Calvin's other woman

Calvin sat on the sofa in Leo's room while Leo sat on the bed facing each, they were staring at each other. They have been like that since Calvin entered Leo's room. when Leo finally got tired of the awkward silence, he spoke up.

"Don't tell me you came here to just look at my face. I know I am handsome though but there should be a more serious reason."

Calvin still remained quiet making Leo's impatience overflow.

"Speak now you bastard. I don't have all day to spend with you," he said getting irritated. This cousin of his makes him want to commit murder sometimes.

Calvin still didn't say anything and Leo sighed in defeat. He should probably just forget about him. Just as he stood up to walk out, Calvin finally spoke.

"I want to protect Allison."

The annoyed Leo turned to him with a frown. "Was that too hard to say?" After glaring at him for a while, wishing he could just throw him out of the window, Leo finally asked. "Protect her from what?"

"Our family," Calvin said seriously. "My father asked me to let her go, Lisa doesn't like her and I am sure it's more than that."

"I know that you really don't care about what your parents think," Leo said with a raised brow.

"I don't, but I care about what they can do to her. They might harm her because of her background. My father fucking wants me to marry someone I can form a stupid alliance with. My company is fucking doing very well and I don't need any stupid alliance," He angrily said through gritted teeth.

"Are you going to let her go?" Leo asked.

Calvin went quiet for a moment. He really wanted to be selfish and keep her with him but he knows that he won't be able to take it if something should happen to her.

"I will if I don't find a solution to deal with my so called parents," he said.

"Knowing your father, he will still come after her even after you let her go. He will feel that you will always go back to her. So I don't think you should let her go, instead, you should bring her closer and try to think of a solution," Leo advised.

Calvin thought about it for a while, he believed that Leo made sense. But what should he do?

"What do you think I should do?" Calvin asked.

"Poor Calvin, you can solve every problem related to your company no matter how difficult it is but you really can't think when it comes to Allison," Leo said with an amused expression. Calvin shot him a hard glare but he only chuckled.

"I think you should threaten them?" Leo said.

"Threaten them? You really think that will work?" Calvin asked with a disbelieving expression. He hoped that Leo had a better plan.

"Your father loves his wife dearly and will do anything for her. He also knows that you hate her very much. If you threaten him with her, he will think twice. He knows that you won't hesitate to kill her if she crosses your path. Am I right?"

Calvin nodded. He will really kill her if she does anything to Allison and his father won't find it hard to believe. Talking to Leo was not really a bad idea.

Calvin stood up to leave the room when he heard Leo's whining voice;

"Seriously? You are just going to leave? No thank you? You should pay me for my good advice." Leo complained. Calvin didn't bother to turn back, he just opened the door and left.


Back in Allison and Calvin's room, Allison lay on the bed thinking of what Lisa told her. Calvin had another woman. She said she won't think about it but she found herself unable to think about anything else. Why was she so bothered? Not that she cared. He can have any woman he likes. It should be none of her business. Or was she angry that he lied to her? Did he even lie? He has never told her that he doesn't have anybody else. He has never even openly said that he was interested in her. Maybe she was just angry that he is trying to play her. But what if Lisa is lying. She knows that Lisa doesn't want them together so maybe she is just trying to separate them. Allison face palmed, they were not even together. After much pondering, she decided she was going to ask Sasha.

Calvin opened the door to see Allison walking towards it. She was carrying something in a white shopping bag.

"What's in there?" he asked her curiously.

"Something I bought for Sasha." She replied.

"At the mall?" he asked.

"Yup. I would have got something for Leo too but I forgot."

Calvin for it funny how she was freely buying things for people with his money. Not that he was complaining, he just found it amusing.

"So you are going to give to her right now I guess."

"Yup! Do you know where she is?" he asked.

"Not really, she might either in her room or with her mother. She might also be out with her friends." he said.

"Oh," Allison exclaimed, not knowing where to start from.

She still needed to talk to Sasha anyway so she decided to look for her. She went downstairs after telling Calvin that she would return soon.

Allison found Aunt Joana walking towards the direction of the kitchen. She decided to ask her of Sasha. Aunt Joana said she last saw her in her mother's room and she showed her the direction. When Allison got to Margaret's room, she knocked and Margaret asked her to enter.

"I'm looking for Sasha." Allison said.

"Oh dear! She left some time ago. Check her room, it's the room after this one. I really hope she's still there."

Allison thanked her and went to check the next room. Just as she was about to knock, the door opened and Sasha came out all dressed.

"Oh! I think I came at the wrong time," Allison said.

"No, it's okay. I'm not really in a hurry. Come in," Sasha said to her and they both entered her room.

Sasha's room is an example of a typical girl's room. Almost everything inside is pink in colour or at least has pink in it. She has lots of teddy bears and makeup scattered everywhere. They are piles of clothes scattered all over the bed and the sofa. Stacks of feminine books were on the table with some of them opened. Allison could only smile, Sasha really has a lot in common with Kylie.

"Sorry about this," Sasha said shyly, referring to her room.

"That's okay. I'm not too tidy myself," Allison said, trying to relieve her of her embarrassment. "I got you something." She said handing her the shopping bag. Sasha brought the content out. It was a pink dress.

"Whoa! It's lovely and pink is my favourite colour. Oh! I guess that's pretty obvious." She said looking around her room. Allison could only smile.

The both of them chatted for a while before Allison asked her about Calvin.

"Do you think Calvin is seeing other girls?" Allison asked. She knew she was too forward but she didn't know a better way to ask. And she really didn't want to beat around the bush.

Sasha hesitated a little making Allison nervous. Why was she nervous? She just wanted to find out, not like she was expecting him to be single. Even if he doesn't have anyone, it's not supposed to be her business right? Why then is she feeling so uneasy?

"Calvin always had more than one girl." Sasha began and Allison's heart sank. "He doesn't really date them though, he's just always seen with them. But he has never brought anyone here before," she added.

Sasha noticed the gloomy look Allison's eyes before she quickly added, "that was all before he met you though." She said

"How do you know that?" Allison asked trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Leo told me. Calvin have really not been with anybody else since he met you. I'm quite sure of that." Sasha said reassuringly.

Allison felt relieved. She didn't know why? Maybe it was because she felt it would be disrespectful if Calvin is seeing somewhere else and at the same time trying to lead her on.

She didn't plan to fall for him anyway.


Allison entered the room to find Calvin sprawled on the bed like a log. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"Hey," She called soft

"Hey," He replied her with a smile, his sullen expression gone without a trace.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked him.

"We will be going back tomorrow," he said taking her by surprise.

"What? Why?" She asked confused

"Something came up at work" he said

"Oh," was all she said.

Calvin noticed that she wasn't agitated to back. Apart from their shopping that day, she really didn't do anything fun here. They just stayed inside all day. That's when he realized something. Maybe she was taking this as a break. She doesn't have to go to the hospital and she isn't as lonely here as she used to be back in his house.

"What is the name of the hospital your sister is admitted in?" he suddenly asked.

"Saint peters hospital. Why do you ask?" She asked him curiously

"Nothing. I just want to know," he said.

Allison looked at him suspiciously. His smug expression told her that he is up to something.