aria agreed. It was, after all, her idea. Bon-bon, you did an excellent job!

So we went to the salon with Madison and her sister. Aria has a personal hairdresser, so she is the one who takes care of everything. Madison and her sister were ecstatic. It was another fantastic and enjoyable day for us.