Forgive and Forget


"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I asked Gianna, who was still lying in the hospital bed.

The bill was paid, but we are still waiting for the doctor's final opinion on Gianna's results and medication.

"You heard me, Belle," she said firmly.

"No! I'm afraid I must disagree. I'm not going down without a fight!" I was enraged by Gianna's calm demeanor in this situation. "Please, Uncle Gar, take action against those who abused Gianna. Don't let the police back down on the investigation."

I was furious. I'm furious at those who have harmed Gianna. How dare they!

Uncle Gary was deafeningly silent. He just gave me that sorry look. I looked to my mother for support, but she just shook her head as if to tell me to back down.

The other three girls were looking at us quietly as well.

"Belle, I'm fine. There's no reason for them to be reported. I'm sure they had a good reason for doing what they did. Instead, let Karma teach them a lesson. The most important thing is that I am still alive and doing well." Gianna smiled.

How could she even forgive those who had almost killed her? How could she get over the fact that those people almost took her away from us? I balled my fist, and I could see my knuckles turning pale. I am furious right now.

"No," I stated emphatically. "I will see to it that the—-"

"Belle, stop it," my mother said. "Let us respect Gianna's wishes if that is what she desired. "I can't believe what I'm hearing from them. Why are these people like this? How can they just let this go?

"Your mother is correct, Belle," Uncle Gary said. "I don't completely agree with Gianna's decision, but I'm sure she has a good reason. I trust Gianna's judgment, and I also trust that all of you, her friends, will protect her and vice versa."

With those words, I felt as if someone had thrust a knife into my heart. Uncle Gary was right. Anger and resentment will not serve you well. I was reminded once more that I am slightly like that. I was saved when I joined this family. Their kindness and forgiving heart shaped me into a good person.

"Don't be concerned anymore, Belle. Okay?" Gianna said, reaching for my hand.

Just by looking at her warm eyes, my rage subsided. Gianna is the only person who can soothe my raging emotions. I'm glad I met her. That is why I promise to protect her no matter what happens.

In response, I nodded. Like Uncle Gary, I will respect Gianna's decision and, from now on, I will trust her judgment.


A WEEK has flown by, and Gianna is back in school. Everyone was worried about her, and many students and teachers came to check on her.

When Gianna returned to school, she commanded everyone's attention, and she did so in the cutest way possible. She was timid when surrounded by so many people.

As for me, I didn't care if anyone knew about our genuine relationship. All I wanted was to be with Gianna all the time, whether at school or our house. I protected her because you never know when those vile souls will strike again.

Except for Paisley, who had distanced herself from us, the six of us were hanging out as if we were all close friends. She now has her minions. She is always staring at us, constantly starting a fight.

I tried several times to talk to her, Claire, and Scarlett, but Paisley is stubborn and refuses to accept that we are friends with Gianna's circle.

Paisley was my primary suspect in Gianna's death. But I didn't have any proof, and Gianna asked me to let it go, so I did. Now, I'm giving Paisley the benefit of the doubt, and I still wanted to be friends with her even though she's more bitchy than Scarlett at times.

No one mentioned or asked me about Gianna and me being stepsisters, which relieved me because I don't enjoy explaining every detail of my life to them. But I was also bracing myself in case they confronted me one day.

Gianna and I had the opportunity to talk and catch up. She finally revealed her secret club, the Dance Club, and explained why she became a member. She turned out to be the Star Dancer there. Gianna's talent astounded me.

When I asked her why I hadn't seen any pictures or evidence of her involvement with dancing, she explained that she kept it because she wanted to forget about it. She stated that she wished to forget dancing because Gianna always remembers her mother when she does it. When she was younger, her mother would always ask her to dance, and her mother would be overjoyed every time she saw Gianna dance.

But, thanks to Willow, Gianna was able to resume her dancing career. Gianna stated that if her mother were alive, she would want Gianna to dance because Gianna enjoys dancing and enjoys doing it for her mother.

We promised each other that we would not keep any secrets from each other. As a result, I felt like we grew closer. I wasn't expecting that after all those confessions, we'd seal it with a kiss instead of our pinkies.

The kiss was both lovely and intense. It's as if we're used to licking and kissing each other's mouths. I'm not sure what was happening, but I liked what we were doing. In any case, I haven't heard Gianna object to it.

We didn't even talk about it after that. But the worst part is that whenever we do get some alone time together, there is always a make-out session. I'm not sure where we're going, but I know that I enjoy kissing Gianna. I adore her soft lips and her touch. I was craving more, but I think that's too much to ask.

It was another beautiful afternoon, and I went to the cheerleading team's locker room to change into my practice suit. The cheerleading competition is in a week, and we're getting busy at school, but I'm still trying to balance everything, especially my time with Gianna.

Argh. My spine tingles just thinking about Gianna. Gianna... Gianna... What are you doing to me?

I can't wait to see her after practice. She promised to wait until the practice was over. She stated that she would also observe the practice. So I need to make sure my moves are smooth and sexy. Aaah... Why am I getting so worked up thinking about Gianna watching me in our practice? Grrr!!!

Anyway, I was about to turn left in the hallway when I heard a familiar voice speaking to that familiar back I had seen earlier. It was only a glance, but I'm sure it was Gianna and Scarlett. I'm not sure why I came to a halt, hid, and leaned against the wall as if I was about to disturb something if they saw me.

"Thank you for coming even though it was on such short notice, Anna," Scarlett said. I wouldn't say I like it that Scarlett is the only person I know who calls Gianna by that name.

"No need to be concerned, Scar. I was on my way here as well because I was going to watch your practice as well," my Gianna stated.

"Oh, very nice. Wow... really?"

Scarlett's nervous energy is palpable even from where I am. It's also evident in her tone of voice. I suppose I've known Scarlett all along. That is not surprising given how long we have been friends.

I'm also nervous about this secret conversation. I had a feeling I knew where Scarlett was going with this conversation.

"So, Scar, what do you want to discuss? Is everything in order?" Gianna enquired.

"Oh, yeah... So... uh..." Scarlett can't even find her tongue. Shit! Scarlett is probably going to confess! That was something I had forgotten about. Shite! What should I do?

Do I let Scarlett express her emotions to Gianna? What if Gianna feels the same way?

But what about me?


Yes, it's me!

Gianna is not yours. You didn't agree on anything, and you didn't have a label.

That's some really hurtful talk, alter ego!

Mine alter ego stinks, but it was correct. I can't say Gianna is mine. We're not in a relationship, and we're sisters! Even though we are stepsisters,... Is it acceptable for me to have a relationship with my stepsister?

"Anna, you're appealing to me. I've admired you since we were kids. I'm not asking you to like me back, but please give me a chance. Anna, please set up a date with me," Scarlett has finally said something.

Scarlett, oh, Scarlett. If she pursues Gianna, she will be a formidable foe. What should I do? I should act quickly before Gianna falls in love. But why am I like this? Why am I such a wimp? I couldn't even move from where I was!

Unfortunately, a group of loud students passed by where I was before hearing Gianna's response. They greeted me when they saw me, and I chose not to respond.

After I was confident that the group had gone far enough, I looked around for Gianna and Scarlett, but they were no longer there, much to my dismay.

Did Scarlett succeed?

Ouch. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the chest with a knife.