
Allison was seated, eating alone on the dining table. She has already gotten used to it. She had previously asked the maids to join her but they had all refused. She was still engrossed in her meal when she heard the chair across her being pulled and someone sat on it. She looked up and met Leo's smiling face. He was carrying a tray of food.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked politely.

"Sure." She smiled back. She was actually thankful that he came to join her because eating alone in this big dining room is a bit lonely. She was about celebrating when she remembered that she is not supposed to be talking to him or any other guy according to the dragon lord's command. She tensed upon realization. She tried her best to compose herself, it was just a meal and Calvin might not see them, he rarely uses the dining room anyway.

"Is everything alright?" Leo asked. "You seem a bit tensed."

"Oh! It's nothing, don't mind me."

They ate in silence for some time until Leo broke the silence again.

"How did you and Calvin meet?" he suddenly asked.

"Uhm...it's a long story."

She wasn't sure how to answer him. Infact she didn't want to answer him at all.

"I'm not very busy." he said, and gave her a mischievous smile.

Allison remained quiet for a while before saying;

"I applied for a job at his company."


"He liked me at first sight and we became friends." She lied.

"Hmmm..." Leo sighed. "Or he kidnapped you."


"I know Calvin, he just can't see you and ask for friendship. He is not that kind of person. It's just easier to assume that you were kidnapped."

Allison couldn't help but laugh.

"Is he that bad?" she asked "I wasn't kidnapped but I am not here willingly either." she told him.

"I don't know what had happened between the two of you, but I want to tell you that he is really not as bad as he seems to be."

Allison scoffed.

"It may be difficult to believe, but trust me, he's not a bad guy."

"So he's a good guy?" she asked with a raised brow.

"No, he's definitely not a good guy." he laughed.

As they were still talking, Calvin suddenly popped up behind Allison without her noticing his presence.

The corners of Leo's lips raised up in a naughty smile, as a mischievous thought entered his mind;

"Allison I would like you to go with me to a club tonight." he asked smiling mischievously.

"Oh! It's been long I have been to a night club. I would really love to but I can't."

"We will go. All of us." She suddenly heard the voice she has been praying not to hear. He was standing there, right behind her. Now what?!

Calvin hasn't called her for two days. Infact she didn't see him at all. It was as if he wasn't in the house and this Leo guy seemed to be keeping his distance before now. What kind of coincidence is this?

Leo was beyond surprised at Calvin's response. He really didn't want to go to any club, he just wanted to know if he could get him jealous. Now they all have to go to a night club and tonight. He face palmed internally.

"Uhm... You really don't have to." Allison timidly said to Calvin turning to him.

"We are going Allison." Calvin said taking her hand and dragging her into his room. How did it get to this? Damn Leo!

Inside Calvin's room, Allison's back was on the fall with Calvin's hands on each side of her shoulders pinning her. He was staring at her so angrily that she feared that he might actually murder her.

Suddenly he did what she least expected from him, he kissed her. It was neither slow nor tender. It was ferocious and punishing. This was the first time he was kissing her. Wasn't first kisses suppose to be slow and gentle? Anyway this man here was the nothing near gentle. He was fierce, ferocious, savage and dangerous. Surprisingly, she didn't hate it, she was even craving for more, she felt that her body was going to betray her soon.

He nudged her lips open with his tongue and they parted on their own, he then slid his tongue inside her mouth. He kissed her with an unrestrained ferociousness licking every corner of her mouth. One of his hands travelled down to her legs and move upwards until he got to her feminine part, she wasn't wearing anything underneath. Good!

He dipped two fingers inside her without warning making her moan out loud. His other hands travelled under her top until it found her breast. Without warning, he started moving his hands which were on her feminine parts, he moved them so fast that her whole body shuddered. Soon enough, she felt something building up in the pit of her stomach. Just when she was going to release, he stopped. No! Why did he stop? Why now? She was close! very close.

Calvin pulled away and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Why did you disobey me Allison?" his voice sounded seductive yet dangerous.

She was too perplexed to respond. Was this his way of punishing her? She believed so.

Suddenly he carried her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and threw her unceremoniously on the bed. He brought something out for his pocket, it was a piece of cloth. What was he going to use it for?

Calvin placed the blindfold over her eyes and tied it behind her head.

"What is that for?" She asked curiously.

"I'm blind folding you."

"I know. But why?" she asked

"Because when one of your senses is shut, others magnify." he answered with a deep and sexy voice.

He went ahead and stripped her of every piece of clothing she was wearing. Then he hovered above her and brought his lips close to her, just a little more movement, their lips will collide. Was he going to kiss her again? Her treacherous body was anticipating.

"I like you naked Allison." Calvin said with his lips just above hers. "I like that you p*ssy drips at the sound of my voice, I like that your body shudders at my touch, I love how you want more even though you try to deny it, I love how you writhe under me. You need to see yourself right now." He wasn't touching her but she was trying her best to control her moans and her body seems to be arching towards him. He didn't lie, her senses are really magnified.

"Spread your legs for me Allison." he commanded her and she obeyed; or rather, her body moved on its own. He went down and looked at her entrance. "Your p*ssy is dripping Allison, it's calling for me."

He dipped one finger inside her and brought it out.

"But I won't give you what you want."

With that, he climbed down the bed and walked away leaving her hanging.