Chapter 15: Scott's Offer

Molly’s POV-

I could hear the warning in Laurent’s voice loud and clear. It bothered me on a very deep level. I didn’t know much about Jean-Pierre, but it bothered me that he could be so awful that people were warning me about him.

I couldn’t believe that I had misjudged him so completely. But with Laurent’s warning and everything Jean-Pierre had said, it was obvious that I hadn’t seen the truth.

Jean-Pierre words had done more than embarrass me... they had infuriated me.

First, he had threatened Laurent, Scott, and Erick; he threatened to shut down the club and take as many people down with it as he could.

I wasn’t sure what he had meant by that, but it had bothered Laurent so much that I could almost FEEL the panic in him.

Then he had leaned in and whispered his vile little words in my ear.

It had taken him a few minutes, but he had finally put two and two together about Scott and I’s relationship. It wasn’t even that it bothered him all that much. It was that he wanted to be in Scott’s shoes. Jean-Pierre had made a crude comment about my desire to lie with my family.

I felt shame and disgust at his words. I was mostly ashamed by his suggestion and because he was right. I shouldn’t be attracted to Scott, shouldn’t desire him the way I did. Scott and I didn’t have blood between us, but I was still supposed to look on him as family.

But heaven help me, I didn’t. I saw many things when I looked at Scott, but family was not one of them.

“Molly,” Scott called as he put his hand on my shoulder.

My cheeks flushed as I realized that I had been staring at him. I looked away and took a step back, needing space between us.

“Molly, what did he say to you?” Scott questioned me gently. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so mad.”

I shook my head. “Nothing important. It’s alright. I’ve had a long night, and I think I’ll call a cab and head home.”

I started to walk away, but Scott grabbed my arm before I could go past him.

“Just hold on a second. Don’t be ridiculous, Molly,” Scott told me.

“Sc—” I stopped and looked at Laurent.

Scott asked for respect while we were at the club. I wouldn't be here much longer, but that didn’t mean I should ignore his request.

“Master Scott, I appreciate everything. But I don’t want to stick around anymore tonight. I just wanted to go home and sleep for a week,” I insisted.

Scott’s eyes softened even more. “I’m not telling you to stay here. I promise you don’t have to be here any longer than you want to be. But you don’t have to call a cab. I’ll take you home.”

Scott looked at Laurent, who nodded.

“Go ahead and take her home,’ Laurent told him. “Esme and I will take care of the place.” He nodded towards me. “This little one needs to go home and get some rest.”

Scott shook Laurents's hand and then guided me out of the club.

As much as I wanted to get away from everyone, I also just wanted to get home. I was too tired to argue with Scott. If he wanted to take me home, I would let him. But as soon as we hit the front door, I would go to my room and never come back out.

Scott helped me into the car and waited for me to buckle up before closing the door. He got into the driver’s side and moved to start the car, then sat back.

“What did Jean-Pierre say to you?” Scott asked.

I sighed and leaned my head back on the seat, wishing that I could erase the words in my head. “Nothing, Scott. I just want to go home.”

“Master Scott,” he corrected me.

I rolled my head over to look at him. “We’re no longer in the club, Scott.”

Scott gave me a slightly wicked grin. “True. But we aren’t exactly home, nor are we around people that would get upset if you did.”

“You asked me to remember your title AT the club. You didn’t say anywhere else,” I pointed out.

Scott shrugged. “I guess I just enjoy hearing you say it. But I see that I may have to be more specific about where to use my title.”

I didn’t want to say it out loud, but I liked hearing it as well. I loved how Scott treated me as a sub and that cocky smile on his lips that I had never really seen before. But with Jean-Pierre’s words still ringing in my ear. They continued to make me feel cheap and disgusted with myself. I just couldn't even think of it.

“Please… just take me home now,” I asked him, turning my head to look out the window.

Scott was silent for a few minutes, but with a huge sigh, he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

I vaguely saw the city going by as we drove to the rental house that we were staying in. Scott didn’t break the silence in the car, and I found myself extremely grateful for that. I was too deep in my own thoughts to try and keep up with any conversation that he could have made.

We got back to the house that was still dark and empty. It seemed we had managed to beat our parents home from their party. Not that it was unusual for them to be out late. I wouldn’t have been shocked if my mother didn’t come home until well after one o'clock in the morning.

I hurried out of the car and headed inside before Scott could stop me. But I didn’t get very far before he caught up and grabbed my arm.

“Molly, wait,” Scott called softly, pulling me to a stop.

“Scott, I’m exhausted, and I just want to go to bed,” I reminded him, keeping my eyes on the ground.

“You can in a moment,” he promised and pulled me close as he put a finger under my chin to make me look up at him.

I tried hard to hide what I was feeling, but I knew he still saw it. I had never been very good at hiding my emotions, especially from Scott and his damned piercing eyes.

“I’m not going to push you to tell me what Jean-Pierre said to you that would make you so angry. But I want you to know that I am here for you if you want to talk. That man is horrible and definitely not worth your submission… But should you wish… if this is something that you REALLY want… I can—” Scott seemed to choke on his words, and I gave him an odd look. “I can h-help you find someone who will take care of you.”

My eyes widened in disbelief at his offer. I thought he would be glad to see me out of his club, and after what Jean-Pierre had pulled tonight, I wasn’t entirely sure I wanted to go back. But here Scott was, offering me the opportunity to satisfy the curiosity that I’d had before everything had happened.

“You’d really do that?” I breathed out in shock.

Scott closed his eyes for a moment, then nodded. “Yes. If you really want to learn everything there is to learn about BDSM, then… then I will introduce you to a few Doms that would help you AND keep you safe.”

A broad smile broke out across my face, and I couldn’t stop myself from throwing my arms around his neck.

“Oh, my god! Thank you! Thank you! Oh my god, thank you, Scott!” I exclaimed happily.

I felt Scott stiffen slightly and realized, suddenly, that I was pressing myself against him rather intimately. But before I could pull away, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tighter against him.

I slowly pulled back and looked into Scott’s eyes. They had darkened with desire once more and were locked on my lips again. My heart pounded loudly in my ears, and my mind slowly seemed to melt as I forgot everything but the desire that rose once more inside me.