Live with me

Calvin sat on his chair working on something on his laptop when he heard his phone ring. It was one of his receptionist. He answered.

"Speak." receptionist heard his cold voice from the other side of the phone

"Miss Allison Brown is here to see you, we told her we can't let her in without an appointm..."

"Let her in." he commanded.

"Yes Sir". She replied timidly and he hung up almost immediately.

Calvin closed his laptop and relaxed lazily on his chair with a satisfied smirk dancing on his lips. He has been thinking of this moment since forever. He hope she will come begging him.

A moment later, he heard a knock on the door

"Come in". he said coldly.

The receptionist entered with Allison behind her.

"Leave". he said to the receptionist and she left immediately.

Allison was still standing unmoving and staring at him.

"Are you going to keep standing there? or am I just so irresistible that you can't help but stare?" he teased.

She flinched, it seemed to him like she was spacing out. She lowered her gaze and walked slowly towards him.

"Sit". he ordered her.

She sat on the chair facing him.

"I have agreed to do whatsoever it is that you want me to do. I have to save my sister". She was determined to do anything. Without Kylie, her life made no sense

"I want you to live with me"

"For how long?"

"Two months. Don't even think of negotiating" he told her coldly

"I wasn't going to, I will agree to anything as far as you will give me the money, and I will move to your house immediately I pay for her hospital bill" she said determined. "I hope I will be allowed to visit my sister and my bar".

"Your movement will not be restricted but you must be there when I need you..." he stood up from his seat and walked up to her to stand just in front of her. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek, then he moved his hand slowly down to her chin, then her neck and he stopped just before he touched her breasts. He looked at her face like he was about to devour her, he leaned in till their faces were almost touching and he said with a deep, yet low and seductive voice ".... and I will be needing you mostly at night"

Beads of sweat gathered in her forehead

"You have two days miss Brown". he said, pulling away from her and going back to his seat

"It's Allison"

"It doesn't matter. I can call you anything I feel like. I'm your owner now. Always remember that."

"You have not given me the money so I am still my own person for now."

He chuckled.

"You are a smart one baby girl."

He waited for her to reply but to his disappointment, she didn't. He was surprised that he enjoyed bantering with her. He then brought out an already prepared cheque and gave it to her.

"Here is a cheque of three hundred thousand dollars."

She gaped at the cheque with surprise flashing in her face.

"When I told you I will give you double the money, did you think I was joking?" he asked with one brow raised.

" you."

Even though, she isn't proud of getting money this way, she still felt a bit happy. Now she has more than enough money to take care of her sister's hospital bill, and she wouldn't have to touch her college tuition. Instead she has extra.

"You don't need to thank me, you will pay for it remember."

Does he need to remind her? Can't he just afford her this moment of celebration. She laughed at herself internally. She is going to be somebody's whore and she is celebrating.

"I know." She replied dryly


"Can I ask a question?" She asked.

He looked at her for a moment as if contemplating if he should let her ask or not. Then he decided to hear what she has to say.

"What exactly... do you need... me for?" She asked with a low voice and a lowered gaze. She already knows but she still wanted to hear him say it.

"From the look in your face, I can tell you already know." he said.

She felt her throat go dry, her eyes sting,

the ache in her chest was suffocating. She knows what he wants from her but she isn't prepared. Who would be prepared for this?

"Do you still want to know?"

She heard his cold voice again and she nodded. Why is she nodding? What does she expect to hear? She knows that the man in front of her is merciless, so why is she expecting something else? She hated this. She knows that she is going to get disappointed again.

She blinked her eyes to hold back her tears.

He cupped her face gently and she flinched. She wanted to slap his hand away but she was scared he will change his mind. Or worse, do something stupid to her right there at that moment in his office. She knows that he will eventually do it to her but she wasn't prepared at that very moment.

He smirked. Then he leaned into her such that his mouth was almost touching her ear. She flinched. She could feel his hot breathe fanning her face and as much as she doesn't want to admit it, he does smell nice. She guessed that he will have a lot of women swooning around him .

"I want to do things to you. Things only a man can do to a woman." he breathed on her neck. "I want to touch you in places that will make your toes curl. I want to have your body pinned under me in my bed. I want to pleasure you until the only thing you can think of is my name. I want to rake my hands all over your naked body and have you beg me for more. I want to hear you chant my name like a spell Allison. That is what I want to do to you."

He finally pulled away and looked at her face. He smiled at her flushed and dumbstruck expression. Her lips parted like she is going to say something but no word left her lips. She opened her mouth again and closed it.

"Breath." he said to her

" ... how...I". She closed her mouth again not knowing what to say.

"Leave." he suddenly said, his smug expression turning frosty.

She took the cheque and got up, she felt her legs grow weak and the way he was looking at her wasn't helping at all. She managed to walk out of the office with her wobbly legs. when she came out, she released the breath that she didn't know she was holding. His words keep repeating in her head. She don't know if she should be happy or sad. She decided to look on the bright side, she got the money, her sister is saved, it's just two months, everything will be okay. With that in mind, she hurried to the hospital.