Upon arriving at the mansion, Ember and Jayden went straight into the room. Ember headed into the bathroom. Jayden took off his shirt and just put on his pants. He looked at the calendar. Three days have passed; four days remain. He sighed when he looked at the calendar, because he didn't want to force Ember to make love with him.

He walked out to the balcony of the room and stood looking at the moon with a messed up mind.

After Ember is finished taking a shower, she looks for Jayden because she doesn't see him in the room. She glanced at the balcony and saw Jayden outside, shirtless. "Doesn't he feel cold?"

Ember was curious, and she went to the balcony and asked,

"Don't you feel cold, shirtless?"

Jayden turned to look at her with a charming facial expression. Seeing Jayden's body closely made her blush. She felt like wanting to touch him because his body looked seductive. However, she quickly clears her mind so she won't have a dirty mind.

"Not at all."

Jayden replied with a smile on his face and staring at the moon. Ember remembered and was curious about what Fabian had told them before when they visited them, so she asked,

"Jayden, why do we have to be together before a week is over? And what will happen to you if we don't?"

Jayden turned to look at her with a calm facial expression.

"Maybe you'll never see me again."

Ember frowned and looked at him with confusion after she heard his answer, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry I can't tell you more. I'm going to take a shower. Don't stay long outside; you'll catch a cold."

Then Jayden went into the room. Ember leaned against the balcony and sighed. "What are they hiding? This family is full of secrets."

On the way home, Xander and Aubrey do not speak. But Aubrey felt awkward not saying anything.

"Your name is Xander, right?"

"Yes." Xander replied solemnly.

"Are you Jayden's driver?" Aubrey asked again. Xander was silent for a moment, then responded, "No."

"If you're not a driver, what do you work for?"

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"Seriously, not only is Jayden's family full of secrets, but your life is also full of secrets."

Aubrey expresses her thoughts. Xander just kept quiet, not saying anything. After a few minutes, they arrived at Aubrey's big and luxurious house.

"Are you sure you live here?" Xander asked, and Aubrey looked around.

"Yes, this is my house. Why?"

"I thought you were just an ordinary girl. But a princess? A beautiful princess."

"P-Princess? B-Beautiful? Don't speak nonsense. I, I'm not a princess. I'm just enjoying living a simple life. Thank you, Xander. See you again. Drive carefully." Aubrey got off the car hurriedly because she felt embarrassed being called a beautiful princess. Xander was confused. What's wrong with her? Why is she stuttering? Did I say something that offended her?

He shook his head and then drove away from the place.

While sleeping at night, Ember dreamed she saw a lot of blood. She saw scratches everywhere; she saw bleeding fangs; she saw white fur. She saw Jayden run screaming in pain, leaving her with a bloody body. In that dream, Ember chases Jayden and he disappears from her view.

Jayden woke up from his sleep because he heard Ember's voice. He looked at her. She was talking in her sleep and crying. He awoke Ember because he was concerned about her condition.

"Hey, wake up, wake up. It's just a dream."

Ember woke up and sat down. She looked around and saw Jayden next to her with a worried face looking at her. Ember hugged Jayden while she was crying. Jayden is taken aback as Ember hugs him, but he knows Ember is having a nightmare.

"It's okay, it's just a dream. You're having a nightmare." Jayden tried to persuade Ember by patting her back gently. After being persuaded by Jayden, Ember fell asleep again, hugged by Jayden.

Jayden slowly laid Ember down with him. Ember hugged Jayden tightly while she was sleeping. All night, Ember slept hugging Jayden. Jayden didn't mind being hugged by her, and together they continued their sleep.

Jayden woke up early, and Ember was still asleep. He looked at Ember, who was still sound asleep. He didn't want to wake her up, so he just remained silent and unmoved.

After a few minutes, Ember woke up and opened her eyes slowly. She was semi-conscious. She felt like she had touched something. She stroked it because she wanted to know what she was touching. She opened her eyes wide and saw her hand touching someone's chest. Because her mind isn't fully awake, her hand is still on Jayden's chest. She keeps stroking his chest because it feels hard.

"Does it feel good to touch my chest?"

When Ember heard a voice, she pulled her hand quickly. She was startled as she saw Jayden staring at her. Ember got up and sat down on the bed.

D-Did I just stroke his chest? This is embarrassing.

They looked at each other. Ember was panicked and quickly apologized to him.

"I... I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I... I touched and hugged you. Maybe you felt uncomfortable." She replied with a guilty face and embarrassment. Jayden sighed and got up from the bed.

"What do you want to apologise for? Isn't it normal for married couples to touch each other?" Jayden responded with a slightly disappointed tone in his voice.

"Jayden, I don't mean that. I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Ember tried to explain.

"No, I don't," Jayden replied solemnly, and went into the bathroom.

Ember sighed after Jayden left her alone. Have I made him upset? But it's true that I'm worried that he'll feel uncomfortable. But why did he react that way?

My body ached all over. Is it because Jayden and I slept in each other's arms or because I was in the wrong sleeping position? Ahh... The root reason is the same.

Ember laid herself back on the bed. She experienced physical aches, which made her unwilling to go to work today.

Jayden came out of the bathroom, and he was dressed. He saw Ember still lying on the bed.

"You didn't go to work today?"

Ember just shook her head.


"I... I felt like my whole body hurt."

"Fine, just stay at home if you don't feel well. If you need anything, tell the housemaid."

Ember nodded her head without saying anything and closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Jayden looked at her. Is it because she and I slept in each other's arms that made her body hurt? Then I'm wrong for being upset with her early in the morning. Apparently, her body was uncomfortable.

He wanted to apologize, but Ember was sleeping, and then he just left the room with a guilty feeling.

A few hours later, while sleeping, Ember receives a phone call from her friend Megan. She woke up and picked up the phone.

"Hello, Megan."

"Good morning, Ember. Are you free today?"

"Yes, today I'm just staying at home. Why?"

"Oh, great. I want to invite you to come to my resort. I really miss you and Aubrey. But just now, I called Aubrey. She can't come. Can you come?"

"Hmm, let me ask my husband first."

"What! Are you married?"

Megan was surprised to know that Ember was already married.

"Yes, Sorry, because I can't invite you to my wedding."

"It's okay. Give me your answer later, okay?"


After they hung up the call, Ember wanted to call Jayden, but she just realized. She doesn't have Jayden's contact number.

"Oh my, I don't have his contact number. What should I do? Oh right, I can ask his mom."

Ember sends a text message to Camilla, asking for Jayden's contact number.

"Hi Mom, may I ask for Jayden's contact number? I forgot to ask him.

"Okay dear, this is his contact number, xxxxxxxxxx."

"Thank you, Mom."

"You're welcome."

After getting Jayden's contact number, Ember called Jayden. At the time, Jayden was in the office, looking at his phone. There was an unknown number that appeared on his phone screen. "Hmm... whose number is this?"

Without hesitation, he picks up the call.


"Hello, Jayden, it's me, Ember."

Jayden was shocked after hearing Ember's voice. He didn't think Ember would call him.

"Ah... It's you..."

"Jayden, I want to tell you that my friend from Holokai Island invited me to come to her resort. May I go there?"

Jayden pauses for a moment because he's not sure what to say. If I'm not allowing her, what if she thinks I'm trying to control her life? We're just married, but she wants to go there.

Jayden hesitated to say yes, but he still allowed it.

"Yes, you can go."

"Okay, thank you."

Ember replied happily and hung up the call. After putting off the call, Jayden sighed. He didn't want her to go, but he didn't want her to think he was trying to control her life. He just feels bad because she went somewhere far away alone.