New Friends


I DID NOT GET A LOT OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT, but I awoke early and asked Mom to drive me to the hospital, even if that was not the case. Early in the morning, we received a text message from Uncle Gary confirming that Gianna had awoken and was fine.

I was relieved, but I needed to see if she was okay with my own eyes to calm my worried mind.

We leave for the hospital as soon as Mom finishes cooking and preparing the food we'll bring to the hospital. We were in the car when I heard my mother speak.

"Gianna will be fine, Belle. She's a brave young lady," she stated.

I cast a glance her way. My mother was concentrating on driving, and her gaze was fixed on the road. She gave me a glance and a smile. In response, I simply nodded.

I know Gianna is a strong girl, but... Mom's right... Gianna will be fine. But... I'm still worried. I really need to see her.

We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, and I restrained myself from running into Gianna's room after mom had parked the car. We were close to Gianna's room when I heard loud voices inside. Gianna's friends were already there when I slowly opened the door, to my surprise. Aria, Madison, and Scarlett, Gianna's friends, were also present. They were laughing and talking casually. They didn't notice me because their back was turned to me.

When I saw them, I froze for a second, but when I saw Gianna laughing with them, my lips crept into a smile. I was concerned about nothing. Mom was right. Gianna is a strong girl, and she was fine.

I didn't move as I watched them say silly things to make Gianna laugh. But Gianna must have noticed my presence because she looked in the direction of the door and said my name with a shocked expression.

Her companions are also looking back. Their faces are devoid of both a smile and any reaction to it. I guess Gianna was still concerned about my reputation. She had no idea that these people were aware of our genuine affection for one another.

"Oh, everyone's here," Mom said, breaking the ice.

"Good morning, Aunt Elizabeth," Gianna's friends said in unison, now smiling.

Wow. What a bunch of liars.

"Good morning, Aria, Madison, and Scarlett," I said to Mom, puzzled. How in the world did she know all of them? I can understand if she remembers Scarlett, but how about Aria and Madison? They had a meeting yesterday, I believe. That was something I had forgotten about.

Mom entered the room, holding the food basket in her hand. She set it on an empty table nearby. I entered the room as well and just stood there.

"Has everyone eaten breakfast?" Mom enquired of the three, who are now beaming brightly. I'm not sure if their smiles are all genuine.

"Aunt Elizabeth, we are fine. I'm not having breakfast," Aria stated.

"Me, too. Aunt Elizabeth, I am fine," Scarlett seconded.

"What's on the menu, Aunt Elizabeth? I'm hungry, "According to Madison.

"You just ate breakfast at my house, Madison," Aria remarked.

They make fun of Madison's constant hunger. Scarlett joined in on the conversation, and they were pretty loud. Mom was laughing as she stood there watching them.

I was standing nearby, listening and watching them. Gianna was now awkwardly smiling. We just exchanged smiles when she looked at me. A reassuring smile. She was sending the message that she was fine and that everything was fine. I tried hard not to cry in front of everyone. I'm just relieved Gianna is okay.

Despite Aria and Scarlett's protests, we ate together. My mother is obstinate and will not accept no for an answer, especially regarding food. Thankfully, I was feeding Gianna, no one brought up an awkward school topic. Or how Gianna and I didn't get along at school.

The three were casually conversing as if I were a member of their group of friends. I'm glad they didn't sell me out to my mother.

Uncle Gary arrived later, and he stated that Gianna could be discharged at any time. We were all overjoyed when we heard the news. He left after breakfast to process and pay the bills and discharge papers.

After breakfast, the three were still there, hanging out and playing Jenga in the mini living room. I'm unsure where they get the Jenga blocks, but they plan to stay until Gianna is discharged. We still have class today, but I notice they aren't appropriately dressed. So I'm guessing they're going to skip school today.

"Are you going to work, Mom?" I inquired of my mother. I was on Gianna's side, sitting on the chair next to her, peeling the orange we had brought from home. I was giving her fruit.

"I took three days off, baby," she replied without looking at me. She's also playing Jenga with the three of them. They're getting along great. My mother can be a tad childish at times. Alternatively, unlike me, they are simply friendly.

"How about Uncle Gar?" I asked again and gave Gianna another apple slice.

"He's going back to work later this evening," Gianna replied, chewing the food in her mouth.

"I see..." I said.

"How about you, ladies? Isn't it still school today? Why aren't you in school?" Mom inquired.

The three appeared to be guilty, but I was not.

"I'm keeping an eye on Gianna, Mom," I said.

Mom squinted and crossed her arms... She looked at me as if she was reading my mind, but I didn't move. We had a staring contest. She let go of our gaze and looked at the other three girls, who were now silently nervous. They looked like they were about to pee in their pants.

"I'm keeping an eye on Gianna, too," Aria said.

"Me, too," Scarlett said.

"Me three," Madison said.

"Lush... you just copied my answer," I explained.

"No, we did not!" The three of them exclaimed at the same time.

"You guys... Thank you so much. But you don't have to skip school because of me. I'm fine, "Gianna jumped in.

"Gianna's right, girls," my mother said. The other three girls bowed their heads. "The same is true for you, Belle."

"Oh... why me? It was unquestionable that I would be in charge of Gianna's care," I said.

"No, Miss. I took three days off to look after Gianna so you could go to school," my mother explained. Madison poked her tongue at me. What a jerk! "I understand your concerns about Gianna, but I am here to help. So you don't need to be concerned about her. Anyway, I'm going to let you off the hook for the time being. However, your girls must promise to come to school tomorrow. Okay?"

"Okay," we all said.

"Okay. That's great," Mom said, smiling. For a brief moment, she was terrified.

"Aunt Elizabeth..." Scarlett called my mother.

"Do you agree, Scarlett?"

"C-can we go with you, I mean in your house, after Gianna is discharged?" a hopeful Scarlett inquired.

"Please, Aunt Elizabeth..." Aria and Madison are pleading as well.

What the fudge?! Our house is the only place where I can freely care for Gianna, and these three wanted to barge in?

Mom! No! Don't let them!!!

"All right," my mother said, and I almost fell to the ground.

The three of us were happily hugging and thanking my mother. And Gianna was giggling. I don't want the three of them to come to our house, but I believe Gianna will improve quickly if they are present. So whatever makes Gianna happy, I'll go along with it.