You I'll See/ The Beginning

"Hey" Kate called out to me,wanna go out?.

"Its fucking Saturday, I want to sleep in ( throwing the pillow over my head)"

"Get your sleepy ass up and get dressed am taking you to go see something fun"

"No!!! please let me be, please!"

"No, no, no, you are coming with me, i won't let you miss something so fun and cool because you want to sleep in;

Bella! Wake up please"

"OK,OK am up, if this stuff you wanna show me ain't as cool as you said it would be, am gonna kill you for disturbing my precious sleep"

"Don't worry it won't disappoint I promise"

I stood up on sure what to wear I scaled through the wardrobe looking for something casual to put on, hoping that would draw Kate's attention to the fact that I want to be left alone this weekend; A dash of skinny Jean's and hoodie should do the trick and a blue Adidas snickers completes the nonchalant look

"Is that what you are wearing?"

"Ya, if you don't like it, I could just stay at home"

"Hell no, even if you had sweatpants on and a swallow t-shirt, you are still coming with me"

"Ah,save me someone from my nerdy friend"

"Ya, am a nerd and i like it" she replied.

An hour in the cab felt like ten,Ya that's how tired i was and I tried to show it. I knew she saw right through my Bullshit and still ignore me.

The cab finally pulled to a stop, I saw the building and felt unease, it was an uncompleted industrial building; that looked more like a haunted house with weed's covering some part of it, and did I tell you I felt uneasy.

"Ok,what's this mysterious place you've brought me to, is it haunted, those kind of haunted house stuff?"

"To many questions, and no, it none of all those things you are thinking about" she said to me

"This place used to be a factory, they produced thing: organic skin care products, ocean breeze caramel soup"

"Ya i remember that, my aunt used it; it worked wonder's on her"

"Ya,many people loved their product but something terrible happened to the owner and know one has ever spoken about it up to now, and all of a sudden they just shot down."


"Ya, it was crazy,they had to fire over five hundred employees"

"That's crazy in deed, so what's here used for now?"

"Nothing really Mark's uncle was to sell it but haven't found any buyers yet so it just used as and empty industrial building and our secret location for a science project we've been working on;You remember the black out last semester, right?"

"Ya, the one that shot down all the schools power, (Laughing) it caused a lot of damage to the schools power supply and a lot of money was sent on the power station; they said it was the handy work of a bunch of science amateurs,"Wait" was it?!"

"Ya that one, it was coursed by the project we where working on, so we had to look for another location for it, so Va la"

"So you picked a maybe haunted building for it, go science!! (with a sarcastic tone)."

"Its not haunted i can prove that one"

"Ok, I believe you, but when shit starts popping out of this building, am out here"

"Deal" as we shaked on it

"So where's this project of yours?"

"Its this way, we're almost there"

Leading me towards a glass door, i couldn't help but wondered ...What's behind close doors!...

My Consciousness was called back to reality when a male's voice call out

"Where the hell I've you been, we've been waiting for you for two hours straight"

"Two hours, Fourth five minutes and twenty seconds to be presides" another said.