A Clue

"Hey… Lolly… What's up with you?... I didn't see you all day… should have known you've been hiding here" Kurah takes a seat beside Lolita, but far away enough to hinder her view of Lolita's screen. She was trying to give her friend some privacy, but unknown to Kurah, if she had moved a little closer to the screen, she would have seen something that would shock her to her core. Alas, she was trying to keep her nose out of her friend's private business.

"Tell me… what's with you and that FaceUp application?... You know… I even tried looking it up on the Playstore… but… surprisingly… it wasn't there… This only leaves room for one possibility… you developed it, so you have the only copy there is! Kurah declares with conviction.

Lolita only shrugged in response, to which Kurah's eyes lit up in glee. She felt so proud of her friend that she didn't have words to describe it. The only words that escaped her lips were