
The aroma of the food Leo was cooking in the kitchen wafted into Delia's nose and she decided to go and have a taste. She was about entering the kitchen when she caught sight of Leo's back, so she just leaned on the door watching him. He was so focused on what he was doing that she couldn't help but smile. He had his shirt off and it was draped over his shoulder. She found it surprising that she could be this tempted just staring at his bare back, she had the urge to go over and run her hands through it, to know how strong it will feel against her palm. He ran one hand through his hair and she caught her lower lip between her teeth. There is nothing sexier than a hot shirtless man cooking.

As if noticing her presence, he turned around.

"Delia, I told you not to come here. You are going to ruin the surprise," he complained.

"Well, it isn't much of a surprise anyway. I already know that you are cooking."

"But you don't know what it is."