Twenty -three

Episode 23

Chloe's pov…

I got out of mum's car after waving her goodbye and striding to my locker.

"Hey" Kye greeted and I smiled at him

"Morning, and thanks for yesterday"

"Oh, it's not…"

My sudden groaning interrupted him as I fell to my knees and clutched my ear and groaned in pain as the high-pitched ringing started again.

He stoops low to my height and asked "are you okay?" I heard faintly and I was nodding my head when I was drawn back by an unknown force from reality.

I opened my eyes to meet a pitch-black environment. I shuddered and closed it back, "I'm I blind this time around?" I thought as I dropped my hand from my ear and opened my eyes back, I adjusted my eyesight seeing that it was dark in


"Don't be scared, I can turn on the light for you if you want." Kyle's voice suddenly sounded across the room.

"Where are we?" I asked.

The light flicked on as I took in my surroundings

"The basketball court?" I muttered