Unreciprocated feelings

Calvin and Allison sat together in a couch in the living room. The television was on, but they were not paying it any attention, as they were busy cuddling and chatting with themselves. But soon Calvin's attention was pulled to the television when a familiar news popped up on the screen.

"Hannah St. James found dead." Calvin read aloud, while the reporter gave the news. "So they are just finding out." He shook his head.

Hannah's family didn't find out about her death on time because they assumed that she was out of the country, which was not a new thing. Once Hannah got bored of a place, she would usually move away. She does it so casually that she even leaves a country without telling anyone in her family.

Her family assumed that was the case, but after a month went by without hearing from her at all, they became worried. They declared her missing, and they searched for a long time, before they found her skeleton in the small house that she went to live in.