Hell No! / The Beginning

Woke up with the worst headache: it was the most ear ringing and on bearable migraine ever, wasn't even aware of my surroundings yet, it took me about thirty minutes to figure out i wasn't in LA anymore

"Where the hell am I?"

I thought out loud. I reached for my phone and there was know freaking cell service

...if only i stayed home this horror movie wouldn't have happened, i should listen to my guts more often...

As my mind wondered off in thoughts, I heard voices , it sounded like a woman's voices (two women to be precised) it sounded like an argument of some sort.

I payed more attention to their conversation; I thought (shot!. they ain't speaking English or any language I know of). I hid myself in a cave near the river as much as I could,so as not to be seen.

The two women came closer to the stream, to fetch their waters. I began to look around my surroundings in search for a better hideout, suddenly my mind drew my attention back to the details in the background.

it was quite beautiful, calm and peaceful. The women got a bit close to the cave I was able to see their faces, it looks like a mother and daughter, they looked Asian, dressed funny (that gown must feel uncomfortable!)the young one was maybe in her teens and kind of cute (the innocent kind of cute).

As the older woman fetched her pot, the young girl investigated her surroundings playfully, she came closer to the cave, the older woman called out and yelled something to her, she replied and continued her search to a tree a bit further from the cave, i watched carefully, it was a cherry blossom tree, it was beautiful, suddenly a snake from God knows where came out from one of the rocks near the bushs and almost beat her,I run out, tried fighting it off with what I learn't in camping one O one but she seem more terrified of me than the snake.

I tried to show her I wasn't a threat just the snake at the moment for being disturbed, I gave a little smile as I reached for a broken branch to drive the angry snake off, it wasn't taking no for an answer and kept hissing back at us, i pulled the young girl behind me keeping her in my protection, I reached for the snake as it aggressively throw itself at us in attack, i fling it off the cliff ( thats sittled) I thought to myself.

A bit of miss step I slipped and i fell onto the young girl, with both our weight doubled, we slipped off the edge and fell to the ground , my head hit the floor directly. I got up with speed, she seem frighten, I did my best to calm her down and show her I wasn't a threat to her with hand signs which I was grateful that it worked a little.

I moved forward to brush her hair blocking her face with my hands but I felt myself losing my balance, I felt light headed as i places my hands behind my head looking for something to keep me balanced (" Shit am bleeding!") my eyes became light. The young girl stared (a bit concussed) watching my movement as I searched for a spot to seat down, one wrong step on a slippery stone and it all went dark

I thought " Hell no, not again"