"YOU ARE GOING TO STUDY IN SEOUL AFTER GRADE SCHOOL," Dad said. We're having dinner quietly right now, and then he comes in with this kind of news.

"Dad? Seriously?" With a sour tone, I said. I stopped cutting the steak on my plate.

"I'm serious, Con. You are not taking your studies seriously. You keep slacking. You should be with your grandparents. Maybe they can tame you there "He added without looking at me. He kept eating casually.

He had no idea his words were piercing my veins. It's as if someone is slowly and painfully cutting me.

"Please, Dad... Mom. I will put in a lot of effort. I'm going to study very hard. I promise, "I begged them.

I looked at Mom, pleading for help. Mom shook her head at me. She always says yes, regardless of Dad's decision.

"Willow..." I said as I looked at my sister. I'm trying hard not to cry. How could they do this to me?

"Dad, maybe we can give—-" "Stop it, Willow. We have given your sister numerous chances, but she is still uninterested in her studies. She continues to cause problems. Her friends, Gianna and Scarlett, are both knowledgeable. Even if you already have good grades, you, her sister, are putting in more effort in your studies. My decision is final, and I have already spoken with your grandparents. I've also booked her flight, and she'll be departing soon, "he stated.

From what I've heard, I don't stand a chance of overturning my father's decision.

"Excuse me," I said as I walked out of the dining room.

I heard my sister call my name, but I also heard that our father had scolded and told us to finish our meal.

I was dissatisfied with Dad's decision, but I knew I had no choice but to obey. It was all my fault in the end. He was right. I've been causing many problems for my family, and I'm not doing well in school. When I walked out, I had no ill will toward my father. I need some alone time.

I went to my room and opened my iPad. I immediately called my best friends Gianna and Scarlett. I check in on them and talk nonsense. I didn't tell them I was leaving in a few days. I believe they should be aware of it before my departure.

Willow came to my room after an hour to check on me. She keeps apologizing for not persuading Dad not to send me to Seoul. I assured Willow that everything was fine. That I'll be back before she knows it.

I spent the rest of my days in Justice with my friends. I spent a lot of time with them, and they had no idea I was leaving.

When the time came for me to leave and I was at the airport, Gianna and Scarlett called, and they were crying because I had not told them I was going to study in Seoul. I believe that was the first time I cried since hearing the news from my father. I became very emotional at the airport, and my family sympathized with me, but I was still sent to Seoul.

I promised my two friends that I would study hard there and return soon. They must ensure that they always have each other's backs, no matter what happens.

As a result, I studied in Seoul and lived with my grandparents. I studied diligently, and even though I knew a little Korean, I continued to learn the language. I made it a point not to disappoint my family's expectations of me so that they could allow me to return to Justice City as soon as possible.

My family and friends are in constant contact with me. However, when I found out that Gianna's mother had died, I felt compelled to return because I knew how devastated she was by what had occurred. But since Scarlett was present, that was only my consolation.

But then I discovered Scarlett had turned into the bully Gianna. I tried to question Scarlett about what happened and why she did what she did, but she kept ignoring me and saying she didn't want to be friends with someone who had a crazy family member. Scarlett even tried to persuade me to despise Gianna and form an alliance with her. I'm not sure what happened to Scarlett, but she turned into the devil we never thought she could be.

I worked hard while keeping an eye on Gianna. I asked my sister to keep Gianna safe from the bullies while gone. Willow made a promise to me and kept it.

I made it to middle school with honors and high grades. I was supposed to ask Dad to bring me back to Justice, but my grandparents became ill, and I needed to care for them.

So I continued my high school education there. We continued to communicate with Gianna, but we excluded Scarlett because she was mean to Gianna. I know I've taken Scarlett aside, but she was too much for me.

I was aware of everything that was going on in Justice. I'd always known. Despite Gianna's concealment of other essential details about her life, I was aware of what was going on. My bodyguard/driver, Carter, is the one who reports to me.

Anyway, I returned to Justice City and enrolled in Justice High School in my sophomore year because my grandparents were okay. And because I worked hard in school, Dad let me return.

I was overjoyed, and I had planned to surprise Gianna when I returned, but my family made up for lost time with me, so I haven't gone to see her yet. Then Willow invited me to the Oceanarium. That's when I first noticed Gianna and Isabella together. They appear content. Gianna was content being with the girl.

Instead of being saddened by Gianna's happiness with someone, I rejoiced for her. I'm not sure why they're so close outside of school and so distant inside.

Yes, I am aware that Isabella and Gianna pretended not to know each other at school. But I trusted Gianna's decision. I know she'll tell me everything when she's ready. So I didn't ask her those nagging questions in my head at the time.

I asked Willow to hold Isabella while talking to Gianna in the Oceanarium. She was surprised to see me there. Though she was delighted to see me, she appeared unsettled and as if she was concealing something from me. I didn't confront her about it and instead just went with the flow.

I arrived at Justice High the following Monday. I was overjoyed to see Gianna again. There, I became more aware of what was going on with Gianna and Isabella. Gianna was as sweet as ever. My gentle, soft-hearted best friend always looks out for her loved ones.

I could tell Gianna was madly in love with Isabella. No, she didn't admit to being anything, but as her best friend, I just knew.

I didn't confront her about it again, but it was difficult for me to watch her suffer. So I tried to think of a way to help her with the girl she liked. I tried to make Isabella envious of me. It wasn't very effective, but I believe I elicited something from Isabella's emotions.

Then, during our junior year, Madison Ellie Kim transferred. We became friends and became close. She told me her story and how she first met Isabella in elementary school. The talented girl had previously been one of Isabella's bullies, but Madison claimed that she only did so to get close to the girl. Isabella, on the other hand, was distant, she claimed. Madison only told me about it, and I assumed she also told Gianna. But it turns out that Gianna was unaware of Madison's confession.

Madison piqued my interest after her "coming out" on the rooftop. She wasn't interested in Gianna. It was me. And I felt terrible when I told her that I would consider her feelings if she would assist me in getting Gianna and Isabella to be romantically involved.

It was my idea, but Madison had another plan to make Isabella jealous. I told her I'd done it before, but she said to leave it with her this time. Madison began her plan when the National Quiz Bee occurred, ensuring that Isabella would hear Madison's interest in dating Gianna.

But it turns out that Scarlett was also in love with Gianna. I found out when she was in Junior year and trying to get my forgiveness. We reconnected with Scarlett because she recognized and apologized for her mistakes.

Madison was rejected. I told her it would not work for Isabella again. She just made fun of herself in front of the entire school. But I was a little envious of that public confession.

Anyway, Scarlett confessed her love to Gianna, but Gianna was and will always be in love with one girl. Let's call her Isabella.

"You're so sneaky, Bon-bon," Gianna remarked.

We're at the nearest convenience store to her house. I asked her to get me some chocolate milk. We decided to hang out at her house five days after graduation.

We discussed how I knew things that she tried to keep from me once more. But, because I am her best friend, I reminded her that I was always privy to her secrets.

"Take a look at who's talking. Do you want me to reveal all of your secrets here for all to hear?" I jokingly threatened her.

"I'm joking, of course. Do you want more chocolate milk, Bon-bon?"

"Are you attempting to extort money from me? Because it's effective. Go ahead, "I laughed.

Gianna simply shook her head and added a box of chocolate milk to her shopping cart.

"I can't keep a secret from you. Can't I?" As we walked to the junk food alley, Gianna said,

I grabbed some chocolates and other snacks.

"No, you cannot. So don't even think about keeping a secret from me anymore, "I said while winking at the girl.

She smiled and shook her head yet again.

"But can you keep secrets from me, Con?" Gianna inquired as she followed me down the snack alley. I grabbed some chocolates and some sweet snacks once more.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, come on. You're buying a lot of sweet snacks. I know you like chocolate, but you're not a big eater."

I arc my other brow at her. "It's not for me. It's for Madison "I continued walking to where the cashier was.

"Exactly. So, when are you going to tell me about you and Madison?"

"Oh? I thought you were already aware. I told you she likes me, didn't I?" "I said calmly." I took the grocery basket from her grasp and retrieved the items we had purchased in the cashier's lane.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me if you like her as well."

I shook my head in disbelief. "You're so dense, Gianna. You know, your thoughts are entirely focused on Isabella and Isabella alone."

"That is something I am aware of. But you're not answering my question again."

I looked at her and was about to say something when someone appeared, hugged me from behind, and kissed me on the cheek, and then she said, "You two are taking far too long. Isabella was concerned, so we came here to get you."

Yes, it was Madison. And, yes, we are currently dating.

Isabella was also present, and she was now holding Gianna's other hand.

"Oh, come on. Just cut it out, and let's go to Gianna's. You two are making me sick, "Scarlett stated, with Claire by her side. I'm glad to see they've already arrived.

Claire simply waved to us. We said hello to her.

We just laughed when Scarlett tried to separate Gianna and me from our girlfriends. The cashier was giggling as she looked at us. We paid for the groceries and then went to the convenience store.

Scarlett stood between Gianna and me as we walked down the street to Gianna's house. Isabella and Madison were sulking while Claire began to eat the food we had purchased.

I am so happy to be with them, especially since I met my special someone who did not give up on me even when I was very indecisive and immature at times.

And I know this isn't the end, but rather the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. I'm just excited to begin this new chapter with these beautiful people. I truly am blessed.