
Calvin woke up one morning. He searched the bed for Allison as he usually does, but she wasn't there. He got up to go close the open curtains as the light rays were shining brightly in the room, and his eyes were yet to adjust to it.

From the way everywhere looked bright, he knew he had woken up very late. He and Allison had a very wild night last night. He still expected her to be in bed, knowing he tired her out.

He quickly went to search for her, worried that he might have tired her out too much. Their bathroom was the first place he searched, but he didn't find her there.

Coming out of the room, he met Ellie.

"Good morning Ellie. Do you know where Ally is?"

"She's in the kitchen. She said she wanted to make you breakfast." Ellie answered with a shrug, and Calvin's feet took him to the kitchen wasting another second.

He smiled when he saw her from the door. She was singing a song and also dancing to it. Somehow, she looked more radiant.