Staying with her

Kate opened her door to find Mason standing outside with his hand crossed over his chest and a frown on his face. She reflexively rushed back inside and made to slam the door, but he caught it before it jammed.

"Avoiding me now wife?" He sounded angry.

"Of course not." She forced a smile.

He gave her a meaningful look, then stepped inside.

Somehow the room became crowded. Why was he so close? And why was he moving towards her? Her legs moved back on their own. She only stopped moving when her back hit a solid surface, and he was standing right before her, still looking at her with that angry stare.

He inched his face closer to hers, and her lips parted, expecting him to kiss her. But then he leaned in to her ear. He grazed his lips up and down, and letting his hot heavy breaths fan her ear. She was unaware of how she was gripping his shirt tight.