Back To My Body 1

While her mother is talking bullshit to him due to the hospital pay, he stands up and walks towards the door while ignoring my mother.

"Hey, you little shit who is already useless and even used the money that I should be used to buy food for your brothers because of your stupidity... Heyyy... how dare you ignore me, you useless shit.." Her voice is heard throughout the hospital. When she is about to slap me on the back of my head, I dodge it, and it looks like there is no effort needed to do it.

Before my mother could talk bullshit about me, I said one word that made her shut up completely " Shut up, and the word that you always wanted to hear was SORRY I WILL PAY IT BACK IN THE FUTURE when I have money, so just shut up and don't get in the way." I snarled, making my mother shut up and cringe.

I am angry at myself because of the torture I endured after falling unconscious or did I die at that time?

He taught while walking away, leaving her mother behind.

" you little shit, what an ungrateful bastard.. pay me in the future, dream on." She said while grumbling as she also started to leave the hospital

The morning came then my daily dose of shouting from my mother and father started, but something was different. I am somewhat more patient with them now.

"Maybe because of that incident, meh... whatever, but I need to talk to Jeanne later at school." after I said that, I started to prepare my thing with the continuous grumbling from my parents, so I just ignored it and continued my preparation.

At school, my classmates look at me with surprise in their eyes and other emotions in their gazes.

My otaku friends that love thighs and big boobs look at me with envy and pity.

Envy because they thought I just got in touch with the most seductive beauty of the classroom, maybe even the entire school.

While others were surprised because they couldn't see my injuries, these people also thought I couldn't go to school until next week.

So I was surprised too not to see Jeanne at her seat. I inspect the entire classroom but can't find her "maybe she is not at school, even her bag is not here."

So I asked the others where Jeanne was, and they answered that she was not yet at school.

I sighed, then just went to my seat and waited for her to come and talk to me.

I waited for Jeanne to come to school, but in the afternoon class, she did not come, so I got pissed. I plan to have a bit of fun teasing her and punishing her, but it looks like she did not come, huh...

So after the class, I delivered my bag to my home and started going to my house of Jeanne.

When I arrived at the front of the house, I shouted, " Jeanne can I talk to you? Can you come out for a bit?" I called and started waiting for her outside the door of their house, but it looked like she did not reply.

So I shouted again and waited for half a minute, but I couldn't hear anything coming to open the door. I got irritated.

I look at my surroundings before looking where I could enter the house and start asking her about what happened just yesterday.

Before I could find a way to enter the house sneakily, I heard a shouting voice with visible anger and irritation mixed.

"You go home. I don't want to see your pesky face." the voice has a seductiveness on it that would attract any man that heard it.

When she noticed my bleeding nose while having a straight face looking at her, she blushed a bit before returning to normal and said.

She tried to talk, but the tape on her mouth prevented her from doing that and made a seductive moan that made the poor little brother of Wolford, holding back the burger, completely wake up.

When Jeanne saw this, her face turned red from shame, and this caused her already seductive beauty to unleash her natural beauty.

This made the already awakened dragon want to get out from the thing that was preventing it, causing Wolford to loosen his belt so that he would not get hurt.

When Jeanne saw this, she started pushing her body back into the wall of her room that looked lifeless. She glared at Wolford, a look that she wanted to kill when Wolford saw this; he was surprised and wondered why but when she realized that she had just fixed his pants, he smiled and wanted to tease Jeanne for a bit.

Meanwhile, because of that decision, something is removed from the two of them that will never be returned.

When I heard what she said, a vein bulged in my head, and I shouted back, " what do you mean by that princess who almost took my precious life away. I want to ask you a question, so open the door, and if you don't, I will find somewhere to climb your small house and talk to you inside." I returned to her but did not get an answer, which irritated me.

" you girl, I will punish you if I can find a way to enter your small house.." I added before finding a way to climb up.

"If you do that, I'll call the police so that they will come to arrest you.." She shouted with a seductive and angry voice.

Before she could react, I destroyed the window near where the voice was coming from, only to see a girl with so much seductiveness on it while water was dripping from her body that only a towel covering it after walking out of the bath.

When she saw me, she panicked a bit before dialing the police "Hello police; please help, my address is XXXX-xxx -- ." Before continuing, I grabbed her naked body and pushed her onto the bed.

She tried to fight back only to see her body under a boy she hated the most, and when she tried to fight, she was shocked to realize that she couldn't move her smooth hands from my proper grip on her.

Before she could think of a way to fight back, the phone talked, " hello, anyone there can you answer, miss?" The policy has a woman's voice is no less seductive than the voice of Jeanne.

When Jeanne saw Wolford coming near her, she immediately tensed up.

She raised her guard and was ready to use something that would shock Wolford.

When Wolford is 10 inches from Jeanne, he bends downed, and the 5 inches gap is the only inches left before their lips touch each other.

Jeanne looked at Wolford's eyes; she saw lust in them and a teasing look that made her body shiver.

"I will let you free and don't even touch you today, but only if you answer my question," he said with a teasing smile but then his face turned deadly serious, making even Jeanne flinch for a moment.

" Answer me, do you enjoy killing?" he asks with a serious face.

Jeanne then shook her head then. Wolford frowned and asked again," Then why are you smiling when you tried to kill me? You are also not surprised when you heard me calling you out your voice. It's like you are expecting me." they said while frowning.

Jeanne at him, unable to answer because of the tape on her seductive mouth.

" hmm... now that I thought about it, when I woke up at that time, my mouth felt a bit sweet. It looks like I stole someone's first kiss," he uttered while looking thoughtful.

The police, with a pretty curved body on the other side of the phone, only heard the word help before the call ended.

Realizing that something has happened to the other side of the call, the policewoman immediately grabs her gun and a few magazines before going to the police car.

She did not call the other police officers because she was in a rush. The other police officers tried to rush to the car and help their police captain, only to be left behind because the car had already disappeared on the road, and the police made the other vehicles give way to the police car.

meanwhile, after the call ended, " hmm, what a bad girl you are; II just said that I wanted to talk to you... but you called the police.. nahh... whatever, let's enjoy punishing you for what you did." I said to her while shrugging my shoulder.

I can find a rope and put it on her up on that, and at that time, when I saw a rope, she was able to call for help before covering her mouth and putting the string around her so that she would not be able to call for help beat me up.

I was surprised by my swift movement in finding a rope and swiftly putting it on her as I was born for this, but I did not think much about it.

I also put tape on her mouth so that she would not be able to shout, and looking at her now; I look like a dire wolf that came here to do bad things. So I deadpanned to myself.