A Talk

[Entering Sith airspace. Ready for combat]

Alita quickly jumped out of her small white cot and dashing over to her closet began strapping on her bone-white armour.

She then grabbed the black hilt from the table and bolted out of the room.

The hall was teaming with armoured soldiers, each carrying a spear.

She sighed and ran alongside them watching the airspace around them, through the massive windows.

A massive dark grey fleet had gathered above the sandy planet below them, from which a swarm of black dots was emerging.

Her body stiffened, and she let out a warning cry, "BRACE!"

She had alarmed them just in time as the whole ship shook.

Alita watched as a hail of red bolts rained down on them ripping through their shields as though they weren't there.

Another explosion wrecked the ship and her eyes widened as she saw as though in slow motion as a blood-red laser hurtled toward her.

She woke with a start, gasping for air.

Where was she?

It took her a few seconds to remember, and when she did she sighed in relief.

Moonlight streamed into the living room, illuminating her surroundings.

She shifted onto her knees and gazed out of the window through which she could see Mos Eisley.

Alita had grown accustomed to the small sandy city over the last few days, it was filled with kind and caring people, who only wanted to lead a peaceful life.

The hiss of a door opening behind her caused Alita to look back.

"Everything alright?" Noreo asked, leaning against the doorframe.

Nodding, Alita turned back to the window.

She heard the zabrak sigh, and a moment later, she felt her sit down on the couch next to her.

Silent, they both sat there, listening to the crickets, hiding in the few bushes in the town.

Finally, Noreo spoke, "Thank you."

Alita frowned and looked down at the woman, "For what?"

Noreo's eyes locked with the cyborgs and she smiled, "Ever since Vic brought you back, he's been more lively and less closed off. He used to just stay huddled up in his workshop all day, tinkering, and working on a few patients of his. But now thanks to you he actually leaves the hangar and talks to me more."

The zabrak reached out and pulled her into a hug, "Thank you."

Smiling softly Alita pressed her new friend against her stomach, "I'm glad I could help."


(The next morning)


Glancing out the window, Alita saw ten heavily armoured Gamorreans.

Her eyes widened as she saw Vic exit his workshop and confront the creatures.

"WHAT?" he asked, his arms raised questioningly.

The lead Gamorrean raised his axe and pointed it at Vic, "Give us the girl!"

Chuckling, the doctor began retreating towards the door, "No."

"Then we'll have to pull her out!" the beast grunted out.

He was about to charge when Alita stepped out of the hangar's main gate.

Raising her hands above her head, she blinked her eyes innocently, "Please don't, I'll come quietly."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Question: Best Sith faction?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)