The Kiss


"I CAN'T believe Scarlett will do this to us!" Paisley said with so much anger in her voice. She sat on the bench but stood up and stomped her feet. She's really frustrated.

We are here on one of the benches in the tracking field after lunch. We are still stunned by the incident that Scarlett pulled just to defend her "friends," so we went there to chill.

"Pais, you are overreacting," Claire commented. She looks relaxed while eating her ice cream. Gladly, it was not so sunny, and the sun's brightness didn't hurt that much.

"What? Are you not even going to say something about Scarlett's stupidity today? Do you not remember what she did? Huh?" Paisley faced Claire as if she was asking for a fight. Claire seems not affected.

"What's wrong with what she did, Pais?" Claire asked Paisley nonchalantly.

I was just listening to them, but I looked at the field. Other students are chilling on the other side. Some of them are reading but mostly are chatting and fooling around.

"She's acting so friendly with that nerd again! Did you see how she made herself like a fool again because of that girl? Look what happened to her; she was sent to the principal's office defending that geek!" Paisley exclaimed.

"Are you jealous, Pais?" Claire asked a question that took back the other girl.

"No!" Paisley defensively said. She sat on the bench again. "It's just that we have been through this. I don't want to see Scarlett suffering again because of that nerd," Paisley explained, sighing.

That got my attention. "Suffering? Why would Scarlett suffer when she's with Gianna?" I asked.

"Well, we have known each other since grade school, and we have been friends since middle school. But Scarlett's original besties were actually Gianna and Aria," Paisley narrated.

"I heard about that," I stated. I heard it from Gianna. But of course, I can't tell them that. "Then what happened?"

"Scarlett and Gianna, even though they were best friends, were really head to head when it came to be the top in our class. But the nerd keeps beating Scarlett. Gianna was always the number one. Before, Scarlett was that smiley, friendly, kind of person. The three of them are inseparable, especially when she's with Gianna," Paisley continued, "but little did Gianna know, that Scarlett's parents don't like Gianna because she's making their daughter incompetent. So, whenever Scarlett did not reach the number one spot at the end of the school year, she was secretly beaten and bullied by her parents."

Gianna did tell me some of this information, but I think Paisley knows more about what happened to Scarlett all these years.

"Scarlett's a big girl now, Pais. And I don't think her parents would have time to check on her activities. They are pretty much nowhere to be found," Claire said; she's almost finished eating her ice cream. "And did you see how happy Scarlett is? Man, I thought I would never see that smile of hers again. But then I remember, I just see those smiles before when she's with them. Especially when she's with Gianna."

I was taken aback by what Claire revealed. Come to think of it, Claire was right. Scarlett was wearing this unfamiliar but pretty smile all day. So, that was because of Gianna. Hmm...

"But what if her parents will know that she is friends again with that girl? You know how much The Moore despises The Daviss, particularly Gianna's crazy mom. If they know that Scarlett is friends with that crazy woman's daughter, I am sure that they will punish Scarlett and worse, they will cut her off!"

"That wouldn't happen. I promise," Scarlett appeared. When did she get near us?

Paisley was surprised for a bit, but she crossed her arms and ignored Scarlett after a while.

Scarlett was alone. I wanted to see what happened to Gianna, but I can't just ditch the girls as Scarlett did.

Scarlett went in front of us. She looks uneasy.

"Uhm, girls... I know you are surprised that I was friendly again with Gianna and Aria. I know I did not give you a heads up on this, but it kinda happened, and I couldn't miss the chance," Scarlett said.

"So, are you going to dump us? Is that it, Scar?" Paisley asked the other girl.

"Of course not! I am more than grateful to you guys for accepting me and being friends with me for these years. And I wanted to keep being friends with you forever... if that exists. And I know it's too much to ask, and I don't expect you to be friends with them as well, but for me, please, can you get along with them?" Scarlett looks sincere.

My heart was aching seeing her like this. I envy her guts.

"I don't mind, Scar. I am actually happy that you are friends again with them," Claire said. I know Claire is a good friend. She's actually more understanding than I thought.

"Thank you, Claire," Scarlett said. She was looking at us now, and she seemed to be waiting for our answer.

"Uh, yeah, that's okay," I said. At least now, I don't have to worry about Gianna getting bullied at school.

I should be happy, right? But why do I feel like I agreed on giving Gianna to her? To them? Call me selfish, but I just want Gianna for myself. However, I know that's not possible. Gianna is a beautiful person, and I can see that everyone is seeing that now. What is this pain I'm feeling inside my chest? I don't understand myself anymore.

"Thank you, Isa. I know you will understand," Scarlett said. She was looking genuinely happy. Claire was right; Scarlett's really particularly happy right now.

I just smiled at her.

"Don't ever think I will agree to it. Do what you want and don't talk to me anymore," Paisley said and walked out.

"Pais!" Scarlett called her. She was about to chase Paisley, but Claire stopped her.

"Let her be, for now, Scar. Let her cool down. I will help you talk to her. Just let her think for now on her own. You know her. She just needs time," Claire encouraged Scarlett. The latter nodded, understanding Claire's point.

I sneakily asked Scarlett about what happened to the principal's office. And I was glad and relieved that nothing serious was done to them. I was apprehensive about Gianna getting in trouble.

The bell rang for the first period for the afternoon class, so we had to go back to our classroom too. Paisley was already there, but she was reserved until the class ended.

There was an awkward silence between Scarlett and Paisley when we were practicing. But as Claire said, we let Paisley take her time. I know this is not easy for her to accept. But whatever her reason for not accepting Scarlett and Gianna's friendship, I hope that will not put Gianna in danger. Because I swear, if she will hurt Gianna, I won't mind harming her too.


"YOU ARE home early," I said when I saw Gianna in the kitchen.

"Yeah. It's Friday, and I want to hang out with you," she said. She was not looking at me as she was busy cooking. I am glad she did not see the stupid smile plastered on my face.

"I am glad that you still want to hang out with me even though your old friends are back," I said and gave her a hug from the back. I felt her stiffen, but I did not mind it. I like hugging Gianna.

"O-of course, you silly," she said. "Just relax there, Belle. I know you are tired. I will just call you once the food is ready," she added and looked behind. I was really close, so our lips almost touched when she did that. Unfortunately, she was quick to pull her head back.

I was shocked for a while, but why did I feel disappointed? Err... What is happening to me?

I heard Gianna clear her throat, then I was back to reality. I set her free from my arms and step back a little. Am I invading her personal space too much?

"I-i will just... uh... I... living room. Just call me when it's done. I will wash the dishes, don't worry," with my words jumbling, I manage to say that.

"O-okay," Gianna answered in a soft tone.

I awkwardly left the kitchen.

What was that all about, Isa? Why are you feeling so down suddenly? I asked myself. Ah, never mind.

I went straight to the living room and watched shows on the TV instead. I need to shake these confusing feelings in my mind.

Even though Gianna did not confirm her sexual orientation the last time we talked, it does not mean that I can do whatever I want with her. Like... you know... experimenting, I guess?

I do not know what I really want when it comes to a partner. Like, I am not attracted to anyone at all. I am focused on my career at school but nothing more. Romance is not really for me.

Love? I only felt that with my family. I mean, with Mom, Uncle Gary, and Gianna. Oh, maybe that's why I am feeling this way towards Gianna? I love Gianna so much as she is my sister and I was not really used to seeing her with other people. I was jealous, I admit. But then, my reputation at school is more important than getting bullied by Gianna. However, Gianna's situation turned around. Who would have thought that Gianna's bully would be friends again with her? What a turn of events.

And maybe, this is the time, like Scarlett, that I will have the guts to tell them that Gianna is actually my stepsister and we are living in the same house? I am not sure yet. I will think about that later because I need to watch the newly uploaded videos of Blackpink on their YouTube channel. Ah, they are really amazing.

The episode was about to finish when I heard Gianna calling me.

"Hold on! This is almost done!" I shouted. After a minute, the episode was done. I turned off the TV and went to the kitchen.

I smelled delicious food even when I was still at the kitchen door. And my mouth was watering when Gianna prepared the food while I was sitting on the chair near the table and excitedly waiting.

Gianna baked a seafood casserole. It was the best! Though I can cook well, Gianna can cook better. That's why Mom is not worried every time I am with Gianna.

"This is so good, Luna!" I complimented her while eating.

"Aww... you are just hungry, Belle. Don't exaggerate," she said. Gianna is a really humble girl. That's why I can't blame Scarlett if she wants to be friends again with my step-sister. Gianna's really too good to be true.

"No, I am not! This is really your masterpiece. Do you mind sharing your secret recipe with me?" I asked her.

"I already did. I have told you a couple of times and how I step by step cook it and bake it," she said. She was feeding me now. I really like it when she's doing this.

After chewing and swallowing the food, I said, "But why is it that if I was the one who's making it, it was not as good as this? How is that happening?"

She laughed. Ah, why did my heart skip a beat?

"Practice makes perfect, Belle," she just said and smiled.

"Yeah. Okay." I shut my mouth and continued eating. I was having these weird thoughts again in my mind. These were the exact thoughts when she was sleeping the other night, and she was snuggling with me.

What were those weird thoughts? Well, I wanted to kiss her. Ah, this is not good!

Anyway, we finished eating, and as I said earlier, I washed the dishes. Gianna said she would be in her room because she would shower. But then, when I finished washing the dishes, I found her in the living room. She was watching Haikyu!! On Netflix. Gianna's really a fan of anime, and I am sure she has watched this a hundred times.

She was so absorbed in what she was watching, so I came up with a naughty plan in my mind. I was going to give her a little scare. My plan was to jump on her back while sitting still on the sofa.

Just when I was about to do that, Gianna moved, and it was too late for me to back out with my plan because I was jumping toward her.

I heard my voice shouting while Gianna was trying to catch me. Luckily, Gianna did catch me! Phew! But I was not expecting the next thing I did.

Gianna was now under me, and I fell on top of her. We were staring at each other for a couple of minutes, and I am not sure why I am still not getting up from her. I don't know what spirit possessed me at that time, but I confidently reached Gianna's lips!

Yes! I was kissing Gianna! What the fuck am I doing?