Finding his family

Calvin instantly regretted saying that. What if that was not the case? He would just raise her hope only to leave her disappointed in the end. But he just couldn't help himself, as the thought of her getting pregnant excited him.

Allison's lips parted and closed, before parting again. "We... we should see a doctor." She suggested.

"I was only guessing. I am not certain." Calvin said, not wanting her to get too hopeful.

"But it could be true. I have been feeling a little sick for a while now. Maybe I am really pregnant Calvin. We should check." Now she looked so anxious to know.

"I had previously thought about that, but I always pushed it away, not wanting to get my hopes high. But now that you noticed and mentioned it, I want to check. It is better I just know, even if I get a negative answer."

Calvin walked up to her and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there for a few seconds. "We will be seeing a doctor tomorrow."

"Thank you baby."