Chapter 6:hunted for map(3)

third person pov

Millano stood up quickly and looked at the elfs and then smiled and said"who are you and what are you doing in my room".

the elfs who were dumbfounded for a second,communicated through their hearts ,these were some of the elf's power,which also included the ability to elongate their tongues and make their body slimy.

"hey,we got to start carrying out our plan cause if this human turns to the monster as it is being rumoured,we are screwed pinux",said minux through his heart.

"yeah we got to be fast and get ready

to use your tongue to grab the map

and immediately you do that"run",

said minux.millano looked at the two partners suspiciously and said,"i don't know what you elfs are saying,but if it's about the map ,just know you came to the wrong place",after millano said this,minux shot his tongue to the pillow and as his tongue was about to drop the map in his hand, millano caught it and jumped out of the room through the window and this made both pinux and minux to grunt loudly making the entire building vibrate which didn't go unnoticed by max.

"just in the last minute and I f**ked up"

said minux.

"don't worry but quick we got to go get

that map"said pinux

As the two were about to land on the floor outside the building,they quickly signaled the trolloc to go after millano.


Millano ,whom was being chased by the trolloc and the elfs didn't know what to do, suddenly an idea crept into his head which was the endless forest that was filled with all kinds and types of monster ,as this idea came to his mind he started running with all his strength to get to the endless forest,the elfs who were short but very intelligent as so they thought, started using their sticky tongue trying to grab his leg so as to slow him and at the same time communicating with the rest of their groups through their hearts to attack millano from the front before he gets to the forest making their plan much more difficult.

When he got to the signe board which read keep out and the warning was so broad ,he saw alot of elfs smiling like maniacs with their tongue out whipping the floor with such a force that could break a bone in just one whip,as millano was running for a long time, when he got to the endless forest gate and saw those elfs,he knew that the only thing he could do at the moment was to jump, as millano was jumping,the elfs were trying to whip him.

millano was high above the endless forest gigantic gate and the same time ,the elfs were climbing each other so as to form like ladder cause they were short and couldn't reach him even with their tongue out,as millano was about to enter the endless forest ,a little elf used her tongue to hit him on the spine, making him to "raor" and crash on the surface of the endless forest in another form.