
"Leukemia?" Allison asked the doctor in front of her with dread written in her face. Her little sister is lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

Kylie's health has been deteriorating since the past few months and they have been trying their best to manage it.

But everything went south yesterday when Kylie suddenly lost consciousness. The doctor had told her yesterday that she's in a coma. Now he's telling her that she has leukemia

"I'm sorry miss Brown but we have to commence treatment as soon as possible. She still has high chance of survival..."

"survival?" Allison cut him off. "What do you mean? Is her life in danger?" What is he talking about? No, this can't be happening. What is she going to do?

"She has leukemia, of course her life is in danger. But she can still be treated, as far as we commence the treatment soon, we can avoid the risk." the doctor said calmly.

"How... how much is it gonna cost" she managed to ask, dreading the next word that he is going to say. She didn't know much about leukemia but she knows that it's going to be expensive.

"One hundred and fifty thousand dollars" The doctor said

"One hundred and fifty thousand what?" She asked with wide eyes.

" I'm sorry miss"

"When do you expect me to pay?"

"As soon as possible. It's best to commence treatment now that she is still in the early stages?"

"But...but I don't have that kind of money."

"We are trying to help her the best way we can but she is not responding positively so I suggest that she undergo

chemotherapy." The doctor explained calmly. He turned to leave when Allison pulled him a little by his hand.

"Doctor do you have any idea how it feels to see the person you care most about fighting for her life? You have a family right? A wife, children, you have siblings right? What if they are terminally ill, what would you do?" She asked, tears blurring her sight, her heart drumming erratically in her chest, her body dripping with sweat.

The doctor remained quiet for a while.

"You will do something right? You will find a way. You can't let your loved one die before your eyes right?" she asked in anticipation, hoping that he will take pity on her.

"Miss Brown..."

"Doctor please, Kylie is my only sister. Infact she is my only family. She is the one I live for. Doctor... please... help me." She begged, her last sentence coming out as silent sobs.

"We will try our best to help her. Hopefully we can sustain her but if she doesn't respond, we will have no choice but to commence chemotherapy. I'm really sorry." the doctor patted her back and went outside the ward.

Allison slumped weakly on the chair beside her looking at her unconscious sister. She and Kylie has always been close, they are all each other have anyway.

Kylie has always been Allison's driving force in life, she would have given up on life a long time ago if it wasn't for her baby sister. Without Kylie, nothing made sense, she loved her and she would do everything for her. Kylie is a sweet soul, cheerful and loved by many. she doesn't deserve this.

She moved her chair forward, closer to Kylie's bed

"Hey sis" she began, tears streaming down her face.

"The doctor said you have leukemia and we need one hundred and fifty thousand dollars for your treatment and we also need to act fast. I honestly don't know where to get that kind of money but I know that I can't let you die. You are all I have you know" She lifted her hands to clean her teary eyes but the tears didn't stop pouring.

"I promise to do everything I can to save you, just be strong for me okay. Hold on sis, I know you are strong"

She stood up and kissed Kylie's forehead.

She couldn't help but remember everything that they have gone through together. Their parents died years ago, leaving her alone to take care of herself and her sister.

Fortunately for her, her father had a bar and she had taken over it after his demise. It was a huge struggle at first but anytime she thinks of her sister, she gets motivated.

She also thought of all the good times they have had. They didn't have much but they were contented and happy. Kylie is a free spirit and she find it impossible not to be happy around her. Even on her bad days, her sister always has a way to uplift her mood.

Everything was going well even though she felt she wasn't really living. For years she felt empty inside, she felt like she was just existing. Her daily routine is to wake up every morning and do her chores then go to work. When she comes back, she talk with her sister and sleep. She can count how many she has gone out to have fun that year in one hand. And even those times, someone always have to drag her along.

A bitter smile appeared on her lips as she recalled. Yes, she could say that the only reason she hasn't given up, the only reason she is still holding on tightly is because of her sister. A tear drop fell from her eyes and she lifted her hand to wipe it away. She blinked to stop more tears from pouring.

Then she looked down at her sister.

"I love you sis." she smiled. "I just can't wait for you to get up from here and come home with me." She held her hands, they seem cold.

"I need to leave now. You know, I need to look for money for your treatment. I will come check on you later"

She stood up, wiped her face and told herself that she needs to be strong.

After she was sure that her eyes are not red anymore, she walked to the door, gave her sister one last look and left.