Was I insane? Definitely. Did I care? Weirdly, I didn't, but then I was starting to be more carefree about stuffs since I stepped into Howls which to others might not be bad, but to me it simply meant I was starting to loose my touch.
"Hey, human friend!!" The door to the room burst open revealing a squealing Leila. Alec had left a while ago so I was the only one left here.
"Hey Lee." I smiled at her as she bounced down on the bed.
"You know, there are some silent news going round Howls at the very moment." She said with a wide grin on her face.
It was funny and surprising how indifferent Leila was acting towards me even when she knew i was keeping something from them all.
"And does this news concern me?" I asked.
"Well, ya know..." She paused.
"Leila what is it?"