Drunk women

Allison and Calvin arrived at the club with Leo a few steps behind them. Leo's car has been trailing behind them all those while. Calvin was holding Allison's waist protectively as though telling everybody that the she is taken.

He took her by the hand and went to seat around an empty table with Leo following them.

The club was bubbling with loud music and people dancing, some sitting, drinking and chatting, some were making out. And Allison has been seated trapped with these guys doing nothing.

Who does nothing in a club? She really wanted to get out there and dance but Calvin might not allow her. Were they going to seat there all night and do nothing? Could he at least order a drink?

Just as she thought that, he called one of the bartender and ordered drinks for all of them as if he read her mind. He didn't even ask her what she wanted.

Moments later, the bartender came with their drinks, alcoholic drinks for Calvin and Leo while she had a non alcoholic fruit wine. What? Is he looking down on her? Why would he assume that she can't handle alcohol? In reality, she actually has low tolerance but she wasn't about to let him treat her like a minor.

"I drink alcohol." She complained with a pout.

"Oh! you can have mine." Leo offered. She thanked him and attempted to take it when Calvin caught her hand midway.

"Have mine." Calvin said. It sounded more like a command than he was offering it to her. Must he always be so bossy?

She took his own and gave Leo and gave Leo an apologetic look. Leo just shrugged and waved his hand as if telling her it was nothing.

Allison filled her glass and took a sip. She smiled.

"Wow! I didn't expect it to taste good." She gulped a mouth full, she hummed as if appreciating the taste and she downed the whole glass.

"I love it, what's the name?" she asked while pouring wine into her glass again

"Be careful with that, it's has high percentage of alcohol." Calvin warned instead of answering her.

"Let the lady have some fun you bore." Leo said.

Allison took a big gulp, then another, and another, she didn't realize she was beginning to get tipsy. That's when she looked around and saw an all too familiar figure. She would recognize that person anywhere. She stood up immediately and starting walking towards the person, her steps swayed a little but she managed to compose herself. Calvin and Leo immediately stood up and went after by reflex. Just when Calvin was about to grab her, they heard her say.


Delia was in the midst of a heated make out session, she was seating astride a man and she was grinding and kissing him savagely.

She broke the kiss and turned to face her and the two guys behind her.

"Ow! Allison! it's you and your boyfriend and a sexy looking stranger." She smiled.

She turned to Leo

"Care to join us?"

Oh no! She was drunk. Allison knew that Delia has high tolerance to alcohol and she was hardly ever drunk. Just how much did she drink this time?

Delia stood up from the man and made her way to Leo and she started kissing him. Leo tried his best to dodge the hungry lioness but she was all over him. He was never this confused. Allison found it funny and she laughed.

"Who is she?" Calvin asked.

"That's Delia, my best friend." she replied laughing. What a friend she has.

"Great! Now you are drunk and your friend is also drunk."

While she was still laughing?

Delia turned to Calvin.

"Hope you won't leave her one day for someone as rich as you. If you do that, I will find you and I will kill you". Delia cut the kiss to say to Calvin without letting Leo go. Leo was at least thankful for that short pause. He was finding it difficult restraining himself, does she think she is a wood or what? She is a woman and a fine looking one at that.

When Delia said those words, Allison finally realized that she was drunk because of Mason. Damn that guy!

She walked or rather swayed over to help, dragged her away from Leo and hugged her with Calvin trailing behind her all these while, ready to catch her incase she trips and falls.

"What happened Didi?"

"Oh! It's nothing. That bastard Mason proposed to his beloved and guess what, he invited me to their wedding. And oh! They have even having their engagement party right now and I was also invited." She laughed. Just when she felt like she was moving on, he invited her to his wedding.

"I need to take you home Didi."

"No you won't Allison, you are drunk too." Calvin said.

What a great evening, now they have to babysit two drunk women.

"Don't worry about me Allison, I will go with Mr sexy stranger here." She said and went to cling herself to Leo. Leo felt a huge headache coming. How was he going to deal with this drunk and daring woman.

"No, I want to take care of her myself." Allison said and faced Calvin, as if challenging him to say otherwise.

"She seems to be comfortable with Leo. He will take her." Calvin said and carried the drunk Allison over his shoulders without giving her a chance to protest. The alcohol was beginning to show in her as she was swaying more than before.

"I need her house address" Leo said

"Bring her with us, we can't leave her alone in this state." The drunk Allison yelled. Even in her drunk state, she still want to look after her friend.

"You heard her Mr sexy stranger, take me with you." She curled her hands around his neck. "I'm very good in bed." She said with a hushed voice so that only he can hear. Leo felt a huge headache coming.

Calvin didn't drop Allison until he got to his car even though she kept wriggling her legs and slapping his back in order to escape his grasp. He would occasionally slap her buttocks when she moved too much and she will giggle.

Calvin opened the car door and threw her inside and she giggled like a child. It's like the drunk version of her likes being manhandled.

The driver turned on the ignition and zoomed off.

"Hey." She called him. "You are really handsome." She said admiring his features like she is seeing him for the first time. Calvin didn't respond.

She suddenly climbed on top of him and straddled him taking him aback

"Do you find me attractive?" She asked, eyes wide in anticipation.

Fuck! He has been trying his best to keep his eyes off her body since the moment she came out of her room and now she has come to kill him. She looked so hot. The fact that her thighs are exposed for him to see wasn't helping.

"Answer me Calvin, am I attractive?"

Suddenly she began to cry. Now what!

"You are attractive Allison." he blurted out.

She stopped crying and smiled like a child that has just been offered a candy.



Even though he said that to calm her down, he meant it. She is no doubt the most beautiful person he has ever seen and she affects him in ways no other woman has.

"Will you fuck me then?" She asked with expectation.

"what? Hell no! you are drunk." He was never the type to take advantage of a drunk woman and he really didn't want to do it to her.

"Please Calvin, fuck me." She started roaming her hands all over his chest.

Oh no! He was trying his best to restrain himself but she wasn't helping one bit. Her hand crawled from his chest down to his stomach. She pressed it a little.

"I like your abs. They are so sexy."

He smirked.

Then she continued moving her hand down and she stopped at the waistband of his trousers. She was about to pull it open when he caught her wrist.

"Stop it Allison."

"No!" She yelled.


"I will fuck you Allison but let's get home first, the driver is here."

Now he is the one being reasonable.

"Will you really fuck me?" She asked coquettishly.



"I promise."

She smiled and lay her head on his chest. He lifted his hand slowly to caress her back urging her to sleep. In a few minutes, he felt her body relax and her breath become even and he knew she has slept off. He heaved a huge sigh of relief. That was a close one.