Capture Kurah's Brother!

"What are you doing here?" Lily asked Lolita aggressively. She was startled to see the little girl walking so freely in the dark kitchen as though she was a creature of the dark.

Lolita ignored her, only for her to reiterate, "I'm talking to you, Lolita Clint!" She was angry because Lolita ignored and treated her like she was air.

As if there was no one else in the kitchen but her, Lolita reached for her food and made a move to walk out of the kitchen. She was at a crossroads and had to return quickly to check on what the satellite images had to offer.

She deftly maneuvered her way around the seething team member and walked back to her room. She kept her aloof expression all through her encounter with the student till she got to her room. As a result, Lily didn't suspect a thing.