

Episode 3

"I'm so sorry Chloe, but we have to leave"


After the earlier familiar feeling I was back to my body again.

She grabbed my wrist and we walked to the car, she was looking so sad. I wonder what happened.

She ignited the car and started driving. Sorry, I meant speeding like we are being chased.

"Can you tell her to stop driving like this, I can feel my heart jumping out of my chest" Zoe whimpered like she is the one with the body, tch.

"Wait, are you scared of dying?"

"Of course I am, you nitwit, now tell her before I do that myself" she said

I rolled my eyes, and stared at Sandra's half face. She looks scared, what happened? I wish I could read her mind and know what she is thinking. "If only I could wish" I thought with a sigh

She parked the car swiftly at the far end of our streets, she looked at me worriedly before opening the car door and getting down. She glanced around, before turning her head to me and telling me to get down, I did as she said as she started moving while I followed suit.

We took the back path that led to our residence.

With her help I was able to get into the house, climbing the wall. She told me to get some stuff from her drawer. I walked into her room and got the document. I gently climbed down too with her help. She heaved a sigh of relief when she saw me.

We got into the car and started our journey. Weird, Zoe has been excited since we started this unknown journey, so many things I didn't know about this being living rent free inside me.

After so many U-turns and speed driving the car came to a halt at the roadside.

She sighs as she rests her head on the steering wheel weeping silently. I stared at her with a blank expression, what is going on?

Her phone rang for the umpteenth time and she decided to answered who it was this time

She cleaned her tears and said "it's over Nick, await to hear from my lawyer" and hung up.

Okay, what is going on between Nick and Sandra, the Campbell used to be the sweetest family I've come across. So what will cause this breakup?.

She roared the engine to life again and started driving.

"Chloe" someone tapped me, I gently opened my eyes, I think I slept off while she was driving. I looked around, and we were at the gas station.

"I figured you must have been so tired and famished, so I got you some snacks, this will help with your hunger" she said, stretching the snacks to me while I stared at her blankly.

"You could make use of the bathroom you know, we still have a few hours left and it will soon be night time" she said, but I wasn't having all of that, I kept staring as if I could see through her, at least I needed to know what was going on.

When she gets the memo she starts.

"I know you're confused and at least need an answer to your questions. I promise to tell you everything and answer them once we arrive, okay?" She said

I sigh "And besides, you owe me an explanation on what you are doing outside the school premises during school hours" she said with a smile it ain't real, I know.

I sighed again, "it's okay baby everything will be fine I promise" she said with a cracked voice then engulfed me in an unexpected hug.

Few tears dropped on my clothes. I knew it's from her, so I hugged her back.

After some minutes of the hug she finally let go

"I'm sorry, I can be emotional sometimes, you should go make use of the bathroom. I know you're pressed, you make that face whenever you are seriously pressed, I don't want piss smell in my car" she joked.

"Seriously? We don't pee on our pant" Zoe grumbled.

"Can't you see she's joking, so much for being a seer" I said.


I was munching on my snacks while Zoe kept blabbing about some old story of herself like she always does.

I kept my gazes outside the window staring at the green leaves full of life when something caught my attention. Wait, that looks familiar, I quickly bring out my journal, flipping through it faster than ever. It matches.

"Zoe, it matched!" I exclaimed

"Hmm hmm" she said uninterestedly. Seriously, why does she always see things then leave it for me to figure out?

"Tch" I hissed

"Come on, how do you know we are coming here?" I asked again, to find out what I'm doing here, and maybe it's her mission and have planned this long ago

"Yaay, we are finally here, within 30min we should be home" Sandra said enthusiastically, interrupting the questioning I'm having with Zoe.

"I told you, you don't belong there, but here is where you long, fate will always bring you back to your root no matter what" she said to me.

I think about what she says, "I don't belong there but here, and fate will always bring me back"

"But why would fate bring me to the orphanage in the first place, and make me pass through that hell in school, and also I couldn't speak because of all the crazy and scary things you see without people calling me crazy and possessed, huh?"

"That is not for me to answer, just know that why we are here, and what you are going to become here, is your fate and no matter how much you tried running away from it, you will keep coming back"

"Do I look like someone that is running away from it?"

"Well you are not accepting it, let me make it clear, this is who you are!"

WELCOME TO THE LAND OF WALES, the sign board read.


The car came to an halt 40 mins later I stared at the house in front of us, a man standing outside already like he has been expecting us, or maybe he knew we were coming

"Of course, he knew". Zoe said

We alighted from the car as Sandra ran to give him a warm hug. I stand behind the car with my backpack on my shoulder staring at the duo. After the brief hug that seems to have lasted for forever He finally noticed me.

"She is the one you talked about?" He said facing me

"They already talked about me, Great!?"

"Yes, she is, remove your shades Chloe be polite" she said

"Wow, how are you dear" he said after I've done what she said

"And, she is not much of a talker" she bolted in, stressing the And.

"I understand" he replied

"Well you don't" I thought

"Don't worry once you have fully settled down you will be fine and soon you will be free with everyone." he said

"And you should meet my son he should be your age mate" he said while we proceeds inside

"Paul, our luggage" Sandra said

"Don't worry about it, Sean and?" He said facing me

"Chloe, her name is Chloe" Sandra said quickly

"Yeah, sorry I forgot Sean and Chloe can take it right?" He asked facing me

"Oh, don't ask me!" I said in my Mind

"Sean!" He called

"Come on, where is this silly boy?"

"Hey Dad, aunt Sandra, it's been ages " he said excitedly

"Ages? The last time I saw you was when you're a year old I think"

"So I don't think we've gotten acquainted enough right?" She added

"Well don't blame me, Dad and mum used to talk about you all the time while pointing at a picture of you in that family portrait" he said pointing at the portrait.

"And also it's still ages"

"Come on Sean, don't mind that silly boy"

"Hey there pretty" he called out to me

"Her name is Chloe and she is your sister, so enough of the flirting" Paul said with an eye roll

"I wasn't even flirting"

"You should help her with their luggage outside they will be leaving tomorrow morning"

"Oh, okay, I thought they are here to stay"

"Of course they are, Right Sandra?


"You see, now out you, I and Sandra here have a lot to catch up on, I wish your mum is here she will be so hype up to see her.

"What do you mean?, where is she?" Sandra asked worriedly

"What Happened to Emily?" She added

"She is gone"

"What, Emily is gone!?"

