Be mine

Calvin Bruce is the CEO of Bruce Enterprise. He is the kind of guy that every girl will kill to have. He is handsome, famous and rich. He has had a lot of women over the years but was never committed to any. Infact he doesn't see anything special in any woman, he just keeps them for sexual purposes.

"You may leave." he said to the receptionist without raising his head.

"Yes sir." she bowed her head a little and left.

"How may I help you?" he asked, still not looking at her.

"umm... I'm... I applied for the job of the assistant secretary". Allison stammered out nervously.

Calvin closed his laptop and lazily looked up at her. He felt entranced for a moment, he could swear that she's the most beautiful girl that he has ever seen. He paused and looked at her from top to bottom mentally taking in all her features.

He has always had a thing for beautiful ladies and this one is just his type.

"And what made you think that you are qualified?" he asked staring intently at her.

"um... sir..." she went ahead and told him all of her qualifications with a little more desperation than intended which he didn't fail to notice.

"You are qualified for many other jobs, why did you choose this?"

'Hell! The pay is high and it's available. Damn it!' She can only scream in her head.

"Because I have always had the pass..."

She noticed the way he was looking at her, it wasn't professional at all. She felt like a prey about to be eaten by it's predator and the rest of her sentence got stuck in her throat.

"You seem a little desperate. I think it's more than just your passion". he said cocking his head to one side as if in deep thought. "Or is they something else?"

she lowered her head. She wasn't able to hide her emotions at all.

"It's for my sister, she was recently diagnosed of leukemia. The doctor said that we need to commence treatment immediately or she might... I don't want to loose her". She could feel tears threaten to pool in her eyes but she tried her best to hold it in. She needs to be strong.

"But you know that even if I give you the job, the pay still won't be enough. leukemia is pretty expensive"

"I have a bar". She said dryly

"How big is it?" he asked, his sounding as if he is amused.

She swallowed bitterly and lowered her head. The money she made from her bar has always been enough to take care of her and her sister's needs but it's nothing near enough to treat leukemia.

"It's not enough but ..." she wanted to tell him that she has other plans when he cut her off.

He smirked "I can help you, you know"

She looked up, a little bit hopeful. Will this menacing CEO help her? Why would he do that for her? Or maybe he wanted something in return. The hope that bloomed in her heart diminished at that realization. Since when did the universe let things go her way?

"But nothing comes for free." he said, confirming what she was thinking.

He stood up and walked up to her, he stood just in front of her, he looked down at her with a scrutinizing gaze, his smirk not leaving his face. The smirk he had on reminds her of some the villains she sees in some of the movie she watch. He lifted his hand to caress her cheek and she flinched. She was yet to recover from the way he's looking at her like he's about to eat her and now he's caressing her cheek. She managed to get hold of herself.

"What do I have to do?" she asked with a quivering voice fearing that he would make her do something without thinking about her wellbeing.

He took a step towards her and she took a step back on instinct, he took another step forward and she stepped back. He pressed his hand on her shoulders and pushed her to the other end of the office, that's when she felt her back hit a wall. She looked up at him and he looked down, he then smirked and looked at her menacingly. She felt like she's shrinking under his scrutiny with each passing moment. She has never seen a person so intimidating.

He pinned her to the wall with his hands. Allison felt her heart race wildly in her chest. What did this man want from her? She knows that he is strict and people said he's hostile. Some said scary, others said he's ruthless. She has never thought deeply about it before. Well she didn't have to. Until now, when her is pinned between him and the wall.

"Let me go." she screamed.

"Don't shout baby girl. Nobody will hear you. Incase you haven't notice I'm the only person in this floor." he said icily.

Allison cursed her luck. Just what has she done to deserve this kind of life? What does this man want from her? From the look in his eyes, she could tell that she wasn't going to like what he will her. She could already guess what it is. She have previously imagined herself doing all sorts of job, but never did she imagine herself as someone's whore. Not even in her wildest imagination.

"You are cruel." she said

"I know." he replied calmly.

"I didn't expect a person of your status to be this indecent." she said, hoping that he wouldn't do what he plans to do with her for the sake of reputation.

"Life is full of surprises." he answered with the same calm voice.

Lord! This is not the kind of interview she expected.

"Please..." She begged.

"Please what?"

"I don't know. But please, have pity on me." she begged.

She immediately regretted begging him when she saw his lips curl up. Is he laughing at her? Maybe he is mocking her. She has never felt this small and irrelevant in her entire life.

"I like when people beg me." he said icily. "Especially sexy girls like you." he said in a low seductive voice making her freeze in place.

She took a deep breath. There is no use begging. Let her ask him first. What if he has something else in mind.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, holding her breath.

He chuckled darkly, then moved his mouth slowly close to her ear and said

"Be mine"