Paul Reunion With Adeline (Chapter 41)

In the previous Chapter 40,

Doctor Montana didn't follow but immediately he regretted and followed behind.

Joe looks at them from afar.

Danny is looking at Joe's behaviour. "Joe, can you help me by staying in the car? I need to use the washroom urgently."

Joe says, "Okay."

After some time Joe seems to realize he is being tricked because they left the car even though at a different time.

Adeline discusses with Robert, Doctor Montana, and Danny that just now, the attack was not Harold's actions weird. He seems like he is working or taking instructions from someone.

Robert says, "I picked up this just now in the meeting room."

Doctor Montana says, "I will do a test later."

Adeline suggests that we should go back to the car gradually instead of all of us at once so that Joe won't get suspicious.