Wolford Siblings

"What did you two do?" Wolford asks after the light disappears.

"Master? why does your voice sound a little weird?" Ferir asked after noticing the choice of Wolford.



Wolford cough when he realizes that his voice sounded weird.

"Is it alright now?" Wolford asks after coughing.

"Yes!" Ferir answered.

Megan then asked afterward.

"Master, what was the thing you asked a moment ago?" Megan asked, remembering what their master said a moment ago.

When Wolford heard this, his eyes suddenly widened. He then realizes what he'd just done a moment ago.



Megan and Ferir asked after realizing their Master had entered a dazed state.

"Ah! No! No! Don't worry about it!" Wolford quickly said.

"Is that so, master?"

"Then why are you laughing a moment ago?"

Megan and Ferir asked, remembering what just happened a second ago.

"Laughing, you mean?" Wolford stiffened after hearing the sudden question.