Heat vs. Gravity!

While Aztec and Messi are face each other again.

"Why are you here Lord Aztec!", said by Messi.

"Don't be polite on the man who will killed you", said by Aztec while staring bad at him and Aztec drew his sword. "My Phaesphoros is the one who will kill you this time!", that is the name of his sword. "I need to be careful because I don't know his true power but when he is in Shadees his power is gravity so I'm sure he has more power than this because Aeslos said that he has a unique power", he said to his mind.

"Why not you use your two sword Lord Aztec, I want to see your true power", said by Messi.

"One sword is enough....", said by Aztec and he disappeared in front of Messi quickly. "Fire Phaesphoros: Burning Slice!", then Aztec appeared in side of Messi and he attack him faster that he didn't see his move and Messi got slice on the cheek.

"A-ahh, you are so fast than I thought!", said by Messi and after that he do something, he wide his arm, "Gravity Negation!", and the house, building and other things are rising from the ground.

"Gravity?, I felt like I'm floating", Aztec said to his mind.

While Saerob, Lypse and Aeslos are in the broken building.

"It's that all you got?", said by Saerob and after that they felt that they are rising. "Huh?, what is happening?", said by Saerob.

"It's look like Gran Messi is doing a move now!", said by Lypse but Saerob control his move and was able to descend to the ground and he looked up at the sky and he saw Aztec fighting against Messi. "Sigh.. so he is here but if all the things are going up the other people are going up too!, this is bad.

While in the underground of the secret hideout of Saerob.

After running a few miles Navi, Seir and other people has arrived in the hideout, when they entered they felt cold because the hideout of Saerob is made in some of ice.

"Ho-ho, it's cold here mom", said by the child name Paul.

"We don't have choice, this only the safe place", said by the mom of Paul and the other people is panicking because of what happened.

"What will gonna do?!, what will happen to my family?", said by the man and the other is panicking too.

"We are all gonna die!!", and some are crying.

"Please stop!!, don't be so negative guys, my friend is here, he will help us", said by Seir.

"Who?, the one who killed the other monster!, they are just the same, they will kill all of us", said by a man.

"No, he is good guy, he will help us, just don't be negative, trust him", said by Seir.

"Hey Seir, why are you so calm?, are you not scared at Saerob when you see that?", said by Navi.

"I have just trust on Saerob, since he save me too when someone trying to kill me", said by Seir.

"Trying to kill you?, Who?", said by Navi.

"Just like them and they are the one who killed Liam too", said by Seir but in the middle of their conversation they felt a quake that is because of what happen in the ground, that"s why they are not rising even the hideout is made in solid materials is it because Saerob sealed it in case of any other power moved it.

"Q-quake?, really now?!", said by them.

While in the other country they also rising.

"What is happening?", said by the man in Russian country.

"Help!, what is happening?", said by people in the Philippine country in their language.

"What is happening?, why are we rising", said by Japanese man.

In Eros

Before Aztec arrived in Earth.

Because Athos have a rock body like a big robot and his hand coated by lightning by his technology, he just punching Leach and just chasing him because somehow Leach avoiding the other blow and Leach is have a lots of blood coming from his mouth because of the impact of the punch of Athos.

"Fuck!, my mercury armor is not working!, he just destroying it!", said by Leach while avoiding the punch of Athos.

While in the ground, Vast is now surrounded by the soldiers of Shadees and the number of Elxiano and Monster Beast is decreasing.

"We're out of allies here!", said by Vast while he just moving around with the portal to avoid their attack.

"Is that all you got?, running!?", while Ryuujin is just taunting Vast

And in the middle of the fight of Athos and Leach, Saerob called him.

"Athos, can you hear me?", said by Saerob while using their Uni-Intercecullar Communication.

"Yeah, I can hear you", said by Athos.

"We need help!, I want you to transfer the people of Earth in Eros and all of the one who are fighting will move here to Earth, can you do that right?", said by Saerob.

"Y-yes, I can but how we will explain to the people of Earth on what happening", said by Athos.

"Just do it!, we don't have time, Messi will gonna kill all of the people, he is negating the gravity here", said by Saerob.

"Roger!", said by Athos, after that he secretly fled so Leach would not notice what he was going to do but the rock robot is still moving so he will not notice it.

"I need to go on my lab", a few seconds he arrive in his lab and do what Saerob wants.

This is a technology that can transfer the other world in other place but in this case Athos will just transfer the people in the Earth to Eros and they will transfer to Earth too.

"Just a few minutes, Saerob!", right now he is doing a some requirement to do this technique.

In Earth

"Come on Athos, they are upping so high right now", said by Saerob but after a few minutes Saerob felt the presence of the people in the Earth is gone. "It's look like it's okay now", said by Saerob.

"What are you saying?", said by Aeslos while attacking him. "Wind Claws!!", but Saerob just avoid it.

In Eros

"Now, it's time to go!!", after he transfer the people of the Earth in Eros, he immediately transfer the other to Earth for there to fight.

In Earth

"What?, where are we?", said by Ryuujin.

"I feel Messi's power, it's look like we got transfer here in....Earth", said by Vast.

"Gran Messi?, why are we here?", said by Leach.

While in the underground, their hideout was not able to transfer because of the seal.And while in Eros all of the people are shock because they are in other world but the atmosphere in Eros are same in Earth.

"Where are we?", said by all the people who got transfer, but before Athos left ge already informed King Jeus and the whole Kingdom that they will transfer the people of Earth in Eros so they will treat them properly.

In sky where Aztec and Messi are.

"Is that your power?, you can't beat me with that!", said by Aztec and he attack him. "Fire Bullet!", he fired a many fire bullets on the direction where Messi is, but the fire bullets just sucked suddenly into Messi's body.

"What?!", Aztec was shocked on what happened.

"You want to know my real power ha?", said by Messi while staring at him.
