Sungjoo Village

I guess am not in LA anymore and the more days I spend in this new world the more I realize it; there ain't anyway of going back to my time, to my life, which is now my future.

A couple of white noise seem to draw my wondering thought back to reality. It's beautiful, the forest I was standing on; the scenery and everything , every single details «inhales» «exhales» down to air: it's perfect, natural, without blemish, it's earth.

Its been a week since I was taken in by the young girl and her mother, they treated my wounds and feed me back to health, they were a bit taken back at first due to my funny future: darker skin tone, funny hairstyle, talked funny, wore an unusual attire.

"I don't get" I thought " what are they saying?" Its kind of weird not being to understand them, they are saying something but I couldn't understand, it's better than two weeks ago: when I woke with the worst headache, the first sight I beheld was that of the young girl by my bedside attending to my wounds, she was frightened a bit but yet hopeful as though she did been waiting for me to wakeup.

She said something, all I could do was stear at her as I sat up right, she stood up headed towards the corner of the room, took water out of a clay pot and handed it over to me, she said something again but I couldn't understand, so she demonstrated what she wanted me to do: straightening out her hands and brought the cup close to her lips, I thought she did drink the water but she gave it to me and point that I should do the same.

"Oh!!, I should drink the water I asked?" Not really asking for any response but she nodded, like she knew the answer to my question.

As I spent time with them I realized that they were travelers on there journey to a better world. We came across new villages, new people on our journey. Its was fun, I got noticed right away been a foreigner in a strange land.

I found out her name was “Hyejin" (meaning "sunlight") she kept pointing to the sun as she tried to tell me and explain what it meant, it took me a week to finally get it.

I tried to tell her my name but we didn't get anywhere with that. She taught me some words and how to communicate a little, I found out in month with them what name suits me "Cho-Hee".

I was beginning to feel at home with the family but I knew, deep down I was yearning for my, It finally hit me one night that I might not be able to go back home: to mother, my younger brother, my best friend or to the people whom I cared about, I was stucked here,in the past with know way Of getting home.

We came across a new village «Sungjoo village» it was small but yet populated, beautiful people,amazing children. They were quite taken to me at first site, like every other village we came across.

The woman and her daughter decided to create their home here, it was convenient and stable, it was a peaceful village and everyone got along so well; and the fact they treated outsiders friendly was the key to getting me to stay.

...whispering in deep background... I can't believe I've spent a month here<how fascinating> I did never thought I'd last long outside my city gal life, hanging out with the guy's, my mom's home made pie, and partying, getting my ass fucked up by pretty boys, I miss getting drunk on weekends: don't get me wrong, they do have strong wine here too; it tasted funny the first time I tried it but it was pretty good, I guess you could say am home sick "hmm".

"Ahh, it's a beautiful morning, today's got to be great!" We got up early in the morning, ahead out into the woods or should I say forest «The earth was a lot beautiful and peaceful before humans began to shop her down to build their skyscraper and industrial buildings ».

Hyejin seemed pretty happy, I tried asking if something important was going down, then it struck me again, I seriously need to learn to communicate with this people, body language ain't gonna work all the time.

And I was right, the village women gather once in a month to head out fishing and this is gonna be the first time Hyejin and her mother are joining them, they invited me too.

"Cho Hee" Hyejin called out "lets go!"

The villagers seem to make the day a memorable one, I saw in Hyejin's face an expression I had never seen on her face since the first day I met her.

On our way from the river, we spotted a band of men, they seemed aggravated, Hyejin's mom and the other women tried to stay below and observe the situation before us, the pact the men were on, was our only way home.

They were not ready to move anytime soon, I was forced to ask but the women "shh'd" me as not to draw the attention of the men to us.

**Wait the can she, but can't speak English**

I began to pay close attention and right in front of our eyes all hell broke lose, few men dressed in special robe, were moving towards a particular man in a circlar motion to protect him from the battle but they were cut down and he was all alone only with a sword pointed right at him.

I knew then I couldn't let this man die right in front of me when I could have protected him, this wasn't what I was taught by my father to do, I was taught to protect the weak and defend the defenseless,I had to help, I had to do something.

I tried explaining to Hye and her mom that I would be back but Hyejin held me back in attempts to stop me, I gave her a reassuring smile hoping she believed it instead of my spoken words as I let go of her hands.

This is real, not a joke, not a cross play, it's real life, real battle, fight or die it's up to me, whatever move I make now will save his life or doom it, know turning back.

I held up a sword and began to strike, they seemed surprised at first, due to the moves I displayed, I was fast, I was thought to be fast and never give my enemy head way or an opening to strike back, the edge of my sword stuck deep into their bodies giving little to know seconds to guess my next attack on them, to me it felt like a game; I was used to this kind of game, battle games!, here and now I felt something I did never felt before, a surge of power running through my vines, that moves me forward.

As I got to my last victim, the blood running down the sword, felt as though it helped in lightning it's weight, I didn't kill a single man, but I cut them right were it would hurt them, where it did remind them everytime not to oppress another soul.

I saw the look in the young man's eyes, the way he stared at me in shock,or was it fear? He narrowed his eyes to the blood stained blade in my hands,I noticed his fear, as I gently tossed it aside.

"Cho Hee" I heard Hye call from behind, she ran to me fiercely and held me in her arms in a tight embrace, as she told me to my ears "let's go home".

"Who are you" the young man asked as he stared at me.