
'Responsibilities? Now that I think closely. Why did I leave all those things? have fun? Fun?!' Wolford continues to ponder to himself, not noticing Megan and Ferir looking at him.

"Master? What are you thinking about?"

"Huh?!" Wolford snapped out of his daydreaming state when he heard the suiting voice of Megan.

"Well... Nothing that you should bother yourself." Wolford said calmly and continued, "I'll go and return the plate first."

Unbeknown to Wolford, the Wolves are busy facing another large and strong army of different races.



"Huh?! What's this guy saying? It's gibberish; I don't understand a thing," Alpha said to Luna, who's beside him, also observing the now large army before them.

When the different giant race that is in front of the army of Wolves realize that they can't understand their words, their faces become understanding. The being that talked to Alpha a moment ago looked beside him and nodded.