The Cryo Chamber

Landing in one of the ship bays of Mos Eisley, Vicdean exited his nearly destroyed ship. The grim look on his face brightened however when he saw the woman grinning at him from across the bay.

"So you made it back in one piece. I thought you would for sure kick the bucket this time." He shook his head, a small smile on his face, "It's good to see you too Noreo."

The zabrak's grin widened, and she strode towards Vicdean's E-9 Explorer, "I hope your sense of humour isn't the only thing you didn't lose during your trip."

That made Vicdean chuckle nervously, "Well…" Noreo sighed as she reached the ship, "Damn it Vic, how am I supposed to fix the explorer now?"

The man scratched his head, "I did salvage something else though."

Noreo frowned, "Vic? Don't tell me you brought some sort of explosive with you again."

The man shook his head vigorously, "Of course not, I've got something much better." He then ran back into the ship and came back a minute later dragging the cryo chamber.

Noreo's eyes widened as she saw the great hunk of metal being pulled towards her, "Where the hell did you get that?"

Dropping it down in front of Noreo, Vicdean whipped the frost off the window, and motioned his friend to look inside.

She did and gasped. Turning to Vicdean, she grabbed his collar and pressed him against the ship, "What the hell is that!"

Raising his hand the man quickly answered her, "It's a cryo pod, I found it in the unknown regions." Noreo backed off and combed her fingers through her hair, "I swear one of these days you're going to get yourself killed." Vicdean chuckled, "Probably."

Rolling her eyes, Noreo grabbed hold of the pod, "Come on, let's get this into your workshop."


Luckily for them, the workshop was connected to the hanger, and so they only had to carry the heavy chamber a few dozen metres.

Dropping the pod next to a medical chair, Vic moved over to the control panel.

Glancing up at Noreo, he asked, "Ready?" But she just rolled her eyes, "Open it already!"

He chuckled and pressed the only glowing button on the panel.

Nothing happened.

Standing up, Vic took a step back and looked over at the frowning zabrak.

A loud hiss then echoed around the workshop, as air was pulled into the pod.

He frowned and was about to move closer when Noreo held him back.

The ice surrounding the pod began to melt away as it heated up, and only a minute later all the ice and the hissing sound had disappeared.

They both froze up as the sound of retracting metal bars resounded from the chamber, and only a moment later it opened.

Vicdean quickly moved over to the pod, to check up on its inhabitant, but to his shock and fear, the young woman wasn't breathing.

"Noreo, help me!" he called out as he began lifting the surprisingly heavy woman out of the pod.

His friend quickly grabbed on as well and with her help, he managed to place the woman onto the medical chair. "Quick, bring me the medic bag!" he shouted at Noreo, as he examined the young woman's body.

He didn't know how long she had been dead or if she had died during the defrosting, but it didn't matter all that did was to try and bring her back.

"Here!" Noreo said, pressing the bag into Vic's hand.

He thanked her as he rummaged through the bag, from which he soon produced a pair of electric reanimators.

Vicdean was about to put them to use when Noreo grabbed his wrist, "Wait!"

He turned to her confused, "What!" His friend clenched her jaw, "She's alive." His confusion turned to anger, "DON'T YOU SEE, SHE'S NOT BREATHING!"

Noreo nodded, and reaching out, banged her knuckles against the woman's sternum. Vic's eyes widened, it sounded like metal.

Gently placing down the reanimators, he picked up the woman's hand, now he understood why she felt so heavy, she was made of metal, turning his eyes up to her face he looked at the two metal plates which seemed like decoration before. He frowned and moved closer, "Noreo, come look at this!"

"Yes?" she asked, moving up next to him. "What metal is that?" Vic questioned, tapping the plates.

Noreo's eyes widened, "Beskar?"

Sitting down in a nearby chair, Vic shooks his head, "Are you sure?"

Clicking her tongue, Noreo snapped at her friend, "Of course I'm sure!"

She then took in a deep breath, "The only question is, how did she get an entire body made of it?"

For a few minutes, they stood in silence contemplating their next steps until they were interrupted by a young sweet voice, "Where am I?"


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Favourite character?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)