Chapter 60: First Day of Classes

-Molly's POV-

I slapped my phone several times to turn off the annoying alarm. I wasn't ready to get up and get away from the amazingly sexy dream that I was having.

Not to mention, I was deliciously exhausted from last night's activities. Scott had woken me up at three in the morning and helped me back to my room. He had left me snuggled in bed with a kiss on my forehead.

It sucked knowing that we could no longer be snuggled in the same bed since our parents were so close. But that was the way of things at the moment. Maybe in the future...

I sat straight up in bed as the thoughts in my head tumbled toward a future with Scott. Was I really considering more than just... sex? Of course, this was the first time I had sex outside of a traditional relationship. Maybe this was normal. Maybe, this was just the girly, childish side of myself protesting how... unusual the situation was.

That had to be it.