
Allison has already cleaned her dishes up and she was cleaning the sink when she heard footsteps behind her. Thinking it was Delia, she said without looking back.

"Miss me already?"

Then she felt her backside being smacked and she jerked upon contact. Yeah! it was Calvin, the guy she was running from. What does he want now?

"Why don't you let the maids do that?" he asked innocently like he didn't just smack her.

"It's nothing, I do these all the time. And it's not that dirty by the way"

He snaked his hands around her waist hugging her from behind surprising her. This guy is really unstable.

"So you really think I miss you?" he asked while kissing her neck.

"Of course not. I thought you were Delia"

"Do you want me to miss you?"

Allison could only roll her eyes and shake her head, how was she supposed to answer that?

"I don't mind if you don't." She said.


Why does he sound disappointed?

"Why didn't you go to work today?" She asked trying to divert the topic.

Calvin chuckled, her fear of him was slowly dissipating without her knowing.

"Because of you." he said.

What the fuck?

"Why would you stay back because of me?" She asked, surprise and curiousity obvious in her voice.

"Because I want to do this" He moved one of his hand that was around and waist down to her feminine area and rubbed it through her clothes.

"Calvin stop it, anybody can enter here and see me." she hurriedly said

"They won't, I am totally covering you." he said without stopping. Was that supposed to make her feel better?

Suddenly he lifted her and put her over his shoulders with one hand like she weighs nothing and started walking away.Then he placed his other hand on her butt squeezing it frequently. This guy doesn't know how to treat a woman at all. Why does he always carry her like a sack?

"Where are you taking me?"

"My room."

"No, Delia needs to go and I planned to see her off." She protested.

"She knows I'm with you."


"She seems happy about it."

Stupid Delia. She could only guess what is her mind at the moment.

Allison's heard the door to Calvin's room open and he stepped inside, then he put her down.

"Do you like being carried like that?" he asked suddenly

Hell no!

"No I don't." She calmly said.

"But I do, I could always touch your ass with my free hand." he replied with a mischievous smile.

"Do you know why I brought you here?" he asked.

"For you to tease me as usual." She replied.

"No Allison. I brought you here to fulfill our promises."

Allison's eyes went wide. Was this the reason he didn't go to work?

He moved towards her and tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.

"Make me cum Allison."

Oh no!

He removed his shirt looked at her in a way as if urging her to do the rest.

Slowly she moved her hands to his trousers to unzip him but he caught her hand stopping her. She looked at him in confusion.

"On your knees." his voice was low and deep and she felt like she was being hypnotized. She felt her knees melt into puddle. How could he make her feel so weak with just words?

Allison slowly dropped to her knees. She looked up at him and met his gaze, she could see lust and desire burning in them. Desire?

He lifted his hand and began to stroke her hair like a master fondling his pet. Allison lifted her hands to unzip him again and he still caught her hand. Now what! She looked at him in confusion and he gave a sly smile.

"Use your teeth." he commanded in a deep husky voice. She moved her face closer until she he held the head of the zip between her teeth. She slowly moved it down. She lifted her hands to the side of his trousers and pulled it down and he stepped aside leaving him in his underpants. Does she have to remove this? She looked up at him again.

"Take it off."

She lifted her hands once more to the sides of his underpants and dragged it down in one goal releasing his already excited member from it's cage. She was dumbstruck, she has never seen it this close before. It wasn't huge, just thick and long enough.

"You know what to do."

She hasn't given done this before but she will let her instinct guide her. She licked her lips sexily and stuck out her tongue. She licked his tip first and then she opened her mouth and swallowed him whole.


She then put her hands around his hips and began to move slowly, increasing her pace with each passing moment. He grabbed a handful of her hair and began to guide her movement as his head fell back. The feeling of her hot mouth on him... his jaw clenched and his grip on her hair tightened. She wrapped one of her hand around the remaining length that couldn't fit into her mouth. This woman will surely be the death of him. No one ever made him feel this way. She began to move faster and he was getting closer to his climax, she pulled her mouth away and decided to finish with her hand. She moved her hands up and down in a very fast pace and with just a few movements, he came down from the high.

Calvin lifted her and lay her on the bed. At least he didn't throw her this time. He then went further to tear every piece of clothing she was putting on. The man has no patience at all.

He bent down and he kissed her. It wasn't like the punishing and ferocious kiss. This one was slow and sensual. He took her lower lips in his mouth and sucked on it, biting it lightly occasionally.

He nudged her mouth open with his tongue and slid it inside tasting every corner of her mouth. Her mouth felt like a drug and he was addicted. He kissed her mouth for some time before moving his lips down her jaw to her neck making her wriggle. He moved down and kissed in between her chest before raising his head to take a good look at her twin peaks. They were perfectly round and with taut nipples which seemed to be calling for his attention. Damn! Beautiful! She is beautiful!

He bent down and took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked it like a starved person who had just been given food. He really felt starved. Starved for her. His hand found her other mound and he began to massage it, then his free hand made it way down to her aching core and he dipped two fingers inside her.

Lord! Allison saw stars. This man knew exactly what he was doing. She couldn't do anything but wriggle her body and moan. She had long given up on controlling her body's movement because it was like it has a mind of it's own. She liked what he was doing to her and she didn't want him to stop.

Calvin's mouth found her other breast and he sucked it with the same intensity spreading waves of heat all over her. Then he removed his head and began kissing the middle of her chest downwards. He kissed her navel and went down, just when he was about to reach her triangle, he stopped and looked at her and his burning orbs met hers.

No! Why did he stop? Was he going to leave her here again?

"I really want to f*ck you Allison." his voice was laced with unrestrained desperation "Just say the word, I won't hurt you I promise."

Wait! He was asking? Why is he asking? does he care about her opinion? Did she want him to have sex with her? Her body does but her brain is telling her otherwise. Since he is giving her a choice, wouldn't it be better to reject him? isn't that what she has always wanted? why was her body not listening? was she that starved for a man?

"Please say yes Allison." He opened her thighs and kissed her close to her core. "I won't do anything that you don't like, I promise." he kissed her again. Every sanity flew out of Calvin's head the moment he saw her dripping core. He wanted to be inside of her so badly that he didn't care if he begged for it. This woman has managed to make him beg. He is never the type to beg for anything. Maybe Leo was right, maybe he was falling for her.

"No, don't do it." Allison suddenly blurted out. Since he's asking, it won't be good for her to just give in. Maybe she should protect the little respect she has left. He might still do it anyway.

Calvin did not bother to hide the disappointment on his face or rather, he couldn't hide it. He didn't blame her though, he has treated her like trash and had called her his possession. How does he expect her to willingly give herself to him? He felt guilt and regret surfaced from deep within him. She needed help and he took advantage of her. He knew she was going to come to him because he saw her desperation. What kind of a person is he? When did he become this heartless?

Allison saw the gloomy look on Calvin's face and for a moment, she pitied him. What? When did the ever so formidable Calvin look pitiful. Moments ago, he was ordering her about and now he is here looking dejected. Wow!

"At least let me do this." he spread her thighs open and buried his head between them without waiting for her response. Was he scared of being rejected again?

Calvin gave her protruding bud one swift lick and she shuddered before he went on to suck her there with reckless abandon. Her hands curled in his hair while she arched her back towards him. She wanted more.

Calvin dipped two fingers inside of her while still sucking her for added and she could only arch, wriggle and writhe her body. Calvin suddenly lifted her hips slightly and smacked her. It was painful but she didn't hate it, it even added to her already extreme stimulation.

"Say my name Allison."

Did he say something? She didn't hear him.

She felt him smack her again.

"Say my name."

Oh! he asked her to call his name.

"Cal..." She couldn't complete it because he already smacked her again.

"" She said in between moans.

She could feel him smile between her legs. He loves the way she said his name and he continued with his ministration until Allison came right in his mouth and he licked every bit of it.