"Father… how did it go with…" Kuza's worried son began to bombard him with questions as soon as he heard his father's footsteps. However, when he saw his father's condition, he felt a pang in his heart, with so much anger consuming his person. He knew exactly who could hurt his father in this manner without worrying about the consequences.
In the whole of the Magic Realm, only the madman, Kuza, also known as Lord of the Magic Realm has what it takes to hurt his father and damn the consequences which would never come. He felt so sorry for his father as he burst out, "Holy goddess…father… What happened this time?"
As he declared this, Zerd immediately took hurried steps toward his father and helped him to a seat on the carefully crafted wooden double sitter, after which he shut the door with a simple thought. Urma watched in horror as Zerd moved to unwrap his wounds and start reciting some magic spells.