Mother (Part 2)


The word sounded strange coming from Delia's mouth, it's really been a long time since she said it.

The dark haired and blued eyed woman stood completely still for a moment before moving closer to her daughter. She touched her cheek.

Delia's heart cracked. She wanted to lean into her, to feel her warmth and comfort again, but she can't, not after everything that had happened. She held her mother's wrist and pulled her hand down from her face.

The woman just kept her hand to herself, if she was hurt, she did well to hide it. Her eyes darted between her and Leo.

"This is Leo, he's my boyfriend." Delia introduced.

"Nice to meet you Leo."

Leo shook hands with her. "Nice to meet you too ma'am."

"We should all go inside." The woman said.

Leo took Delia's hand and gave her a squeeze as they followed her mother inside.

Delia sat close to Leo on one couch, while her mother sat on another.

"Should I get you something?" Delia's mother asked.