Chapter 7: Rules

-Molly’s POV-

I looked up at Scott, unable to believe that he was right in front of me. Even more shocking was that the man in front of me looked nothing like the Scott that I knew. His hair was not slicked back in his normal stern fashion that wouldn't dare to have a strand out of place. It was rowdy and unruly, slightly curling around his face. I took in the tight ripped jeans and the buttoned white shirt that hung loosely around his body. The sleeves were rolled up to show off his slightly tanned forearms and an intriguing tattoo I had no idea he had.

This was not the Scott that I was used to, and just looking at him sent a wave of heat through me. I had always been slightly attracted to him, but this man before me was so hot that I couldn’t keep my eyes off him.

“Scott… what are you—”

“Excusez-Moi, who the hell do you think you are, Monsieur? How dare you speak to my slave?!” Jean-Pierre snarled at Scott.

Scott glared at him as if he couldn’t believe that Jean-Pierre would dare speak to him like that.

“I will speak to her if I want to. Stand up, Molly,” Scott snapped at me.

I started to stand, but Jean-Pierre put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me down so hard I felt my knees hit the ground painfully.

“She will not stand unless I say so. I suggest that you back off, Monsieur. You have no right to be interfering with my slave and me,” Jean-Pierre stated defensively.

I gritted my teeth and glared at Jean-Pierre. I was really getting tired. “I am not you—”

“Silencieuse,” Jean-Pierre snapped at me. “You were not given permission to speak. I will get rid of this bâtard.”

Jean-Pierre stood up and stepped around me until they were face to face. Jean-Pierre might have been an inch or two taller than Scott, but he was definitely less intimidating. As I watched the silent standoff, I couldn’t help noticing that Jean-Pierre seemed a little intimidated. But I could see him physically push it away and stand even taller.

He wasn’t about to let Scott get the best of him.

“I would like to see you try,” Scott challenged him.

It looked like it would come to blows, and I needed to stop it. I started to stand when another man came up behind Scott, putting his hand on Scott’s shoulder.

“Scott! Wait! Stop!” the man told him.

Scott brushed the man off, but the man refused to go away. “Scott! You know the rules! You cannot interfere. Not unless she uses her safeword, or you are SURE that he mistreated her.”

Scott turned to the man and growled something to him, but the music was too loud for me to hear it.

“It doesn’t matter who she is, who he is, or even who you are. Even Eric could not interfere without some provocation. He wouldn’t break the rules, and you can’t either. If you continue... you may have to leave,” the man warned.

“Damn it, Laurent. I can’t sit here and watch this,” Scott declared.

“Then go back to the bar with Esme,” Laurent told him, pointing behind them.

I leaned up slightly and saw an absolutely gorgeous woman in an outfit that made mine look absolutely prudish in comparison. Jealousy sparked and began to burn a hole in my gut as I looked at the woman. She was staring a little too hard at Scott and seemed a little too familiar with him.

I snarled quietly, but no one listened to me.

I looked up at Scott getting ready to say something, but his eyes silenced me. He was furious with ME, as if this was all my fault.

Which it was… but there was no reason he needed to be so angry at me. It wasn’t like I had ASKED Jean-Pierre to bring me here.

I just didn’t argue when he did.

But that doesn’t mean I brought this on myself! My back straightened, and I glared at Scott, trying my best to let him know that I didn’t appreciate how he was looking at me.

His eyes slowly slid down my body and made it clear that he could see everything from where he stood.

A flush went up my body, and I suddenly felt even more on display than before. Scott was not even pretending that he didn’t notice the lacy black thong shown off by my position. I was embarrassed… but turned on as well.

Scott’s eyes moved back to my own, and I saw the matching desire burning in them. I dropped my gaze to the floor at his feet, and I could have sworn that I heard him give a low growl. I didn’t dare look him in the eye once again, and I kept my eyes on his shoes, trying hard to ignore the roiling feelings deep inside me.

“I’ll be watching,” Scott said in a low voice.

I wasn’t sure if he was talking to Jean-Pierre or me. But the warning in his words was clear and not to be dismissed. I watched as his feet spun around and then walked away.

Suddenly, I felt more alone than I had ever been. No one would come to my rescue, and I didn’t even know how to ask for help, even if I wanted to.

“Jean-Pierre, may I speak with your sub for a moment?” the man named Laurent asked him.

“Oui, Maître Laurent,” Jean-Pierre replied graciously.

A man squatted down in front of me and looked into my eyes. His dark eyes were kind as he stared into mine.

“Mon mignon,” the man spoke softly. “Are you good?”

I wanted to say no. I was dying to tell this man no, but one look at Jean-Pierre, and I couldn’t say anything.

He was not happy about anything that had happened and blamed me for it. I was blaming myself for it. I felt woefully unprepared for this club and hadn’t even bothered to ask any questions about what I should have expected.

I wouldn't even begin to know what question I needed to ask.

Obviously, Scott thought the same thing, since he had just walked away from me when I needed him most.

“Mon mignon,” Laurent spoke again, a little sharper to get my attention.

“Yes,” I replied quickly and dropped my gaze away from his face. “I am fine.”

I caught sight of his face out of the corner of my eye and couldn't help but notice he didn’t seem to believe me. But he didn’t call me out on it.

“Very well, ma choupette. I am Master Laurent, and I will be over by the bar with Master Scott should you have a need. And if we are not available, simply say red or rouge. That is the most common safe word in the world. Everyone will know what you mean. Oui?” Laurent told me softly.

“Oui,” I replied quietly.

Laurent put his finger under my chin and made me look him in the eyes. “Mon Ange, when you are here, you need to show the Dom’s the proper respect. It’s oui, Maître Laurent or Yes, Master Laurent. Do you understand?”

“Oui, Maître Laurent,” I replied easily.

Laurent gave me a nod of approval. “Bonne Fille. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask.”

For a moment, I felt comforted, knowing someone would be watching. “Oui, Maître Laurent.”

Laurent gave me another nod. “Bien, I’ll leave you two to it.”

Laurent stood and walked away, leaving me alone with Jean-Pierre again, and I wanted to call him back. But my pride kept my mouth shut and my eyes down.

“Why did you not tell me you knew someone here?!” Jean-Pierre demanded as soon as Laurent was out of earshot.